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5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 1 The Data Link Layer.

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Presentation on theme: "5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 1 The Data Link Layer."— Presentation transcript:

1 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 1 The Data Link Layer

2 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 2 Link Layer in OSI Model

3 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 3 Functions Packet transfer services for network layer Handles network uncertainties –errors (error control) –channel capacity limitations (flow control) –transfer delays (protocols)

4 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 4 Services Connection-Oriented –open and close (virtual) channel –send and receive numbered frames –detect/correct errors and ACK/NAK frames Connectionless –send and receive frames –detect/correct errors –ACK good frames (if acknowledged service)

5 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 5 Connection-Oriented Services Services to open and close virtual data channel connection

6 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 6 Initiating a Connection Request –sender requests channel Indication – to recipient that channel needed Response – from recipient to accept/reject Confirm –acceptance/rejection of request

7 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 7 Error Control Data to be transmitted is embedded in frames Error control bits (redundancy) are computed from the data and added to each frame Computations upon reception detect (and possibly correct) errors Protocol deals with acknowledgement or retransmission of unacknowledged frames

8 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 8 Synchronization of Frames Asynchronous –transmitter clock is free running –receiver clock is free running –synchronized on each character transmission Synchronous –transmitter clock is free running –receiver clock is derived from bit stream (synchronous)

9 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 9 Start/Stop Framing (RS232C) each character is a “frame” of 10 bits start pulse synchronizes clock for frame clock drifts over frame interval stop pulse terminates frame excessive drift produces frame error (too few bits) or overrun error (too many bits) 2-bit framing overhead per character error control: parity bit possible

10 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 10 RS232C Framing

11 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 11 Character-based Framing Special control characters delimit frame –DLE STX (Start of TeXt) DLE ETX (End of TeXt) –or 01111110 for start + frame character count Error control bits grouped at end of frame Extra bits/characters “stuffed” into data stream upon arrival of special character in data (removed upon reception) Burdened by 2-bit overhead per character Advantage: error control by frames

12 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 12 Synchronous Framing Clock transmitted with data (Ethernet Manchester encoding uses XOR with data) Synchronous receiving clock generated from bit stream –permits long frames without clock drift –eliminates start/stop pulse overhead Bit pattern flags start of frame (7x 10101010) Frame length field specifies end of frame

13 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 13 Error Control Channel noise: random XOR with data bits Error occurs if result is valid code word Code word = data bits + check bits For Hamming distance d (Number of differing bits) between code words, d 1-bit errors will produce an undetected error distance 2d+1 needed to correct d errors

14 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 14 Polynomial Error Detecting Codes IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet) error correction is by means of Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) detection Use of these codes can result in a very low probability of undetected error, and many errors can be corrected without retransmission (forward error correction).

15 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 15 CRC-16 (not Ethernet standard) Detects all odd and double errors, 16-bit bursts, 99.997% of 17-bit bursts, 99.998% of bursts 18 bits and longer Uses 16-bit polynomial: X 16 + X 15 + X 2 + 1 or (1 1000 0000 0000 0101) 2 or (18005) 16 Usually implemented in hardware by shift register with XOR Undetected errors possible in large transfers

16 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 16 Ethernet - IEEE 802.3 CRC-32 Can detect and correct many errors Uses 32-bit polynomial: X 32 + X 26 + X 23 + X 16 + X 12 + X 11 + X 10 + X 8 + X 7 + X 5 + X 4 + X 2 + X + 1 or, (1 0000 0100 1000 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111) 2 or, (104811db7) 16

17 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 17 CRC Algorithm For I:= 1 to length(message) do If MSB of dividend=1 then (quotient would get 1 in that position) XOR divisor into dividend (Note: dividend padded with length(divisor)-1 zeroes) Shift dividend left one bit (SHL) End up with remainder in divisor, append to message instead of zeroes

18 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 18 Example Computation

19 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 19 Example - Perfect Reception

20 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 20 Example - Error in Bit-0

21 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 21 Example: IEEE 802.3 Data Framing

22 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 22 IEEE 802.3 Preamble Defines start of frame 7 bytes of 10101010 1 byte frame delimiter Synchronizes receiving clock

23 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 23 IEEE 802.3 Header Components Destination Medium Access Control (MAC) address –3 byte manufacturer code –3 byte product line serial number Source MAC address (same structure as destination address) Length of data (2 bytes)

24 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 24 MAC Address Format 6-byte address format used for source and destination addresses

25 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 25 IEEE 802.3 Data and Checksum Frame data (46 - 1500 bytes) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) checksum (32 bits) –for error control –can detect and correct errors

26 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 26 Flow Control Computers can generate data at rates higher than network can transmit them Data must be buffered Mechanism must be introduced to prevent buffer overflow

27 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 27 Source Control Source “hold” needed Methods –semaphore XON/XOFFcontrol characters used for software RS-232-C CTS RS-232-C hardware permission to transmit –byte count grant

28 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 28 Collisions (Ethernet) Frames transmitted from two sources at the same time can collide on a common bus network Solutions –retransmission with random standoff –redesigning network to use switched ports, instead of common bus

29 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 29 Ethernet Transmission Frames are transmitted sequentially in empty (no pulse stream) time slots If there is a collision, frames are retransmitted after random delay Retransmission continues until prescribed time limit is reached

30 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 30 Flow Control Protocols Protocols are rules for the management of data transfer at both ends of the line Examples –Simplex, or “Stop-and-Wait” –Sliding Window Go Back n Selective Repeat

31 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 31 Simplex - “Stop-and-Wait” Transmitter while(true) get packet from network layer frame it for transmission transmit frame Receiver while(true) wait for new_frame get frame from physical layer detect errors if not(frame_error) send packet to network layer else discard packet Note: No ACK or NAK of frames to transmitter

32 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 32 Petri Diagrams Used to diagram protocols –Places accept and hold tokens –Tokens activate transitions –Transitions triggered by external events can fire if one token at each input and outputs can each accept token

33 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 33 Petri Net Firing Rules Transition activated if all input places have token Each output place gets one token when transition fires Each input place loses one token upon firing

34 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 34 Use of Petri Diagrams Can illustrate simplex protocol Follow packets through system

35 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 35 Simplex Petri Diagram t1: get packet, t2: frame packet, t3: send frame Packets in buffer, t1 enabled

36 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 36 Simplex Petri Diagram t1: get packet, t2: frame packet, t3: send frame Packet obtained, t2 enabled

37 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 37 Simplex Petri Diagram t1: get packet, t2: frame packet, t3: send frame Packet framed, t3 enabled

38 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 38 Simplex Petri Diagram t1: get packet, t2: frame packet, t3: send frame Packet received, no acknowledgment necessary

39 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 39 Assumptions (Unrealistic ideal) Channel can accept packets at any rate There are no buffer space limitations Receiver is always ready Processing time can be ignored No packets are lost There are no errors

40 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 40 Improved “Stop & Wait” Transmitter while(true) if not(resend) get packet from network layer set ACK timeout frame for transmission transmit frame waitfor (event) if timeout or error resend:=true elseresent:=false Receiver while(true) wait for new_frame get frame from physical layer detect errors if not(frame_error) send packet to network layer return ACK frame to transmitter else return NAK frame to transmitter

41 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 41 Improved “Stop & Wait”

42 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 42 Get Packet

43 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 43 Frame Packet

44 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 44 Send Frame

45 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 45 Get Frame

46 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 46 Check Frame

47 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 47 Send Ack

48 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 48 Send Data

49 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 49 Receive ACK

50 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 50 Error Case Lost ACK frame Timeout remains activated After timeout, original frame retransmitted

51 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 51 Initial State

52 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 52 Get Packet

53 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 53 Frame Packet

54 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 54 Send Frame

55 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 55 Get Frame

56 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 56 Check Frame

57 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 57 Send Ack

58 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 58 Send Data

59 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 59 ACK Lost

60 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 60 Re-send Frame

61 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 61 Problems Frame error –no ACK sent –frame is resent –receiver must discard bad frame ACK frame lost or timeout (TMO) –frame is resent –two copies at receiver –receiver must discard redundant frame (frames must be numbered for this)

62 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 62 Positive Acknowledgment Frames contain sequence number (byte) Receiver ACKs correctly received frames –frame removed from transmit list –retransmission on loss of ACK Receiver NAKs incorrectly received frames –frame retransmitted and stays in transmit list –retransmission on loss of NAK Receiver discards redundant frames

63 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 63 Sliding Window Protocols n frames in buffer can be awaiting ACK frames have sequence numbers window defined of size less than addressable by sequence numbers frame queue needed, for windowed frames window slides forward as ACKs received

64 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 64 Sliding Window Transmitter Maintains list of frames to be transmitted until each acknowledged (window) removes ACK frames from transmit list retransmits NAK or TMO frames

65 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 65 Sliding Window Protocol Frames transmitted sequentially Each correct frame acknowledged No errors Dashed lines represent acknowledged frames

66 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 66 Sliding Window Receiver Maintains list of frames expected (window) discards duplicate frames sends ACK or NAK for received frames prepares packets for Network Layer and places them in correct order

67 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 67 Go Back n Process Window size = 1 Receiver sends ACK for good frames Receiver discards all frames after bad one Transmitter times out on non-ACK frames Transmitter retransmits from last ACK Receiver discards duplicates Good frames sent to Network Layer

68 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 68 Selective Repeat Protocol Unacknowledged frames retransmitted after timeout Acknowledged frames sent to network layer in order Inefficient, due to lack of overlap Frame 2 does not arrive Frame 2 retransmitted after timeout Frames 2-5 sent to network layer

69 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 69 Selective Repeat Window size = n Receiver sends ACK for good frames Receiver stores all good frames Non-ACK frames time out Transmitter resends non-ACK frames Window, filled with good frames, sent to Network Layer

70 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 70 Selective Repeat Protocol Acknowledged frames removed from retransmit list Unacknowledged frames retransmitted after timeout Reordering of frames may be required Frame 2 does not arrive Frame 2 retransmitted after timeout

71 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 71 Selective Repeat Protocol Acknowledged frames removed from retransmit list Unacknowledged frames retransmitted after timeout Multiple copies must be removed Frame 2 ACK lost Frame 2 retransmitted after timeout - 2 copies!

72 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 72 Selective Repeat with Buffer Simpler to implement (no queue) Adjustable window size

73 5/15/2015© 2008 Raymond P. Jefferis IIILect 04 - 73 Selective Repeat Protocol Unacknowledged frames retransmitted after timeout Acknowledged frames sent to network layer in order Frame 2 does not arrive Frame 2 retransmitted after timeout Frames 2-5 sent to network layer

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