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4 topologies.  All of you should be able to identify the main devices necessary for a network.  Most of you will be able to outline the process of a.

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Presentation on theme: "4 topologies.  All of you should be able to identify the main devices necessary for a network.  Most of you will be able to outline the process of a."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 topologies

2  All of you should be able to identify the main devices necessary for a network.  Most of you will be able to outline the process of a message travelling though a network.  Some of you will be able to identify the main elements of a computer network in the school network. Lesson Objectives

3 How CC Network Works Ing. Omar Alvarez Badillo

4 Network Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 4 Comp 5 NETWORK

5  Individually write the components inside a network. (1 minute) NETWORK

6  3 Types  Computers: send a message and expect a confirmation.  Server: answer all requests.  Router: routes packages and keeps a list of IP- Address/cable  Switches: resent message through all of its channels. What happens inside the network? 12:50

7  Pairs:  : Santiago, Natalia  : Pablo, Xavi  : Victor, Anuar  : Arturo, Mauro  : Abel watches in silence. What happens inside the network?

8  We will do a general visit to some important places related to the network in the CC.  You should only talk in English (with teacher and between yourselves)  You should take notes and do questions as you will be asked to do a Map of the network and explain how it works. Visit to CC 13:10

9  In teams you will have 3 minutes to write an outline of what happens when a teacher tries to access Laboratorio Uno folder from a staff room computer  Omigrades data is stored in the big new server.  T1: Abel, Arturo, Natalia  T2: Anuar, Victor, Santiago  T3: Mauro, Pablo, Xavi Snow Ball Outline 13:30

10  Using the ideas from all the teams, the class should come up with a correct outline and write it down in the provided paper.  3 minutes. Failure to complete the task in the given time will mean extra homework 1 for everyone. Snow Ball Outline 13:50


12  In groups you will need to write a list of all key terms related to networks seen so far. (2 minutes)  T1: Abel, Arturo, Natalia  T2: Anuar, Victor, Santiago  T3: Mauro, Pablo, Xavi Key Terms Snow Ball

13  You need to generate one single list. And then split the key terms equally to each student in the class.  Each student will write the keyword in a blank sheet of paper and may add a drawing or image.  Key terms will be posted into the RED Board Right side  10 minutes. Failure to accomplish the task in given time will mean extra homework 2 for everyone. Key Terms Snow Ball

14  Individually, write a list of all the network components and the places or locations where we can find them.  (5 minutes). Failure to complete the task in the given time will mean an individual extra homework. Network Components 14:05

15 Network Switch or Hub Wireless Access Point Server

16 Can all the computers use the printer? Switch or Hub Wireless Access Point Server Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 4 Comp 5

17 Can I see a file that is in Comp1 from Comp5? Switch or Hub Wireless Access Point Server Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 4 Comp 5

18 Can I share data between Wired and Wireless network? Switch or Hub Wireless Access Point Server Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 4 Comp 5

19 If I wanted to connect the network to the Internet, how would I do it? Switch or Hub Wireless Access Point Server Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 4 Comp 5

20 How is the information sent from Comp 1 to Computer 2? Switch or Hub Wireless Access Point Server Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 4 Comp 5

21 What is an IP address and why are they used for? Switch or Hub Wireless Access Point

22  IP stands for Internet Protocol  A unique address inside a network that allows us to identify each computer.  Built by 4 blocks of numbers ranging between 0 and 255.  Ex: IP address

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