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“If I am not beautiful in my own eyes, how can I be beautiful in the eyes of others ’’ & “ Who am I or anybody else to sit on a judgement of a Fellow.

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Presentation on theme: "“If I am not beautiful in my own eyes, how can I be beautiful in the eyes of others ’’ & “ Who am I or anybody else to sit on a judgement of a Fellow."— Presentation transcript:


2 “If I am not beautiful in my own eyes, how can I be beautiful in the eyes of others ’’ & “ Who am I or anybody else to sit on a judgement of a Fellow Human Being ?”

3 “We are alone in this world but this ALONENESS “As we evolve, we will not repeat our “EVERYTHING HAS TO BE FROM WITHIN ” mistakes, although we are likely to commit newer ones” is not LONELINESS,it is a strong & firm Aloneness, from which we grow and derive our Strength of MIND.”

4 “ Instinctively, we resent being CORRECTED ” “ One needs to be beautiful from WITHIN ” “Happiness is a State of Mind. WE are happy If we want to be. ’’

5 “ Personality Has two Sides : “ The Exterior however polished cannot hide the hidden negations inside ” INSIDE & OUTSIDE ”

6 DISCOV ER MIND & BODY “ Independence of Thought & Mind are crucial factors to Personality ”

7 “Is the Process to Discipline the mind & thought” “Results in SELF RELIANCE, SELF CONFIDENCE & DISCIPLINE” “ Increases tolerance & makes us accommodative ”

8 E X E R C I S E “ Exercise helps in Physical fitness, mental alertness & adds spirit to life. ” “ E xercise creates an awareness of body & develops a sense of pride of EXISTENCE. ”

9 “ No person is Superior or Inferior to others. We just happen to be Senior or Junior by virtue of being born early or later. ” Comparison with others is detrimental to growth. Competitiveness is necessary Yet comparison is a MUST, but only to SELF What I was What I am What I will be

10 EXPRESSEXPRESS “ Express your feelings & emotions justly “ “ Understand the expression of the other person “ LOVE, CARE & SHARE Whatever little we have.

11 “ ACCEPT A PERSON AS HE OR SHE IS & NOT AS WE WANT HIM OR HER TO BE ” “No two persons are alike & can be alike. ” “ Never take any person in any relationship for granted. ”

12 “ FACE is the of Oneself. Face should ooze out Positiveness ” “ Use of is the basis of Self – Discovery & Breaking of Inhibitions. ” “ Everyone has a screen which should never be crossed even by the most dear ones.”

13 Communication The ART Of LISTENING is the key to perfect communication. COMMUNICATION is the mode for a successful personality. Be FIRM without being RUDE. Rudeness is not firmness. Mutual Respect + Understanding L O V E 

14 The Higher We rise in Intellectual & Material Status We are more Responsible, We are a LEADER All eyes are on Us We need to be that HUMBLE which will set an example & inspire others

15 It is the best way to come closer to others. It is a continuous process. If we realise our own flaws ourselves, we feel far better.


17 We believe in GOD, but do not depend on HIM Motivation comes from Understanding ones GOALS. We teachers & parents are what our students and children make us to be.

18 Personality is an integral part of a person, the moulding (changing) aspect is its development. Personality is related to Thought, Emotion & Intellect. Personality is complete when all our achievements are balanced with humility. Personality needs to be accepted by the people around us.

19 Personality is a combination of Nature, Character & Physical attributes. Personality reflects in Mannerism, Walk, Gait, Speech & Behaviour. True education & Perfect Personality will always reflect the quality of a human being.

20 Personality always influences others. A Manager must be a Good Person 24 HOURS IS A LONG LONG TIME The more we work, the more time we have

21 THANK YOU  Please spread these messages across the net

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