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Act 5, Scene 1 Characters: A Gentlewoman, Doctor, Lady Macbeth Setting: Night time inside the king’s palace at Dunsinane Lady Macbeth has been driven mad.

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Presentation on theme: "Act 5, Scene 1 Characters: A Gentlewoman, Doctor, Lady Macbeth Setting: Night time inside the king’s palace at Dunsinane Lady Macbeth has been driven mad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Act 5, Scene 1 Characters: A Gentlewoman, Doctor, Lady Macbeth Setting: Night time inside the king’s palace at Dunsinane Lady Macbeth has been driven mad by the guilt of murdering Duncan, and by the deaths of Banquo and Lady Macduff. She sleepwalks nightly, talking to herself and trying relentlessly to wash the blood off of her hands. (Note the contrast to her comment to Macbeth in Act 2 that “a little water clears us of this deed.) This scene shows the doctor and and nurse secretly watching Lady Macbeth and listening to her night terrors. “Out damned spot! Out, I say!”

2 Act 5, Scene 2 Characters: Menteith, Caithness, Angus, Lennox Setting: The country near Dunsinane This is a short scene during which a group of Scottish Thanes is on its way to Birnam Wood to unite with Malcolm and the English forces. Pay attention to where the Thanes are gathering (Birnam Wood) and where Macbeth is staying (Dunsinane). As the Thanes discuss Macbeth’s descent into madness, they seem sad on his behalf rather than angry, as if they have lost a good friend, which they have.

3 Act 5, Scene 3 Characters: Macbeth, Servant, Seyton, Doctor Setting: A room in the castle a Dunsinane In this scene, Macbeth has worked himself into a frenzied state. A servant enters to tell him that 10 thousand soldiers are gathering to fight against him. He alternates between allowing himself to feel fear momentarily and reminding himself of the witches prophecies. -He insults his servant and the approaching soldiers. -At the same time, he questions the doctor about Lady Macbeth’s health, asking the doctor if it is not possible “to remove those thoughts and feelings that weigh upon the heart.”

4 Act 5, Scene 4 Characters: Malcolm, Old Siward and son (Old Siward is a Highly respected general of the English forces), Menteith, Caithness, Lennox, Macduff, Ross, soldiers Setting: approaching Birnam Wood The English forces have united with the Scottish forces as they march toward Macbeth’s stronghold at Dunsinane. Here begins a series of short scenes that cut back and forth between the approaching armies and Macbeth’s castle, This has the effect of quickly moving the story forward and building increasing tension. Malcom orders every soldier to cut and carry a branch in order to disguise their number. Malcolm also says “I hope the days are near at hand that chambers will be safe.” This refers to Dunacan’s murder and further addrresses the theme of sleep.

5 Act 5, Scene 5 Characters: Macbeth, Seyton, Messenger, Soldiers Setting: In the castle at Dunsinane -This scene contains one of the greatest soliloquies in all of Shakespeare’s works. -As Macbeth prepares for war, he learns that his wife has died. -He reacts as if he expected such “Life is but a walking shadow” news and is in fact anticipating his own death. He gives a deeply pessimistic and beautiful speech about the meaning of life. -At this point, he also learns that Birnam Wood seems to be moving toward Dunsinane. -He is now ready to throw himself into battle.

6 Act 5, Scene 6 Characters: Malcom, Old Siward and Macduff, leading their forces, carrying boughs. Setting: Just outside the castle at Dunsinane As they prepare to storm the castle, Malcolm orders the attack to proceed in an orderly manner, with Old Siward taking the lead, following by the Scottish troops in order of rank. This contrasts to the disorder in Macbeth’s castle. At this point, Macduff is feeling the full rage of his vengeful thoughts against Macbeth.

7 Act 5, Scene 7 Characters: Macbeth, Young Siward, Macduff, Old Siward Characters: Macbeth, Young Siward, Macduff, Old Siward Setting: Outside of the castle Setting: Outside of the castle Macbeth comes out of the castle Macbeth comes out of the castle to meet the troops head on. to meet the troops head on. He slays Young Siward and exits. He slays Young Siward and exits. Macduff enters and exits quickly, Macduff enters and exits quickly, searching for Macbeth. searching for Macbeth. Malcolm and Old Siward enter Malcolm and Old Siward enter talking about how Macbeth’s talking about how Macbeth’s forces are barely putting up a fight. forces are barely putting up a fight. Malcom and Siward enter the castle. Malcom and Siward enter the castle.

8 Act 5, Scene 8 Characters: Macbeth, Macduff, Malcolm, Characters: Macbeth, Macduff, Malcolm, Siward, Ross On the battlefield, Macduff and Macbeth On the battlefield, Macduff and Macbeth finally meet. Macbeth boasts that He in invulnerable to anyone of woman born Macduff reveals that he is not born of Macduff reveals that he is not born of woman but was “from his mother’s womb untimely ripped.” Macduff beheads Macbeth! Macduff beheads Macbeth! Malcolm invites everyone to Scone to Malcolm invites everyone to Scone to watch him be invested as king and he promises to give watch him be invested as king and he promises to give all of this Thanes the title of Earl. all of this Thanes the title of Earl.


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