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Semper’s Leadership Workshop R.I.S.E. to the challenge of leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "Semper’s Leadership Workshop R.I.S.E. to the challenge of leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semper’s Leadership Workshop R.I.S.E. to the challenge of leadership.

2 Purpose The purpose of this workshop is to develop the leadership skills of members of TG using the face-to-face classroom training I have received during my lifetime.

3 Overview We will be covering: 1.) Defining a leader (the internal “mindset” of a leader) 2.) What makes a successful team 3.) Leaderships Tools (The external “behaviour” of a leader)

4 Overview 2 Each module will be introduced, a brief overview will be given for each module. The content of each module will be taught. Then, in line with the division, examples will be given from the prospective of a Squad Leader or Fire-Team Leader in the game of Battlefield 3.

5 Module 1 Module 1 is called “Defining a Leader”. It is all about the internal attitudes, thought processes and values that are required to becoming a successful leader in the real world. Without further delay, let’s begin…

6 Definitions I have 2 questions for you: * What are the differences between a Leader and a Manager? * What does a Leader do that a Manager does not? Please think about these for a few minutes.

7 Definitions A manager and a leader do what their names suggests… Manages and Leads. To manage something is to maintain it. To lead something is to trigger a change. As a bottom line: a manager maintains the daily running of a team, where as a leader aims to develop and progress a team in a new direction.

8 Definition (Manager) With regards to Squads in Tactical Gaming… A manager in TG would be most similar to a Squad Assistant position. This is where an individual would be tasked in completing PB’s and PPR’s as well as ensure any leagues (Fragged Nation for example) have been signed up to. A manager is mainly an administerive role.

9 Definition (Leader) A Leader, however, is similar to a parent of a child. They are concerned with the development and change of individuals and teams. They are always searching for opportunities to inspire growth. In T.G., this is demonstrated by S.L.’s and above!

10 Task Summarise in your head what you now understand as the difference between a leader and a manager Has anyone in your life inspired change in you?

11 It all starts with YOU!!! LEADERSHIP is not primarily about others, it is about you. It is about how you think, act, plan and respond to events in life. If you want to inspire change and growth, then it MUST start from within!

12 Leadership Values Over the next few slides, we will look at several important internal skills you must master to really become a great leader. You will start to realise some of the people you consider great leaders in life all demonstrate these to a large degree.

13 Leadership Values Almost all the required values for being a leader can be summarised into a four letter word. This word is R.I.S.E This stand for Respect; Integrity; Selflessness; Excellence. We will now discuss each of these.

14 Respect What does it mean to respect? Who does it mean to respect? Respect must be shown to others at all time AS WELL as to yourself. How do we go about achieving this?

15 Respect (1) At the end of the day, all of us are human and all of us have feelings. We all put work into the team; We all have good days; We all have bad days. As a leader, you need to appreciate people for what their life has made them and for the contribution they make to the team. This includes yourself!

16 Respect (2) You show respect by: 1.) Building Rapport- get people to like you by showing you are on the same wavelength as them and appreciate them. 2.) Treating situations maturely 3.) Following the next 3 Leadership Values

17 Integrity Integrity refers to possessing good core social values. Do you tell the truth always? Do you treat others and yourself fairly? Do you follow the rules?(…etc) As a bottom line, a leader must act as a role model for his entire team. You must behave as the ideal human being at all times.

18 Integrity (1) Examples of someone with integrity is as follows: “A person with integrity never lies and does whatever they can to ensure they think and behave in a morally just way at all times!”

19 Integrity (2) In T.G., someone with integrity would never purposely get an AWOL. They would respect the rules of the clan and follow the instructions of their CoC as they agreed to do so on sign up. They would respect others to the point where they put others before themselves (but without putting themselves at a loss).

20 Selflessness The definition of Selflessness is to be self-less (or without self). This refers to putting the needs of others before your own and is the quickest way to get the respect of others. However, you must aim to try and create a situation where you are not at a severe loss as this is bad in the long run.

21 Selflessness (Assertiveness) To be assertive is a method of always thinking “Win Win” This means you try to create situations where all individuals involved win (including yourself). If you put another person in a position of benefit, of which the good outways the loss to yourself, this is VERY POWERFUL! Look out for opportunities such as these!

22 Excellence Excellence= Pride Take pride in everything you do. Aim to be the professional in everything you do in life. 2 nd best is never good enough! Put 100% effort and energy into all tasks you do in life. Always do a task properly & pride in your work!

23 The Key Mindsets This next bit refers to how you should think. They are based on a book called “The 7 habits of highly effective people”. We have covered several of them already (RISE). These mindsets are vital in being the best person you possibly can.

24 Be Proactive! To be a success in life it is as easy as taking responsibility for everything that happens to you or others under your lead. Every physical and mental response (or lack of response) you have ever done in your life has defined you and your life so far. You are getting everything you deserve in life based on your current behaviour and attitudes.

25 Be Proactive! (1) If you start taking responsibility for how you respond to events that occur and your attitudes in life, this is called being Proactive. Instead of sitting down as a back seat driver, you grab the wheel and start changing things in life that are not ideal in your mind. This is difficult to master, but it all starts with a choice. Only you hold yourself back!

26 Task Start thinking of several things in life you are unhappy with at the moment! What makes you so unhappy about them? What can you do about it? Remember, even if you can’t change a physical state or someone else’s behaviour… you can always change how you respond to it!!!

27 Homework (for eternity) Be Proactive with regards to the value of “EXCELLENCE”! If you wish to always be the best at everything and anything you do in life, you MUST learn to constantly develop yourself! You can always be fitter; you can always be smarter; you can always be stronger and you can always care more! Start becoming self aware of skills you could improve. Read books, Watch videos & Study self-development!

28 “Perfection is not a destination or goal; it is a lifelong journey of discovering what you are truly capable of and ends with fulfilment!” (Quote by Semper Vincemus/Daniel Warburton 2012)

29 T.G. Battlefield Division With regards to being in the Battlefield division, Start studying the game using Youtube as a source of information. Watch tips and instructional videos & spend time in private servers practicing key skills such as shooting, movement or using vehicles Actively learn new skills and practice them in your own time. Take responsibility for your learning of the game and the skills you possess!

30 Assertiveness The second mindset has been mentioned briefly already. This is to always think Assertively. This is where you create situations where no- one is at a substantial loss! This is different from aggression (where you win at someone else’s loss) and passiveness (where you lose at someone else’s win).

31 Assertiveness More instruction on how to be assertive will be in module 3. For now, a basic method is to always think “Can we create a compromise or drop the issue all together?” Examples I’ve had of assertive thinking was to always think of how would someone feel or respond if I did a particular behaviour? Then I create the best possible outcome for all individuals involved!!!

32 Summary Normally at this point, there would be a summary of everything on the presentation to finish it. However, your task instead is to summarise the presentation verbally to a family member or friend online or offline.

33 Conclusion Today we have been introduced to the course and finished module 1. We looked at the internal attitudes, thoughts and values required to be an incredible leader in life. We gave some examples from the game of Battlefield. Module 2 is next in the course. Please sign up on the forums and post a review of module 1 on the forums too! This is to encourage others to sign up.

34 Thank you for coming, Any questions?

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