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Detector Systems Update MICO March 17, 2008. MICE Detector Systems  CKOV u Mississippi RAL  TOF0/1 u Hamamatsu PMT assemblies show an increasing.

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Presentation on theme: "Detector Systems Update MICO March 17, 2008. MICE Detector Systems  CKOV u Mississippi RAL  TOF0/1 u Hamamatsu PMT assemblies show an increasing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Detector Systems Update MICO March 17, 2008

2 MICE Detector Systems  CKOV u Mississippi Team @ RAL  TOF0/1 u Hamamatsu PMT assemblies show an increasing rate of failures (discharging tubes) under an heavy test cycle that includes cosmics for some days + laser pulses runs with signals ~MIP and rates up to 1 MHZ. This has implied changes to installed counters. Up to now 8 broken tubes (resent to Hamamatsu) + 10 discharging tubes (to be resent). No news from Hamamatsu about this problem. u Delivery schedule for TOF1/2 PMTs not matched by Hamamatsu.  Tracker u Work continues on AFEII firmware  Calorimeter u Tests and calibrations of KL are going on; u The mech. table, previously used for the assembling of KL modules, has been modified and reinforced to realize a provisional trolley to be placed temporarily at the tracker's place; it can support KL with his trigger counters and, if available, the SW prototype. u As soon as drawings of the second Virostek plate and, consequently, of the TOF2 shielding frame are available the construction of the final trolley for all downstream detectors can start.

3  Beam Monitors u Beam Monitors and electronics at London Heathrow u Fermilab Team arrives at RAL on 3/24 for installation and commissioning

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