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Planner for W/Th 12/3/4 IC: Research Question #1 - CAUSES HW: 1. Finish Research Question #1 2. Save Background Web to digital inbox Learning Target: I.

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Presentation on theme: "Planner for W/Th 12/3/4 IC: Research Question #1 - CAUSES HW: 1. Finish Research Question #1 2. Save Background Web to digital inbox Learning Target: I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planner for W/Th 12/3/4 IC: Research Question #1 - CAUSES HW: 1. Finish Research Question #1 2. Save Background Web to digital inbox Learning Target: I will be able to understand the CAUSES of my event from the perspective of a patriot/loyalist by researching and taking notes from various sources in my own words.

2 Planner for Friday 12/5 IC: Notecard #1 HW: Finish Notecard #1 Learning Target: I will be able to use my research notes to write a persuasive paragraph (with correct in-text citations) about the CAUSES of my event from the perspective of a patriot/loyalist.

3 Planner IC: Research Question #2 - EFFECTS HW: Finish Research Question #2 Learning Target: I will be able to understand the EFFECTS of my event from the perspective of a patriot/loyalist by researching and taking notes from various sources in my own words. TAKE OUT YOUR INDEX CARD #1 AND YOUR NOTETAKER WE STARTED IN CLASS.

4 Planner IC: Index Card #2 & Research Question #3 HW: Finish Research Question #3 Learning Target: I will be able to use my research notes to write a persuasive paragraph (with correct in-text citations) about the EFFECTS of my event from the perspective of a patriot/loyalist. TAKE OUT YOUR INDEX CARD #1 AND YOUR NOTETAKER WE STARTED IN CLASS.

5 Overall Learning Target  Learning Target: I will be able to use my research notes and evidence to write a persuasive speech from the perspective of a patriot/loyalist.

6 CITING YOUR SOURCE  Basic Format for a Book  The author’s name or a book with a single author's name appears in last name, first name format. The basic form for a book citation is:  Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.  Book with One Author Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin, 1987. Print.

7 CITING YOUR SOURCE  Article in a Reference Book (e.g. All in one Encyclopedia Dictionaries)  For entries in encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference works, cite the piece as you would any other work in a collection but do not include the publisher information. Also, if the reference book is organized alphabetically, as most are, do not list the volume or the page number of the article or item. "Ideology." The American Heritage Dictionary. 3rd ed. 1997. Print.

8 CITING YOUR SOURCE  A Multivolume Work – Encyclopedia set  Editor’s Name. “Title of Article.” Name of Encylopedia. Volume #. City: Publisher, Copyright. Page Numbers. Medium. Hayes, Monica, ed. "Boston Tea Party." World Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 3. NY: World Book, 2007. 12-13. Print.

9 Planner IC: Research Questions #2 & #3 HW: Index Card #2 Learning Target: I will be able to understand the effects of my event from the perspective of a patriot/loyalist by researching and taking notes from various sources in my own words.

10 Planner IC: Research Question #2 HW: Index Card #2 Learning Target: I will be able to understand the effects of my event from the perspective of a patriot/loyalist by researching and taking notes from various sources in my own words.

11 Planner Last library day – Make sure all sources are cited IC: Questions #3 and #4 HW: Card #3 Learning Target: I will be able to find evidence to support my perspective as a patriot/loyalist by researching and taking notes from various sources in my own words.

12 Learning Target  Learning Target: I will be able to understand the effects of my event from the perspective of a patriot/loyalist by researching and taking notes from various sources in my own words.

13 Fill Out Your Planner Last library day – Make sure all sources are cited IC: Question #3 HW: Research questions #1-3 should be done Learning Target: I will be able to find evidence to support my perspective as a patriot/loyalist by researching and taking notes from various sources in my own words.

14 1. Name 2. Event 3. Loyalist or Patriot? 4. Question for #3:

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