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Clauses within clauses An overview tt. Some terminology… Clause = (Subject) VP (Adjuncts) Main clause = Subject VP (finite) (Adjuncts) Sentence = Main.

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Presentation on theme: "Clauses within clauses An overview tt. Some terminology… Clause = (Subject) VP (Adjuncts) Main clause = Subject VP (finite) (Adjuncts) Sentence = Main."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clauses within clauses An overview tt

2 Some terminology… Clause = (Subject) VP (Adjuncts) Main clause = Subject VP (finite) (Adjuncts) Sentence = Main clause Sub(ordinate) clause = (Complementizer +) clause

3 Structural positions and functions of sub-clauses (1): Sentence-Level SubCl S =Main Cl VP SubjectPredicateAdverbial Aux [+Finite] V´ V Adverbial

4 Structural positions and functions of subclauses (2): Phrase-Level XP X´ X SubCl Adjunct Complement Specifier - where XP = {NP, VP, AP}

5 S VP S´ ComplS NPVP Aux [±Finite] V´ For That John to should abandon his post is unthinkable Subject

6 S VP S´ ComplS NPVP Aux [-Finite] V´ Ø Ø {To | -ing}abandon one’s post is unthinkable Subject

7 Sub-clause categories S´ = (Compl +) S I thought (that) you knew him I wonder if you knew him I‘ve known him since he was a boy (Compl +) VP I saw him come towards me Walking very slowly, he seemed distressed For him to be unhappy was unususal It was unusual for him to be unhappy (S I made him stop)

8 Types of nominal sub-clauses:  Finite +Finite That anyone should suffer from that surprises me I even know what he is suffering from Declarative I know that he is ill Interrogative I wonder if a cure can‘t be found In fact, I wonder what is being done about it

9 Types of nominal sub-clauses:  Finite -Finite Infinitive-Cl To know her is to love her I want you to be there It is strange for John to be late Gerund (-ing)-Cl Being on time is not one of his strong points It was nice seeing you there I saw him coming towards me

10 Extraposition S S NPVP Itwas niceseeing you there S VP was niceSeeing you there

11 Types of adjectival sub-clauses: +Finite Relative clauses (Post-Modifiers of N) I knew [ NP the man who came to see you] I know [ NP who(m) that man came to see] Restrictive vs. non-restrictive relative clauses The Chinese [who are industrious] are running Hong Kong - either ‘the industrious subset of Chinese’ or ‘the Chinese – who by the way we know are (all) industrious’

12 Types of adjectival sub-clauses: -Finite Relative Present participle clauses I know [ NP that man running down the street] I know [ NP the man run down by that taxi] Relative Past participle clauses Relative Infinitive clauses He is just [ NP the man to do the job]

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