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1. With an air of _____________, the actor flung out her arm and waved at the door. 2. The scout leader ____________ the virtues of honor and truth. 3.

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Presentation on theme: "1. With an air of _____________, the actor flung out her arm and waved at the door. 2. The scout leader ____________ the virtues of honor and truth. 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. With an air of _____________, the actor flung out her arm and waved at the door. 2. The scout leader ____________ the virtues of honor and truth. 3. Her latest poems attempt to ________ the secrets of the human soul. 4. The ____________ appeared ____________, without a home or any belongings. 5. During high school, passing French seemed an ___________ obstacle to my graduation. 6. Remember the _________ “haste not waste” and slow down! 7. The modern-style family room ___________ from the cozy style of the log cabin. WORD BANK Destitute Detracted Extolled Flamboyance Insuperable Maxim Plumb Vagabond WARM UP 9/10: On a scrap sheet of paper, fill in the blank. You do not need to write the whole sentence.

2 Parallel Structure Review

3 TYPE 1: LISTS This is the most common type you will see on an EOT or standardized test. All items or phrases must take the same form: Ex: Ashley likes to ski, to swim, and to jump. Ex: Joe likes singing, walking, and diving. Ex: Mary wanted to make sure that her presentation was made creatively, effectively, and persuasively. Ex: Some of my favorite foods are juicy apples, sour lemons, and tart kiwis.

4 Type 2: Same Pattern in Halves of a Sentence This type is more difficult, but is also very likely to appear on a test. In it, you must make sure that parts of a sentence that “talk” to each other are in the same form. This makes more sense in the context of examples: Ex: Succeeding is opening a new opportunity. NOT: Succeeding is to open a new opportunity. NOT: To succeed is opening a new opportunity. The verb “is” (or are, were, be, am…) indicates that what comes before and after are connected, so they have to be made parallel

5 Type 2 Continued NEITHER…NOR: you must have 2 equal grammatical items after neither and after nor. Ex: Julio’s behavior shocked neither the maid who cleaned the room nor the valet who brought room service.

6 TYPE 2 CONTINUED TRY THIS NEITHER…NOR on your on: Ex: Neither the unhappy man with the cold soup nor the irate woman with an empty glass of iced tea could get the waitress’s attention, for she was too busy flirting with Jose. Is it parallel? If not, make it parallel.

7 TYPE 2 CONTINUED Answer: YES! It is parallel-- Ex: Neither the unhappy man with the cold soup nor the irate woman with an empty glass of iced tea could get the waitress’s attention, for she was too busy flirting with Jose.

8 Type 2 Continued EITHER…OR: works the same way. You must have 2 equal grammatical items after either and after or. Try this one: Ex: Josh thinks Annie is the most beautiful woman in Springfield, so he has no interest in dating either Solita or going out with Reva. Is it parallel? If not, what would make it parallel?

9 Type 2 Continued Answer: NOT PARALLEL Josh thinks Annie is the most beautiful woman in Springfield, so he has no interest in dating either Solita or going out with Reva. To fix, simply remove “going out with” Ex: Josh thinks Annie is the most beautiful woman in Springfield, so he has no interest in dating either Solita or Reva.

10 Type 2 Continued NOT ONLY…BUT ALSO: When you use not only…but also, you must have two equal grammatical items after each signal phrase. Ex: Solita has packed an orange not only for herself but also for Josh. NOT: Solita has packed an orange not only for herself but also Josh.

11 Type 2 Continued Try this NOT ONLY…BUT ALSO on your own: Josh neglected not only to thank Solita, but he also gave a sip of orange soda to Reva, Solita’s rival. Is it parallel? If not, how do you fix it?

12 Type 2 Continued Answer: NO Josh neglected not only to thank Solita, but he also gave a sip of orange soda to Reva, Solita’s rival. Correct Ex: Not only did Josh neglect to thank Solita, but he also gave a sip of orange soda to Reva, Solita’s rival. There isn’t a complete phrase after “not only”, like there is with “but also” Notice subject comes in between “but” and “also”. This is almost always true. Notice past tense verb is changed to “did… present tense verb ” after “not only.” This is always true.

13 Type 2 Continued These are tricky, try one more on your own: Not only did Malinda squeal at the sight of the beautiful bouquet, but she also was tearing open the box and eating chocolates all the way to the restaurant. Is it parallel? If not, make it parallel. Write the answer in your notes.

14 Type 2 Continued Answer: Not Parallel Not only did Malinda squeal at the sight of the beautiful bouquet, but she also was tearing open the box and eating chocolates all the way to the restaurant. Fixed: Not only did Malinda squeal at the sight of the beautiful bouquet, but she also tore open the box and ate chocolates all the way to the restaurant.

15 1. PE is __________ unless you have a medical excuse to skip it. 2. Showers were _____________ throughout the day, although the forecast promised sunshine. 3. He tried to __________ his father into lending him the car. 4. Some teenagers feel ____________ when they get their driver’s license. 5. The drop in interest rates gave ________ to the real estate market after last year’s sales slump. 6. The smiling _________ of a young girl looked out from the portrait. 7. Many football players _________ the replacement of real grass with AstroTurf. WORD BANK Bewailed Emancipated Impetus Intermittent Obligatory Visage Wheedle Warm Up: 9/11—On a scrap sheet of paper, fill in the blank. You do not need to write the whole sentence.

16 WARM UP: POP QUIZ Complete the pop quiz on your desk. No peeking at others’!

17 Prepositional Phrases

18   Take notes in your notebook, or on your parallel structure and prepositional phrase handout from last week.  Describes something, someone, or an action in a sentence.  Takes the form of a preposition, followed by a phrase that completes the description.  Ex: The assignment is on your desk.  I am going with my friends.

19 about above across after against along amid among around as at before behind below beneath beside between beyond by despite down during except following for from in inside into like minus near of off on onto opposite outside over past per plus since than through to toward towards under underneath unlike until up upon versus via with within without

20 Complete the practice exercises in your notes : WRITE THE WHOLE SENTENCE

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