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Descartes’ Ontological Argument Born: 31 March 1596 in La Haye (now Descartes), Touraine, France Died: 11 Feb 1650 in Stockholm, Sweden.

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Presentation on theme: "Descartes’ Ontological Argument Born: 31 March 1596 in La Haye (now Descartes), Touraine, France Died: 11 Feb 1650 in Stockholm, Sweden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Descartes’ Ontological Argument Born: 31 March 1596 in La Haye (now Descartes), Touraine, France Died: 11 Feb 1650 in Stockholm, Sweden







8 Terminology of the OA Descartes was primarily concerned with God’s essence, or nature. God’s essence is described by showing his attributes, or predicates, or perfections

9 Put Descartes into context Anselm’s 11 th c. argument: 1.God is that than which nothing greater (more perfect) can be conceived 2.Ttwngcbc must exist, since an imaginary being twngcbc would be less perfect than a real being twngcbc.


11 Why was Anselm turned to stone? - because he could see into the future, and had seen the work of 14,999 A- level candidates who all wrote that his ontological argument was a “reductio ad absurdum”. Then he saw what the 15,000 th candidate had written:

12 Anselm’s argument was a “rectum ad absurdum”

13 Aquinas’ rejection (13 th c.) The OA only works if we know God’s essence. We do not know God’s essence. So God’s existence can be known only by our sense experience of the universe (hence Aquinas’ 5 ‘Ways’).

14 Is that true Ttwngcbc seems a reasonable place to start. Also, we could also say that we can have an ‘adequate’ idea of an all-powerful / perfect being without our having to be able to work out every single attribute that such a being would have.

15 Descartes Assumptions: 1.Our senses can always deceive us 2.God exists to guarantee the consistency and reliability of our sense perceptions.







22 The lesson learned? 1.Doubt can be removed by returning to the basics. With the mind, the fact that I think gives me one fact about which I can’t be deceived – I exist: CES 2.So with things, to avoid deception, I must ask what is their essence – that part of a thing about which there is no argument?

23 The essence of a triangle 3 sides, 3 angles 180 degrees

24 The essence of mountains

25 The essence of God Existence Perfection Singularity In fact: every perfection

26 A 2nd stage to the argument As in Anselm II We must distinguish between ‘ordinary’ existence and ‘necessary existence’

27 Things have contingent existence


29 The same is true of ‘construct things’ like Pegasus Bellerophon riding Pegasus

30 Pegasus has ordinary existence, so like all contingent things, might not exist God must possess necessary existence, otherwise he would not be the supremely perfect being.

31 The argument reformulated tin response to Caterus 1.Whatever is of something’s essence must be affirmed of it: e.g. “all mammals are warm-blooded” 2.By definition, God’s essence is his existence 3.Therefore existence must be affirmed of God.

32 Objection 1: Hume Hang on, laddie, No existential statement can be analytic – they’re all synthetic

33 J.L. Mackie “It is not simply obvious and indisputable that there cannot be analytic existential truths” Maffs? But maffs is logical, ‘God exists’ is a factual statement.

34 Objection 2: Kant Real predicates can’t be rejected (as with real triangles), but imaginary ones can, as with imaginary triangles and imaginary gods.

35 Yet More Kant Moreover, sunshine, existence is not a predicate: ‘exist’ adds nothing to the subject in phrases like ‘cows exist’ Try the effect of ‘it exists’

36 Kant once again The same is true with describing God’s other ‘predicates’ – omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, etc., because our idea of God already contains them So we can reject all of God’s supposed predicates

37 Kant’s swansong “The attempt to establish the existence of a supreme being by means of the … OA … is therefore so much labor and effort lost; we can no more extend our stock of [theoretical] insight by mere ideas than a merchant can better his position by adding a few noughts to his cash account.”

38 The crucial word in the OA if

39 All the OA does is to establish possibilities If God exists, then God exists necessarily, omnipotently, omnisciently, etc. The problem is that there is no guarantee that God does exist.

40 ‘Wahoo, buddy!’ – Norman Malcolm rides to the rescue ‘Ordinary’ existence is not a predicate, but ‘necessary’ existence seems as if it is. It tells you that God has to exist.

41 1. If God came into existence now, he would be contingent, and so would not be God. 2. Therefore if God does not exist now, his existence is impossible. [why?] 3. Therefore God’s existence is either impossible or necessary.

42 4. God’s existence can be impossible only if the concept of such a being is self-contradictory or logically absurd. 5. It isn’t, therefore God exists necessarily. 6. So in the same way, God is necessarily omnipotent and omniscient.

43 This is an analytic existential truth, in the same way that the infinity of the sequence of prime numbers (1,3,5,7,11,13 etc.) is an analytic existential truth. You either grasp this, or you don’t. Once you do, no doubt remains as to whether or not God exists.

44 Baloney, Mahoney Any competent mathematician could demonstrate the infinity of the sequence of prime numbers as a mathematical fact. It does not require intuitive understanding, only intelligence.

45 Moreover Reduce: ‘a self-contradictory notion’ to (x) And: ‘logically absurd’ to (y) And: ‘God exists’ to (z)

46 Reduce Malcolm’s argument to: not (x) + not (y) = (z) (not s.c. and not l.a. = God exists) But this equation can also be solved by: not (x) + not (y) = not (z) Not s.c. and not l.a. = God doesn’t exist

47 Malcolm – Darn it, let’s say the OA has anti-real force. This is the argument that the OA is an argument for those who believe in God. But: 1.Either the OA works or it doesn’t 2. If it doesn’t, what’s the point of believers using it?


49 Alvin Plantinga Plantinga as the cavalry: A modal version of the OA

50 Modal Logic - uses a system of possible but non-actual worlds to give a framework by which you can judge what is possible and what is necessary in the real world - it isn’t the ‘many worlds’ interpretation of quantum theory

51 ‘maximal excellence’ - a being having maximal excellence is one possessing all the Cartesian perfections: omnipotence, omniscience, aseity, perfection, etc.

52 ‘maximal greatness’ - a being possesses maximal greatness if it possesses maximal excellence in all possible worlds.

53 World-Indexed properties 1. Consider all possible worlds, and label them W1, W2, W3, W4 and so on 2. Consider Gordon Brown in worlds 1,2,3,5,7,9,23,45,67,467,2385, etc. 3. To be the same GB in W467 as in W1, GB in W467 has to have some recognisable features

54 No WIPS here

55 To say that properties are world- indexed means: 1. For something to exist in more than one possible world, it cannot vary significantly from world to world. 2. Whatever is necessary or impossible cannot vary at all from world to world. (why not)

56 So the same is true for God God could not vary at all from world to world. A being who is not omnipotent in W8 cannot be the same as a being who is omnipotent in W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,W6 and W7, because a non-omnipotent being would not be recognisable as God.

57 Now follow the logic: ( 1) We aim to demonstrate the existence of God (a being with maximal greatness) (2) Such a being must possess maximal excellence in all possible worlds (3) Because of WIPS, if we can show that there is a being of maximal excellence in just one possible world, then we have proved that such a being exists in all possible worlds

58 4. There is a being of maximal excellence in one possible world, because the idea of such a being is either necessary or impossible. 5. It can be impossible only if the idea of such a being is s.c. or l.a. 6. It isn’t, therefore such a being exists necessarily in one possible world.

59 7. Whatever is necessary or impossible cannot vary at all from world to world. 8. So such a being exists in all possible worlds. 9. Therefore God has maximal greatness and necessary existence: God exists.

60 Why doesn’t this work? 1. because: not … 2. We could have a term ‘no maximality’, which is the property of no world possessing a maximally great being, in which case the same flow of argument could be used to demonstrate the non- existence of God in every possible world, including this one.

61 Synthesis – the OA fails on 2 fronts: 1. ‘existence’ isn’t a predicate. As Russell & Frege say: it’s an existential quantifier - it means ‘are instances of’. ‘Tame tigers exist’ means: ‘there are instances of tame tigers’, which I can only know from experience. I cannot know that ‘there is an instance’ of God.

62 Timmy

63 (2) Statements asserting God’s existence are tautologies ‘God is an omnipotent being’ Reduces to: ‘God (an omnipotent being) is an omnipotent being’. This is a tautology - analytic / true by definition / but factually true only if there is a God.

64 Unpack ‘God’ – it is shorthand for a number of predicates Each concept/predicate you add just adds to the tautology E.g. ‘God (an omnipotent, omniscient, immutable being who has necessary existence) exists omnipotently, omnisciently and immutably and necessarily’

65 ALL tautologies are analytic – they are necessarily/logically true – they have ‘de dicto’ necessity. But they may be factually false, because no analytic statement can give you knowledge of the facts – you have to know the facts first

66 There is one exception that causes confusion ‘God has necessary existence’ is a tautology (a being who possesses n.e. has n.e. But we could say ‘God necessarily exists’ This isn’t a tautology, because it means: ‘a being who possesses n.e. must exist’

67 But this may be false. ‘Having to exist’ is a predicate, and if God exists, he has to exist, because then he possesses the predicate of having to exist. But there is still no guarantee that such a being exists. If it does not exist, then obviously it does not possess n.e.

68 Conclusion ‘God exists’ is analytic in form. It may be either factually true or factually false. The OA fails.

69 Salvage The 20 th c. Swiss theologian Karl Barth thinks that Anselm intended his argument as a prayer

70 This is because (1) Anselm starts and ends Proslogium with a prayer, and (2) He thinks that Anselm received his definition of God as ttwnccbc as a self-revelation from God.

71 But 1. Anselm says that he has been looking for a ‘proof’, and now has found one 2. He means it as an analytic proof. 3. If his argument was just a prayer, why did Gaunilo object to it, and why did Anselm take Gaunilo’s objection as a logical objection to the argument?

72 Norman Malcolm again The OA won’t convince atheists, and is an anti-real argument – it ‘coheres’ with truth in the believing community Really? What use is an anti-real argument to believers? All the believers I know take ‘God exists’ to be cognitive/factual

73 The value of the OA ‘blood’ generations of students and drive them insane. 2. It is also a part of the history of philosophy.

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