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INFSO-SSA-26637 International Collaboration to Extend and Advance Grid Education ICEAGE Forum Meeting at EGEE Conference, Geneva Malcolm Atkinson & David.

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Presentation on theme: "INFSO-SSA-26637 International Collaboration to Extend and Advance Grid Education ICEAGE Forum Meeting at EGEE Conference, Geneva Malcolm Atkinson & David."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFSO-SSA-26637 International Collaboration to Extend and Advance Grid Education ICEAGE Forum Meeting at EGEE Conference, Geneva Malcolm Atkinson & David Fergusson National e-Science Centre & Institute Edinburgh 14th September 2006

2 INFSO-SSA-26637 2 Why are we here today? Second meeting of the ICEAGE forum – Cue introductions  Name, institution, day job & roles in ICEAGE To Generate Energy & Commitment – ICEAGE is already doing things – Get help from the Forum’s members guiding what we do increasing our effectiveness and impact To actually do ICEAGE work – Not just talk about it – E.g. design curricula – E.g. develop strategies that influence – E.g. shape the plans for Summer Schools We want all forum members to gain benefits No such thing as a free boat trip!

3 INFSO-SSA-26637 EGEE conference 26th September 2006 3 Previous Forum meetings Recommendations on: – Educational communities to engage with – Forms of engagement with computer science teaching – Forms of engagement with application domain teaching – Initial suggestions on engaging policy and domain groups – Outline recommendations on curricula content ET-WG recommendations – Semantics for sharing educational materials – Tools for grid education

4 INFSO-SSA-26637 EGEE conference 26th September 2006 4 Agenda (building on previous meetings) 1.Welcome, Introductions and Update a.Forum purpose(Malcolm Atkinson) b.Work in progress and related projects (Malcolm Atkinson) c.Challenges (David Fergusson) 2.Increasing the engagement with Education a.How do we connect with Academic decision makers? b.How do we engage with National decision makers? c.Suggest strategies d.Policy relating to access - resources, students 3.ICEAGE publications Repository Format of publications Reports to inform policy Curricula recommendations - text book T-Infrastructure recommendations

5 INFSO-SSA-26637 EGEE conference 26th September 2006 5 Academic decision makers Greece, academics decide what courses Germany - same + polytechnics, course review by faculty (Dean) UK - academic proposes, reviewed by faculty (Dean). + recoginsed syllabus for chartered status, learned societies. Modifying existing courses different from instituting new ones. Sweden - electives decided by faculty/lecturers. Core inclusion harder - something has to be removed. USA - localised, faculty committee, electives easier. State bodies for state universities. Research councils supporting a doctorate module (computing). Sweden - National School for Graduate education. European initiatives (ENACTS, ERASMUS) Ireland similar to UK

6 INFSO-SSA-26637 EGEE conference 26th September 2006 6 Engaging community Support enthusiasts Identify enthusiasts – Mathematics, CS, physics (biomed) Identify potential enthusiasts  Biomed  geo – Identify subject areas – Identify individuals Formal understanding of distributed computing - CS Grid as a medium to do science - other domains.

7 INFSO-SSA-26637 EGEE conference 26th September 2006 7 Best practice in using Grids How much does an application scientist need to understand about distributed computing to achieve their ends How much Grid detail do people really need?

8 INFSO-SSA-26637 8 ICEAGE Mission & Goals Mission Stimulate and support advances in grid education throughout Europe Goals – Achieve rapid growth in effective advanced grid education  Enabling society to make best use of e-Infrastructure – Make best use of worldwide capacity for advanced grid education – Deliver a stimulating programme of educational events  Including international summer schools – Broaden engagement in an advanced grid education  both geographically and across disciplines

9 INFSO-SSA-26637 9 Vive la Difference Training – Targeted – Immediate goals – Specific skills – Building a workforce Education – Pervasive – Long term and sustained – Generic conceptual models – Developing a culture Both are needed Society Graduates EducationInnovation Invests PreparesCreate Enriches Organisation Skilled Workers TrainingServices & Applications Invests PreparesDevelop Strengthens

10 INFSO-SSA-26637 10 ICEAGE Overview Mission Partners Activities Plans Summary €1.2 million 2 years Start 1 st March 2006 Photographer: Kathy Humphry

11 INFSO-SSA-26637 11 Partners Edinburgh – National e-Science Centre – Malcolm Atkinson & David Fergusson Universita’ degli Studi di Catania – Roberto Barbera & Antonella Di Stefano SPACI – Southern Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructures – Almerico Murli CERN – Erwin Laure Kungliga Tekniska H ö gskolan, Stockholm – Lennart Johnsson & Per Öster SZTAKI – Budapest – Magyar Tudom á nyos Akad é mia Sz á m í t á stechnikai é s Automatiz á l á si Kutat ó Int é zet – Peter Kacsuk & Gergely Sipos Two new no cost partners – Trinity College Dublin, Eire – Fachhochschule Vorarlberg, Austria

12 INFSO-SSA-26637 EGEE conference 26th September 2006 12 Related projects EGEEinfrastructure knowledge BELIEFmetadata sharing DILIGENTmetadata sharing EUMedGriddissemination EUChinaGriddissemination ISSeGsecurity content OMII-Europedevelopment practices content ETICSdevelopment/testing content CoreGridcoordination & sharing content NextGridarchitecture content Condorsharing material/t-Infrastructure Globussharing material/t-Infrastructure OMII-UKsharing material/t-Infrastructure UNICOREsharing material NAREGIsharing material OGSA-DAIsharing material EPICcoordination & sharing

13 INFSO-SSA-26637 13 Activities Forum – Edinburgh – International panel of experts to develop curricula, policies & strategies Support, Outreach, Induction & Training services – Edinburgh – Attracting & Training the Trainers – Persuading Universities to adopt Grid Computing Curricula – E-Learning, repository & course scheduling & announcement Summer Schools – KTH T-Infrastructure – Catania Coordination & Management – Edinburgh

14 INFSO-SSA-26637 14 Support Letters of Support – 49 – From 22 Countries Agreed to be Members of the Forum – 51 Founder Members – 21 Countries Summer Schools – ISSGC’06Italy – ISSGC’07Scandinavia – ISSGC’08Hungary GGF ISSGC’04 Vico Equense Italy

15 INFSO-SSA-26637 15 Work done 1 Talk on Education & Training at SC05 Raise Education & Training in National & EU agenda – E-IRG meeting: 13 & 14 th December 2005, London Education workshop at GGF16 – 13 th February 2006 Athens First ICEAGE Forum meeting co-located with GGF16 – 16 th February 2006 Athens (not done – no time travel  ) ICEAGE project started – 1 st March 2006 – Duration 2 years – Plan to generate National & EU follow up projects Education workshop at GGF17 – 10 th May 2006, Tokyo International Summer School in Grid Computing ‘06 – July 2006, Italy 1st Forum meeting at ISSGC’06 – 15th July 2006 Inaugural meeting of ET-WG at GGF18 – September 2006, Washington

16 INFSO-SSA-26637 16 Work done 2: e-IRG E-Informatics Research Group Have established a chapter on E&T in e-IRG white paper Workshop in Linz, 10-11 April Prepared chapter Accepted by formal meeting in Vienna, June

17 INFSO-SSA-26637 17 E-IRG: recommendations

18 INFSO-SSA-26637 18 Education & Training Preliminary Recommendations – Increased investments in E&T are essential  so that full potential of e-Infrastructures may be realised – Focus education on improving understanding  as to how e-Infrastructure may be exploited effectively – Focus training to improve capacity  to develop, deploy and operate e-infrastructure – Develop policies and standards  for the coordination and collaboration in E&T Plans for next 6-months – Survey current practice  Initiate work on recommending curricula and methods – Develop framework for sharing E&T materials and support  Including contribution policies – Initiate development of student & educator access policies  Considering access and mobility across regional & national boundaries

19 INFSO-SSA-26637 19 Work done 3: GGF/OGF E&T in the charter of OGF E&T group proposed at OGF Charter accepted (ET-WG) – Officers  David Fergusson, NeSC  Ann Redelfs, EPIC  Ruediger Berlich, KMZ  Kilian Schwarz, Darmstadt  Beth Plale, Indiana U.  Malcolm Atkinson, UK – Secretariat  Kathryn Cassidy, TCD  Lilly Hunter, ICEAGE – Themes  E&T Frameworks  E&T Synergy  E&T Content Must combine strength & effect of ICEAGE, e-IRG & OGF

20 INFSO-SSA-26637 20 Work in Progress 1: Summer Schools Summer Schools 2006 – Fourth International Summer School in Grid Computing – Second Central European Grid School, Budapest In preparation for 2006 – The CERN School of Computing, Helsinki – The GridKA Grid School, Karlsruhe – EELA School, Rio de Janerio, Brazil? In preparation for 2007 – Fifth International Summer School in Grid Computing, Near Stockholm – ICEAGE Summer School of Bio-Grid Computing – ICEAGE Summer School of Software Engineering for Grids – UK e-Science Summer School Planned for 2008 – Sixth International Summer School in Grid Computing. Central or Eastern Europe

21 INFSO-SSA-26637 21 Work in Progress 2: Policy EUNIS Workshop – Tartu, Estonia, 29 th June 2006 ICEAGE arranging T&E CG Workshop @ GGF18 – Washington, 13 September 2006 Second ICEAGE Forum meeting – Co-located with GGF18 – Washington, Morning 14 September 2006 – Co-located with EGEE 06, CERN, 26 th September 2006 Malcolm now a UK representative @ e-IRG – Open Workshop & Closed Meeting  Helsinki, 3 & 4 th October 06  Helsinki, 20 th November 06 Invited talk on E&T at IST 2006 conference – Helsinki, 23 rd November 2006 Second EGEE Project Meeting – Catania, 11-13 th October 2006

22 INFSO-SSA-26637 EGEE conference 26th September 2006 22 Repository

23 INFSO-SSA-26637 EGEE conference 26th September 2006 23 Search result

24 INFSO-SSA-26637 EGEE conference 26th September 2006 24 Community metadata

25 INFSO-SSA-26637 EGEE conference 26th September 2006 25 T-Infrastructure One of the most common requests from ISSGC students - persistent t-Infrastructure Agreement at ISSGC’06 among tutorial providers to develop persistent t- Infrastructure – NeSC – OMII-UK – Globus – Condor

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