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劉啟睿 Andy Lau. 來源 origin - The Dragon Boat festival occurs yearly on May 5 th on the lunar calendar - This annual event commemorates the death of Qu Yuan,

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Presentation on theme: "劉啟睿 Andy Lau. 來源 origin - The Dragon Boat festival occurs yearly on May 5 th on the lunar calendar - This annual event commemorates the death of Qu Yuan,"— Presentation transcript:

1 劉啟睿 Andy Lau

2 來源 origin - The Dragon Boat festival occurs yearly on May 5 th on the lunar calendar - This annual event commemorates the death of Qu Yuan, a politician in the Chu kingdom - This annual event is also in commemoration of Wu Zi Xu - 端午節是農曆五月五日 - 端午節紀念屈原和伍子胥的死亡日期

3 相關的故事 - 屈原 the story of the patriot poet- QuYuan Qu Yuan was a government official of Chu during the Zhou dynasty. During this time the states were constantly warring. He was a trusted official and highly ranked, but then he was framed for committing treason. When he was exiled, he decided to write poetry which is why he is given the name the patriot poet. When Chu was taken over, Qu Yuan committed suicide into the Miluo River. The people of Chu who respected Qu Yuan decided to go looking for him in the river. They threw rice into the waters in an attempt to keep the fish from eating the body of Qu Yuan, but he was never found. Late one night, the spirit of Qu Yuan visited his friends who were throwing rice into the water and told them to wrap them in silk because that a water dragon was eating all the rice.

4 賽龍舟 dragon boat racing - Dragon boat racing was developed from the yearly search for Qu Yubody in the Miluo river - It is now an international sport where a team races against others to cross the finish line and grab their flag first. - There are rowers, a drummer, and a steerperson.

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6 粽子 zongzi Why was it made? - Zongzi was made to throw into the water to protect the fish from eating the body of Qu Yuan. - Originally it was unwrapped, but after Qu Yuan visited his friends, he told them to wrap them in silk to avoid having the water dragon eat them. How do you make it? First prepare all the items you might want to put into the zongzi, this might include sausage or peanuts. Then steam bamboo leaves and after that place sticky rice in the leaves after you change it into a triangular Cone shape. You may choose to place your “toppings” In at any time. Now all you have to do is steam the zongzi after tying it.

7 伍子胥 Wu Zi Xu Wu Zi Xu was an advisor and a military strategist who was originally from the Chu state, but later moved to the Wu state. After coming to the Chu state. Wu Zi Xu helped the prince, Fu Chai, become Emperor of Wu. Fu Chai, attempted to conquer the Chu and Yue states. Fu Chai lost to Chu and lost his army men. After this Wu sent Wu Zi Xu to the Yue state to make an agreement with the emperor to not wage war between the two tiny states. The emperor said he would promise this as long as he would commit suicide. Wu Zi Xu then told him as a last promise to send his body back to the Wu kingdom and to hang his head on the highest point so he would be able to see the Yue state invading the Wu state. When the Yue state sent the body of Wu Zi Xu back to the Wu state the emperor just tossed his body into the waters.

8 習俗 cutoms - Children usually carry around fragrant sachets to ward off devil spirits - People usually participate in dragon boat races - Most people usually eat zongzi - 小孩子平時帶很香的包子所以他們可以取走魔鬼. - 大家都喜歡參加龍舟比賽 - 每個人都起粽子

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