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Social 30-1 Chapter 10 – Part 2 (and some Ch 11 Stuff!)

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1 Social 30-1 Chapter 10 – Part 2 (and some Ch 11 Stuff!)

2 Housekeeping  Your IDEOLOGY assignments are PAST due!  Your test will be next Tuesday.  Remember, your in class is on the 27th. (Thursday!)

3 Words  Authoritarianism  Oligarchies  One-Party State

4 Quick Review  Direct Democracy vs. Representative Democracy  Rep by Pop.  First past the line.  Proportional Representation.  Referendum and Plebiscite.  Minority and Majority government.

5 Disregarding for the Common Good  The common good is what is best for the people.  Sometimes the government must do things that the people will not agree with, for the good of the people.  Think about some things your parents or teachers may do, even if you don’t want it.

6 The Canadian Government going against the people The Conscription Crisis

7 Conscription Crisis 1917  As an ally to Britain, Canada had no choice but to go to war.  Britain asked the Dominion to send more troops.

8 Military Service Act  PM Borden decided to establish forced military service  CONSCRIPTION  Adopted Aug. 29, 1917  100,000 men forced to join military.  Applies erratically  Included exceptions:

9  Many Canadians opposed the idea but had no forums to have their voice heard.  Francophone opposition was the strongest.  After the Military Service Act came into place in August, 2 days of violence broke out in Montreal.  Many French Canadians felt that they should not fight a British war.

10 Deportation of War Resistors  As we know, Vietnam resistors were allowed to stay in Canada.  However, in 2008 we had many new resistors.  The government passed a motion to allow them to stay in Canada.  However, Harper’s minority government decided to send them back in order to preserve relations with the USA.

11 Public Security Acts  Is public security a reason to take disregard the wishes of the people?  Under times of social threat, the government can do things such as the PATRIOT ACT or the WAR MEASURES ACT.  What are some times that the government can take away freedoms and not listen to the people.

12 PATRIOT ACT  October 26, 2001  After the terrorist attacks of September 11.  Increases the ability of law enforcement agencies to search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial, and other records.

13 War Measures Act  An area in Canadian Legislation that allows the government to suspend civil liberties.  Used after WW1, WW2, and during the FLQ attack in Quebec.

14 Other Canadian Acts  The Emergency Act: –Replaced the war measure act in 88’. –Puts more restrictions on the ability of government.  The Anti-Terrorism Act: –Passed after 9/11. it makes terrorism a serious criminal crime in Canada.

15 Authoritarian Political Systems  All major decisions made by a small group of people.  Not concerned with the will of the people by about furthering their own ideals and ideologies.  Some Examples:

16 Absolute Monarchy  A form of government in which the leader is handed leadership by family or religion.  Sometimes a legislative body exists, but they have limited power.

17 Oligarchy  Small group make the decisions for the people.  Controlled by family or other affiliations.  Some call the US an Oligarchy (But that is a stretch!)

18 One-Party State  A system in which one party runs the government and no other party is permeated to run candidates.  Some call themselves democracies.  However, little to know forms of Liberalism actually exist.  Such as Korea, Cuba, Nazi Germany, Etc…

19 Military Dictatorship  Most common authoritarian government.  A military leader and the military take complete control.  Usually after overthrowing the previous government.  They usually suspend all civil ideas and liberties.

20 Minority Tyrannies  When a minority population has complete control over a majority population.  Most famous example in the south African Apartheid. (1948-1994)  During which time only white south Africans could gain citizenship and complete political rights.

21 Techniques of these governments  Vision: How great the country could and should be. (think about Hitler and Stalin).  Propaganda: Using a one sided message to inform the public how “great” everything is going.  Controlled Participation: Making people “Members” of the country. They are spies, attend rallies, and help the motherland.

22 Continued  Directing Public Discontent: By executing / persecuting people in a public manner. Most discontent (Publicly) stops.  Terror: Use brutal violence to disappear dissadents.

23 Authoritarianism  Pro: –Address the needs of the people (?) –Economic Stability.  Cons: –Loss of Freedom. –No justice or liberty. –Violence.

24 Like we said yesterday.  Authoritarian leaders fail.  The reason being, they DO NOT LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE.  Eventually, people revolt and take power.

25 That’s it….  We finished! –Quick Review: Absolute Monarchy Oligarchy Military Dictatorships Minority Tyranny. Patriot Act (We will talk about this again) TOMORROW!

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