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1 College Students and Stress By: Vinny Arsi, Rachel Zeilman, Joseph DeRose, and Mike.

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Presentation on theme: "1 College Students and Stress By: Vinny Arsi, Rachel Zeilman, Joseph DeRose, and Mike."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 College Students and Stress By: Vinny Arsi, Rachel Zeilman, Joseph DeRose, and Mike

2 2 What is stress? Stress is an emotion one feels in response to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional response Can come from any situation that makes you feel frustrated, angry, nervous or anxious Caused by existing stressors Environmental Economic Commuting Coping Mechanisms Eating/Sleeping Exercise Counseling Anyone can experience stress Can lead to anxiety or depression 2

3 3 Environmental Stressors: What causes stress from living at college? Undergraduate Freshman leaving home for the first time becoming independent decision makers having to meet new standards Loss of control over new environment Not used to the area, feel uncomfortable Hard time adjusting to new climate new language/slang behavior 3

4 4 what are some effects? Some new students can find the new experiences to be exciting, others overwhelming and filled with anxiety Nervousness Loneliness Sleepiness Homesickness 4

5 5 For some it can be mild Others have excessive stress, anxiety, depression Can improve over time or can suffer entire academic career Withdrawal from friends and family Don’t try and make new friends Feel uncomfortable and shy Tend to stay in their rooms and not participate in activities on campus Keep to themselves Effects academic and social life 5

6 6 Friendships and relationships Developing new friendships and managing old ones is a major cause of stress in new college students Hard to determine who you can trust when you know no one Keeping in touch with old friends from high school can be stressful Tend to close themselves off and only talk to old friends Not making new ones because they feel comfortable with others Or if you neglect old friends, they may come to resent you for moving on Find balance 6

7 7 Stress from College Commuting Journal is Perceptual and Motor Skills Title is Driving Induced Stress in Urban College Students’ Researched possible correlation between college commuting and stress Attempted to find leading stress-inducers experienced during commuting

8 8 Leading Stressors from commuting An exam at school

9 9 Leading Stressors from commuting Parking at school

10 10 Leading Stressors from commuting Car riding too closely behind

11 11 Stress from college Commuting Slow Drivers Pick it up!!!

12 12 Research Conclusion Correlation between high-stress levels and college commuting Concluded that the leading stressor was…. SOMEONE DRIVING TOO SLOWLY ON THE ROAD.

13 13

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15 15 Foods That Are snacked on Pringles Tastycakes Potato Chips Ice Cream Candy Ramen noodles Fast Food Energy Bars Pop-tarts

16 16 Stress from Commuting Look familiar?

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18 18 Stress from college Commuting Research showed correlation between high-stress levels and college commuting

19 Relieving Stress 19

20 Ways to Handle Stress 20

21 Physical Activity Study, Vigorous Physical Activity, Sports Participation, and Athletic Identity: Implications for Mental and Physical Health in College Students Included 395 undergraduate college students. Measured and compared both High School and College Students Higher stress and lower physical activity rates were shown in college students compared to high school students Results for Mental Health showed those who were Continuously Active and Currently Active had a high positive affect and self-esteem, along with lower stress reported as compared to those Not Continuously Active and Not Currently Active 21

22 Personal Survey Surveyed 50 Rowan Undergraduate Students 62% said they experience some sort of stress. Of those who said YES, 84% said this stress affects them in some way on a daily bases. 68% reported not getting enough physical activity. (3-4 workouts a week of 30 minutes our more) Of that 68%, 71% never though of physical activity as a means of dealing with stress Of the 32% that reported yes, 95% said it helped them deal with stress 22

23 Get Up And Get Started!! 23

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