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Jurassic Park Discussion and Review Reading Sections—pages 149 to 193 AND 193 to 243.

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Presentation on theme: "Jurassic Park Discussion and Review Reading Sections—pages 149 to 193 AND 193 to 243."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jurassic Park Discussion and Review Reading Sections—pages 149 to 193 AND 193 to 243

2 Expectations… You will earn up to 25 points for your participation in discussion today. Ways to earn points: Ways to earn points: Being focused and listening when you are asked to Being focused and listening when you are asked to Discussing Jurassic Park with your partner/group when you are asked to Discussing Jurassic Park with your partner/group when you are asked to Contributing positively to the learning environment Contributing positively to the learning environment Ways to lose points: Ways to lose points: Not being focused, not listening, being off-topic Not being focused, not listening, being off-topic Texting, being generally distracting, sleeping Texting, being generally distracting, sleeping Contributing negatively to the learning environment Contributing negatively to the learning environment

3 Directions… Everyone needs one piece of binder paper. Write your name and your partner(s) names at the top. Title your binder paper “JP Discussion pgs 149-243” NOTE: As we move through the PowerPoint, make notes about what you learn. At the end of the PowerPoint and discussion (covering almost 100 pages and spanning 14 slides), you should have about ½ page of notes.

4 Questions for Review Section 149-193  Explain the issue with the sick stegosaur.  Explain the “rat problem” on the island.  What is important about the egg shell that is found by Grant?  What does Malcolm discover about the computer and its method of counting the dinosaurs? Why is this important?  Describe what happens during the t-rex attack.

5 Quotation Analysis “It’s that Malcolm,” Hammond said darkly. “He’s behind it all. He was against us from the start, you know. He’s got his theory that complex systems can’t be controlled and nature can’t be imitated. I don’t know what his problem is. Hell, we’re just making a zoo here. World’s full of ‘em, and they all work just fine. But he’s going to prove his theory or die trying. I just hope he doesn’t panic Gennaro into trying to shut the park down.” Directions: Explain the significance of the following quotations in terms of the following—themes, over-arching ideologies like Luddite thinking and Chaos Theory, characterization, plot, foreshadowing, and/or general significance in relationship to our world today. Identifying ONE well will earn some credit, identifying TWO well will earn full credit, identifying THREE well is too many.

6 Quotation Analysis “[The island] is inherently unpredictable, just as the weather is.’ ‘You told him this?’ Gennaro said. ‘Yes, I also told him deviations would occur…broadly speaking, the ability of the park to control the spread of life forms. Because the history of evolution is that life escapes all barriers. Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way.’ Malcolm shook his head. ‘I don’t mean to be philosophical, but there it is.’” Directions: Explain the significance of the following quotations in terms of the following—themes, over- arching ideologies like Luddite thinking and Chaos Theory, characterization, plot, foreshadowing, and/or general significance in relationship to our world today. Identifying ONE well will earn some credit, identifying TWO well will earn full credit, identifying THREE well is too many.

7 Quotation Analysis “The computer is counting the animals in the park,” Wu said. “All the animals.” “He’s right,” Arnold said. “We just always used the base count of two hundred thirty-eight because we assumed there couldn’t be more.” Directions: Explain the significance of the following quotations in terms of the following—themes, over- arching ideologies like Luddite thinking and Chaos Theory, characterization, plot, foreshadowing, and/or general significance in relationship to our world today. Identifying ONE well will earn some credit, identifying TWO well will earn full credit, identifying THREE well is too many.

8 Quotation Analysis “You see, the fractal idea of sameness carries within it an aspect of recursion, a kind of doubling back on itself, which means that events are unpredictable. That they can change suddenly, and without warning…But we have soothed ourselves into imagining sudden change as something that happens outside the normal order of things. An accident, like a car crash. Or beyond our control, like a fatal illness. We do not conceive of sudden, radical, irrational change as built into the very fabric of existence. Yet it is. And chaos theory teaches us,” Malcolm said, “that straight linearity, which we have come to take for granted in everything from physics to fiction, simply does not exist. Linearity is an artificial way of viewing the world.” Directions: Explain the significance of the following quotations in terms of the following—themes, over- arching ideologies like Luddite thinking and Chaos Theory, characterization, plot, foreshadowing, and/or general significance in relationship to our world today. Identifying ONE well will earn some credit, identifying TWO well will earn full credit, identifying THREE well is too many.

9 Quotation Analysis “He ran away. I think he saw that the fence isn’t electrified,” Tim said. Directions: Explain the significance of the following quotations in terms of the following—themes, over- arching ideologies like Luddite thinking and Chaos Theory, characterization, plot, foreshadowing, and/or general significance in relationship to our world today. Identifying ONE well will earn some credit, identifying TWO well will earn full credit, identifying THREE well is too many.

10 Questions for Review Section 193-243  Talk through Nedry’s death. Infer why Nedry’s death is important.  What happens to Ed Regis?  How do Dr. Grant and Tim navigate in the woods?  When Grant, Tim and Lex eventually find the concrete bunker, what do they do?  What happens to Ian Malcolm?  Explain the computer command “white rabbit.”

11 Quotation Analysis “But there was something about Hammond that Wu found troubling. The old man was different in some way…subtly different…In part it was an emotional liability…But there was something else. A stubborn evasiveness. An insistence on having his way. And, in the end, a complete refusal to deal with the situation that now faced the park.” Directions: Explain the significance of the following quotations in terms of the following—themes, over- arching ideologies like Luddite thinking and Chaos Theory, characterization, plot, foreshadowing, and/or general significance in relationship to our world today. Identifying ONE well will earn some credit, identifying TWO well will earn full credit, identifying THREE well is too many.

12 Quotation Analysis “DNA was an incredibly ancient substance…The DNA molecule was so old that its evolution had essentially finished more than 2 billion years ago…when you compared the DNA of man and the DNA of a lowly bacterium, you found that only about 10 percent of the strands were different. This innate conservatism of DNA emboldened Wu to use whatever DNA he wished. In making his dinosaurs, Wu had manipulated the DNA as a sculptor might clay or marble. He had created freely.” Directions: Explain the significance of the following quotations in terms of the following—themes, over- arching ideologies like Luddite thinking and Chaos Theory, characterization, plot, foreshadowing, and/or general significance in relationship to our world today. Identifying ONE well will earn some credit, identifying TWO well will earn full credit, identifying THREE well is too many.

13 Quotation Analysis “The juvenile continued to stare at the odd, noisy little animal before it, but when Regis had gone down a few paces, it lunged and knocked him down again. ‘It’s playing with him,’ Grant thought.” Directions: Explain the significance of the following quotations in terms of the following—themes, over- arching ideologies like Luddite thinking and Chaos Theory, characterization, plot, foreshadowing, and/or general significance in relationship to our world today. Identifying ONE well will earn some credit, identifying TWO well will earn full credit, identifying THREE well is too many.

14 Quotation Analysis “’Look, Donald,’ Hammond said. ‘Let’s not get carried away. We’ve had a little breakdown from the storm or whatever, and as a result we’ve suffered a regrettable, unfortunate accident. And that’s all that’s happened. We’re dealing with it. Arnold will get the computers cleaned up. Muldoon will pick up the kids…I have no doubt that he’ll be back with them by the time we finish this ice cream.’” Directions: Explain the significance of the following quotations in terms of the following—themes, over- arching ideologies like Luddite thinking and Chaos Theory, characterization, plot, foreshadowing, and/or general significance in relationship to our world today. Identifying ONE well will earn some credit, identifying TWO well will earn full credit, identifying THREE well is too many.

15 Reflection Now, your task is to show me what you have learned about the book from this class discussion. Write 2-3 sentences (minimum) detailing what you learned today BUT…you need to go deeper than just literal level. Think about themes, ideologies like Luddite Thinking or Chaos Theory, metaphors, real-world connections. Use your background notes if necessary. Make it matter. Then copy and complete this sentence: During today’s discussion, I earned ____/25 because ________________ __________________________________________________________ _.

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