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Perfect School.

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1 Perfect School

2 Phonetic drill Our School My school is your school
Welcome to our school! We all can study there. You are my good friends We are your good friends We are all friends here.

3 Problem question: Why do you like your school?
Give me 3-5 reasons. Use phrasal combinations. I think … I consider … In my opinion… As for me …

4 Guess the subject. H, e, g, l, s, I, n – gives you a chance to make friends is many parts of the world T, s, h, a, m –helps you to calculate how much money you can ask parents for T, e, l, a, e, r, u, t, i, r- helps you to live many lives without your leaving home T, o, r, h, y, s, i, - makes you a participant of lots of events (события) which happened long ago E, y, p, g, o, a, r, g – you can visit different countries without leaving your own city

5 Finish the sentence AN IDEAL PUPIL SHOULD BE …

6 Answer the question Are you a patriot of your school?

7 Thank you very much for your work!

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