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NWHPEC Board Meeting April 24, 2014 Via Telecom In Attendance: Jennifer Ayers, Richard Carroll, Brett Gantz, Julie Simmons Adjourned at 12:26pm Financial.

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Presentation on theme: "NWHPEC Board Meeting April 24, 2014 Via Telecom In Attendance: Jennifer Ayers, Richard Carroll, Brett Gantz, Julie Simmons Adjourned at 12:26pm Financial."— Presentation transcript:

1 NWHPEC Board Meeting April 24, 2014 Via Telecom In Attendance: Jennifer Ayers, Richard Carroll, Brett Gantz, Julie Simmons Adjourned at 12:26pm Financial Update (Mike): -A review of the financials showed cash is good. Mike has a few checks to deposit. Cash exceeds our threshold, but that has come down over the last month or two, so we will keep an eye on it before making decisions on what to do with the surplus -Open Membership dues invoices were resent to the companies. We should see an increase of dues received within the next month. One member, Coffee Bean International, has decided to discontinue membership due to their inability to free up resources to participate in our learning events. Event Updates (Julie): -Learning Tours: 8 Learning Tours are scheduled for 2014, two below the target. This isn’t something to panic about, but to keep an eye on going into 2015. Julie plans to start scheduling 2015 Learning Tours earlier in 2014 as one countermeasure to move the scheduled number closer to plan. Our next Learning Tour is at Veris Industries on June 10 th. -Training Classes: VSM at Axiom April 8 th & 9 th. Had a few hiccups with the planned production process not running and instructor preparedness. This was the first class Michael has taught using NWHPEC’s standard material and there was some good learning from this class. Julie suggested we offer Michael another teaching opportunity and audit that class to see if the learning from the VSM was applied. The Board agreed. An Intro to Lean class is scheduled for June 17 th at Con-way and is sold out. This is the first class not “hosted” by a company, but scheduled by Julie. -Executive Forums: Bridging the Generations with Curt Steinhorst was well received. Julie will include this event on the survey, but suggests we consider hosting this event again in 2016 where some new generational learning can be shared. Up next: Lean and the Human Element – Part I with Dan Miller. The four part series is sold out. Julie is working with Dan to schedule this four part series again in 2015, Feb – May timeframe. -Best Practice Sharing Sessions: Scheduled for June 26 th at Con-way. Three confirmed presentations: Employee Engagement, A-dec, Readiness to Build, Daimler, and Cycle Counting, CP Medical. Julie is working with Genie Industries to gain their commitment to present on their Plan For Every Part (PFEP) process. Julie will announce this event by May 9 th. Next Board Meeting: May 22 nd via telecom from Noon – 2pm Dial:800-531-3250 Conf. ID:8825544# Old Business: -Member Feedback: A member feedback session occurred on January 21 st during the Best Practice Sharing Session. Alex moderated this session with Julie and Alissa Nichols capturing the member feedback. Julie has summarized the feedback and sent it to Alex. Alex and Julie are meeting the first week of May to review and analyze the information to be shared at the May Board meeting. -NWHPEC Strategy: Kyle suggested “Strategy” be added to the standard Board meeting agenda to help us keep our members needs in the forefront for 2015 planning. The feedback gathered at the Best Practice Sharing Session will help with the 2015 strategy.

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