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Flood control on the Odra – case study Domaszków - Tarchalice

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1 Flood control on the Odra – case study Domaszków - Tarchalice
Piotr Nieznański, WWF Poland


3 Despite river improvement:
valuable forest and meadow biotopes along the Odra Riparian forests on the Odra, still in good condition, are one of the most valuable in Europe

4 The flood of 1997

5 – can we expect a new approach to flood control ?
The flood of 1997 – can we expect a new approach to flood control ? The reality: construction and modernisation of reservoirs modernisation and raising of dikes construction of flood channels plans of further regulation: dams and more dams floodplain restoration is forgotten ?

6 The Odra Floodplain Atlas
Data base accessible to all GIS

7 Natural floodplain area of the Odra - more than 3600 km2
Viable floodplains today just 970 km2 (27 %) Lack of effective mechanisms for floodplain protection is responsible for growing pressure (intensification of agriculture, rural and urban development) On the Odra the importance of floodplains for flood control is appreciated only on paper, very little is done to restore and protect them.

8 Bieliszów – Lubów km 346 – 352 Unhappy example : after turkey farming on the planned retention area Bieliszów – Lubów

9 Domaszków – Tarchalice
km 319 – 326,5

10 Domaszków – Tarchalice
km 319 – 326,5

11 Domaszków – Tarchalice
km 319 – 326,5

12 Domaszków – Tarchalice
km 319 – 326,5

13 Domaszków – Tarchalice
km 319 – 326,5

14 Moving back the embankment (km 319 – 326.5)
Benefits to nature and economy: Good conditions for floodplain regeneration Permanent natural retention area of 670 ha Area drained and flooded without technical interference New dike - lower (built on the river terrace), safer (situated outside the forested area)

15 Domaszków - Tarchalice
Case study Domaszków - Tarchalice Forest management Water management Nature protection Land reclamation Self - governments

16 90 % of the area is under forest, 55 % of it are riparian forests /grey colour/
14 main types of biotopes: 8 natural river valley biotopes 3 semi-natural 3 anthropogenic

17 Risk analysis for forestry
hydrology soils relief ecosystems

18 Future action: Feasibility study for dike removal Introducing adjustments into existing flood control and physical planning Securing funding for the dike removal by applying to national and EU sources (in cooperation with the self-government of Wolow Commune, Water Management Authority and Forestry Authority)


20 Ecological relevance of floodplains and their interconnectivity
Floodplains cover approx % of the land surface (in central Europe) But offer habitat for more than 50 % of all plant associations (based on Swiss data)

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