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Heather Malcolm MSN, RN-BC Nurse Educator WVU Healthcare - Center for Education & Organizational Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Heather Malcolm MSN, RN-BC Nurse Educator WVU Healthcare - Center for Education & Organizational Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heather Malcolm MSN, RN-BC Nurse Educator WVU Healthcare - Center for Education & Organizational Development

2 1.Define Horizontal Violence. 2.Identify the behaviors that can constitute Horizontal Violence. 3.Discuss how we counteract this behavior in the workplace.


4 Low Self Esteem Powerful Charisma Deceitfulness & Manipulation Impulsiveness Autocratic Lack of Empathy Inadequate Communication Skills Poor Ability to Resolve Conflict

5 Overt (Direct) Covert (Indirect) name calling, bickering, fault finding, back stabbing, criticism, intimidation, gossip, shouting, blaming, using put- downs, raising eyebrows, increased complaints of poor patient care, rumors about staff leaving, negative employee satisfaction scores and absenteeism, etc. unfair assignments/projects, sarcasm, eye-rolling, ignoring, making faces behind someone’s back, refusing to help, sighing, whining, refusing to work with someone, sabotage, isolation, exclusion, fabrication, etc.


7 Women > Men Hard Working & Dedicated Employee Liked by Others & Popular Competent Vulnerable

8 Emotional/Psychological Physical Social

9 High Turnover Rates Sick Time Compensation Claims FMLA Overtime


11 Raising Awareness & Illuminating the Problem Empowering Staff by Increasing their Voice & Open Communication Network

12 5 Key Elements: 1.Know Your Purpose 2.Focus on Behavior Not Personality 3.Specifics Not Generalizations 4.Engage on Your Terms Not The Bully’s 5.Question Intentions Don’t Assume Them

13 People are NOT the problem, Behavior IS the problem I am not here to fight, I am here to ….. I am trustworthy and committed to the success of the team

14 Heather Malcolm MSN, RN-BC WVU Healthcare Center for Education & Organizational Development Email: Phone: 304-598-4063

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