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Act IV discussion questions

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1 Act IV discussion questions

2 Act IV, scene 1, lines 22-34 Explain and describe Hecate’s imagery—how is it significant?

3 Act IV, scene 1, lines 50-61 Describe the imagery Macbeth uses in these lines. How is it significant?

4 Act IV, scene 1, lines 71-72 What is the first piece of information the witches provide?

5 Act IV, scene 1, lines 80-82 What is the second piece of information from the witches?

6 Act IV, scene 1, lines 90-94 What is the third piece of information Macbeth receives from the witches?

7 Act IV, scene 1, lines How does Macbeth interpret the witches’ information?

8 Act IV, scene 1, lines What is the meaning of the apparition of eight kings?

9 Act IV, scene 1, lines What does Macbeth vow to do in lines , “…the very firstlings of my heart shall be / the firstlings of my hand.” What does Macbeth decide to do about the threat of Macduff?

10 Act IV, scene 2, lines 1-14 How does Lady Macduff describe her husband’s departure (be specific)?

11 Act IV, scene 2, lines 30-60 Why does Shakespeare includes this conversation between Lady Macduff and her child? What tone and effect are created by it?

12 Act IV, scene 2, lines 70-73 How is Lady Macduff’s statement significant to the play as a whole (including its use of literary device)? “But I remember now / I am in this earthly world, where to do harm / is often laudable, to do good sometime / accounted dangerous folly.” Line 81: what happens to the Macduffs’ son?

13 Act IV, scene 3, lines 5-7 How is dramatic irony created by these lines?

14 Act IV, scene 3, lines 13-18 Lines 13-18: What does Malcolm suggest to Macduff?

15 Act IV, scene 3, lines 22-25 “Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell: / Though all things foul would wear the brows of grace, / yet grace must still look so.” What truth does Malcolm express here?

16 Act IV, scene 3, lines 22-25 “Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell: / Though all things foul would wear the brows of grace, / yet grace must still look so.” What theme is expressed? What literary device from Act I is reflected here?

17 Act IV, scene 3, lines 50-101 (pages 130-132)
How does Malcolm describe himself in these lines?

18 Act IV, scene 3, How does Macduff respond in lines (page 134)?

19 Act IV, scene 3, Page 134--In lines Malcolm reveals why he described himself as he did. What is his reason?

20 Act IV, scene 3, lines 141-158 What can the King of England do?
Where does this ability come from? Why does Shakespeare include this information—how is it significant?

21 Act IV, scene 3, lines What literary devices are present in this conversation between Ross and Macduff? Why does Ross give these answers to Macduff’s questions?

22 Act IV, scene 3, lines When Malcolm says, “We are coming thither[,]” who is “we”? Where are they going? How will this bring “comfort” ?

23 Act IV, scene 3, lines Why does Macduff call himself “sinful” ?

24 Act IV, scene 3, lines What does Malcolm mean by this?

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