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Citing and reading behaviours in High Energy Physics *** Learning from OA bibliometrics? Anne Gentil-Beccot, CERN. Uppsala. 17 November 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Citing and reading behaviours in High Energy Physics *** Learning from OA bibliometrics? Anne Gentil-Beccot, CERN. Uppsala. 17 November 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citing and reading behaviours in High Energy Physics *** Learning from OA bibliometrics? Anne Gentil-Beccot, CERN. Uppsala. 17 November 2010

2  HEP and open access  Advantages?  INSPIRE  Conclusions

3 HEP and Open Access

4 ~15’000 High Energy Physics (HEP) scientists smash stuff at the speed of light to produce new stuff

5 ~15’000 HEP theorists scratch their heads to make sense of all that stuff and then some more

6 The HEP “preprint culture” L.Goldschmidt-Clermont, 1965, Scientific journals of ‘60s too slow for HEP Mass-mail preprints to institutes worldwide Ante litteram (institute-pays) Open Access Leading libraries “serve” preprints CERN Library, circa 1960

7 SPIRES: first electronic catalogue SLAC/Stanford Library,1974 With Fermilab (US) and DESY (DE) Libraries Electronic catalogue of preprints metadata Manually updated with publication reference

8 First website in the US?


10 the archetypal repository P. Ginsparg, LANL, 1991. Now Cornell Library From paper mail, to email, to web server 1/2 Million preprints. Growing beyond HEP Author-formatted post-prints often resubmitted

11 Was there a mandate?

12 Advantages? - Visibility - Acceleration - Impact

13 Advantages? - Visibility - Acceleration - Impact

14 Where do HEP scientists look for info? Survey of 2’000+ scientists (10% of community) 40% of the scientists rely only on OA literature Prevalence of free biblographic/bibliometric tools integrating published and OA literature Google as proxy of arXiv, SPIRES, publishers Gentil-Beccot et al. arxiv:0804.2701

15 Advantages? - Visibility - Acceleration - Impact

16 Ten years in the life of a HEP article SPIRES/INSPIRE: citations to/from preprints/articles Citation peak at publication Scientific discourse proceeds on discipline repository

17 Advantages? - Visibility - Acceleration - Impact

18 Citation augmentation Discipline repository yields immense advantage –Five times more citations for articles in arXiv –20% of 2-year citations occur before publication

19 DO HEP scientists still read journals?

20 (As many scientists as analyzed here go straight to arXiv) arXiv 82% Publisher server 18% ∼ 30,000 clicks (choice between arXiv and journal) Do HEP scientists still read journals? Gentil-Beccot et al. arxiv:0906.5418

21 OA publishing advantage? Journal of High Energy Physics OA Institutional Membership option. OA Not OA

22 OA publishing advantage? Journal of High Energy Physics OA Institutional Membership option.

23 But journals are still essential Crucial role of peer-review And interface with officialdom

24 SCOAP3 Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research


26 INSPIRE Whole HEP literature 860K papers with authors and affiliations 80K author names






32 Conclusions Bibliometric studies show: –Advantage of HEP OA subject repositories Visibility, Acceleration, Impact –HEP journals are no longer a communication tool INSPIRE: bringing it to the next level –Better content, crowd-source curation –More content, beyond text, OA heritage –More bibliometrics… Future of bibliometrics : –One single place where to find information –Consider synoptically traditional and OA sources

33 Thank you! Gentil-Beccot, Anne (CERN) ; Mele, Salvatore (CERN) ; Holtkamp, Annette (DESY) ; O'Connell, Heath B (Fermilab) ; Brooks, Travis C (SLAC) Information Resources in High-Energy Physics: Surveying the Present Landscape and Charting the Future Course Gentil-Beccot, A (CERN) ; Mele, S (CERN) ; Brooks, T (SLAC) Citing and Reading Behaviors in HEP: How a Community Stopped Worrying about Journals and learned to Love Repositories

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