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Published byRandolph Holmes Modified over 9 years ago
1 Mormonism Mormon Scriptures and Authority Introduction Since many of the doctrines taught by the LDS Church are not even eluded to in the Bible, it stands that there must be other sources for their beliefs. Upon close investigation, one will find that even the Book of Mormon does not contribute much to Mormon doctrine. Most teachings that are uniquely Mormon originate from either the remainder of their scriptures (Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price) or from their General Authorities (President/Prophet, Quorum of Twelve (Apostles), the Seventy).
2 Mormonism Mormon Scriptures and Authority Lesson Outline Overview of Mormon Scriptures General Authorities Overview of Mormon Scriptures KJV Bible Mormons use the King James Version of the Bible. The eighth of their Articles of Faith states, “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly.” As we noted earlier, this is only part of the Mormon view of the problems with the Bible. They also believe that the Bible was corrupted during transmission from the Apostolic days to later Christians. They also acknowledge that Joseph Smith produced his own version of the Bible (JST) and will occasionally appeal to it for support, but do not publish it, since another sect of Mormons (the Community of Christ) have the original.
3 Mormonism Mormon Scriptures and Authority Book of Mormon The eighth Article of Faith mentioned above goes on to say, “We also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.” Notice that there is no qualifying statement about correct translation. Brief Overview The Book of Mormon is claimed to be a “sacred record of the peoples in ancient America” covering a period from around 2000BC to 421AD. It is composed of 14 books and the “words of Mormon.” It tells of three migrations of people from the Middle-East to America. The first migration of the Jaredites supposedly occurred at the time of the tower of Babel. The story of the Jaredites is covered completely in the Book of Ether. They were instructed to build eight barges in which to sail to America. This journey took three hundred and forty four days. They occupied the land for many years and grew to number in the millions. In the end, their civilization was destroyed by war. The last survivor, Coriantumr, was found by the Mulekites sometime before 200 B.C.
4 Mormonism Mormon Scriptures and Authority BOM Brief Overview - Continued The last migration supposedly began in 586 B.C. when the Mulekites, led by the last living son of Zedekiah, Mulek came to America from Jerusalem. Although they lived in America during the same period as the Nephites and Lamanites, they did not encounter them until around 200 B.C. Their population became mixed with the Nephites. The second is said to have begun about 600 BC just prior to the fall of Jerusalem and ends in A.D. 421. A righteous prophet named Lehi is told by God to take his family and flee into the wilderness before the city is overthrown by the Babylonians. The family lives in the wilderness for eight years while making preparations to sail to the "Promised Land," identified by Joseph Smith as the American continent. One of the younger sons of Lehi, Nephi, builds a ship as commanded by God. He too is called to be a prophet and becomes the record keeper throughout this portion of Book of Mormon history.
5 Mormonism Mormon Scriptures and Authority BOM Brief Overview - Continued Since Nephi is righteous and willing to submit to God, he is favored over his two older, rebellious brothers, Laman and Lemuel. The brothers resent Nephi's assumption of authority over them and become increasingly hostile toward him. This eventually leads to a permanent separation after the death of their father, Lehi. As their populations grow, the Nephites and Lamanites, begin to engage in battles. Significant sections of the book are dedicated to the description of these conflicts. Through this period the Nephites go through several iterations of pride, wickedness, and repentance, but the Lamanites generally only increase in wickedness. At one point, however, the Lamanites do have a change of heart, turn to the Lord and become more righteous than the Nephites.
6 Mormonism Mormon Scriptures and Authority BOM Brief Overview - Continued Eventually Jesus appears in ancient America soon after his death and resurrection in Jerusalem. During His preaching to the Nephites, He brings a version of the Sermon on the Mount and several messages similar to those found in the Bible. Finally, He re-ascends into Heaven. After Jesus' departure the people resume their normal lives, and soon go back to their old ways of wickedness and strife. Within a few hundred years, the Nephites become wicked enough to warrant complete destruction. In the last great battle, the Lamanites wipe them all out with one exception, Moroni, son of the prophet Mormon.
7 Mormonism Mormon Scriptures and Authority BOM Brief Overview - Continued The Lamanites continue on and eventually become the ancestors of the American Indians. For the next couple of decades, Moroni hides out in the wilderness away from the Lamanites, finishing his father's record and his own portion of the book. Just prior to his death, he buries the plates in the hill Cumorah in upstate New York near where Joseph Smith would eventually live. James 1:5 – Mormons appeal to this passage and plead with potential converts,“Read the Book of Mormon and pray that God will lead you regarding its truthfulness as His word.” More likely they have the Doctrine and Covenants 9:8 in mind when they ask you do this. It says, “But, behold I say unto you, that you must study it out in your own mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right.”
8 Mormonism Mormon Scriptures and Authority Doctrine and Covenants Brief Overview This book contains 137 modern “revelations” of Joseph Smith, Jr., one “vision” of Joseph F. Smith, and two “official declarations”. The first being a manifesto to end polygamous marriage as a practice of the LDS Church, the second to allow black men to serve in the priesthood. Among things taught in the Doctrine and Covenants: The Apostle John remains alive on the earth. (7) Joseph Smith, Jr. name as the “seer, translator, prophet, apostle and elder” of the church. (21) Only Joseph Smith, Jr. allowed to receive revelations. (28) Independence, Missouri to be site of the first Mormon temple. (57)
9 Mormonism Mormon Scriptures and Authority D&C Brief Overview - Continued Details on the fall of Satan and the sons of perdition, the three kingdoms of heaven and nearly universal salvation in the Telestrial kingdom. (76) Baptisms for the dead. (124,127 & 128) God inhabits a body of flesh and bone. (130) Polygamy allowed (132)
10 Mormonism Mormon Scriptures and Authority Pearl of Great Price Brief Overview Introductory Note in the LDS edition of the Pearl of Great Price reads: –“The Pearl of Great Price is a selection of choice materials touching many significant aspects of the faith and doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These items were produced by Joseph Smith Jr. and were published in the Church periodicals of his day.” Contains four short books and the Articles of Faith. The Book of Moses Consists largely of Genesis chapters 1-8 of the JST Bible. In addition to what you might expect from those chapters it adds information about the lives of Adam and Eve after leaving the garden, as well as various teachings and prophecies of Enoch, including his testimony about Jesus Christ.
11 Mormonism Mormon Scriptures and Authority POGP Overview - Continued The Book of Abraham Purportedly translated from papyri which were bought by Smith in 1835. This “translation” deals with Abraham's journeys in Egypt, and details several uniquely Mormon doctrines such as exaltation and plurality of gods. Joseph Smith – Matthew Matthew chapter 24 of the JST Bible Joseph Smith – History Joseph Smith, Jr.'s narration of his life before the founding of the church including an account of the First Vision and other heavenly visitations Articles of Faith Compilation of thirteen fundamental Mormon doctrines composed by Joseph Smith, Jr. in 1842 as part the “Wentworth letter”
12 Mormonism Mormon Scriptures and Authority General Authorities President/Prophet Quorum of Twelve (Apostles) Seventies Position documented “That which the Presidency of this Church have said, and say now, is as much the law and the gospel as anything that has ever been said or written before for our guidance.” --Henry D. Moyle (Apostle), World Conference Report, April 1947, p.158 “When you see any document, any address, any letter, any instruction that is issued by the Council of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve, it should be recognized for what it surely is – the mind and will of the Lord to his people in this day.” L. Aldin Porter (Seventy), Ensign, November 1994, pp. 63, 65
13 Mormonism Mormon Scriptures and Authority Refuted Galatians 1:8 Jude 3 Acts 17:11
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