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Wednesday October 22 nd Lesson 8, Day 3 What plant grows near your home? Tell how it looks, feels, and smells. _______ grows near my home. It looks _______.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday October 22 nd Lesson 8, Day 3 What plant grows near your home? Tell how it looks, feels, and smells. _______ grows near my home. It looks _______."— Presentation transcript:


2 Wednesday October 22 nd Lesson 8, Day 3

3 What plant grows near your home? Tell how it looks, feels, and smells. _______ grows near my home. It looks _______. It smells _______. It feels _______. Objective: To listen and respond appropriately to oral communication.

4 Big Book of Rhymes and Poems- “Tommy” Objective: To develop the ability to listen for a purpose.

5 don’t her line Mr. new says water said was thanks now Objective - To read high frequenc y words

6 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending Objective: To blend phonemes into words.

7 Build Words th an ne in ick ink Objective: To build and blend words with /th/ th and other known letter- sounds.

8 Spelling Words then them this that path with ten get said was Objective: To read high- frequency words.

9 High Frequency Words don’t her line Mr. new says water

10 Details “Squeak and Pepper” *What art supplies did they find and use in the story? Objective: To identify story details.

11 Reading/Connections “Flowers Grow”

12 Small Groups When called go to your first rotation! Group 1 Group 3 Group 2 Objective: To use letter- sound knowledge to read decodable text. To develop fluency.

13 Robust Vocabulary duty envy resent Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations.

14 duty A duty is a job you have to do.

15 When you feel envy, you want something that someone else has. envy

16 You might resent someone if you feel that that person is being treated better, or more fairly, than you are. resent

17 Grammar The two boys went to the pond. Did my mom run up that hill? The girl went into the mall. Did my dad go to the bank? PeoplePlaces ____________ went to the ________________. Objective: To identify and read nouns.

18 Questions What is my job? How did that get there? The sentences ask for information. They often begin with words like who, what, when, where, why, or how. They begin with a capital letter and end with a question mark. Objective: To understand that questions are a kind of sentence that be used to find out information.

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