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Patrick Marchesiello Brest, 13 Janvier 2005 Le modèle ROMS et son utilisation sur NYMPHEA Centre IRD de Bretagne.

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1 Patrick Marchesiello Brest, 13 Janvier 2005 Le modèle ROMS et son utilisation sur NYMPHEA Centre IRD de Bretagne


3 ROMS History  Descendant of SPEM & SCRUM  Descendant of SPEM & SCRUM (relative of POM) (Song & Haidvogel 1994; Barnier et al., 1998)  UCLA: more like developer’s code (Shchepetkin et al., 1998, 2003, 2004; Marchesiello et al., 2001, 2003 … )  Rutgers: larger user community & support  IRD Brest & UCLA & INRIA - AGRIF: Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran (Debreu 1999) - AGRIF: Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran (Debreu 1999) - Pre-processing tools - Pre-processing tools (Penven, Marchesiello)

4 Collaborators and Users FRANCE  IRD Brest: Penven, Marchesiello et al.  LMC Grenoble: Debreu et al.  LPO Brest: Le Gentil et al. USA  UCLA: McWilliams, Shchepetkin, et al.  JPL: Chao et al.  Rutgers U.: Arango et al. USERS  France: Brest, Paris, Toulouse, Noumea  Europe: Germany (U. Bremerhaven), Italy (JRC), Portugal (IPIMAR), Spain (AZTI)  Africa: Morocco (INRH), Senegal (LPA), South Africa (U. Captown)  America: California, Peru (IMARPE), Chili (U. Conception), Brazil

5 ROMS Main features Hydrostatic, Boussinesq Primitive Equations Hydrostatic, Boussinesq Primitive Equations Free surface Free surface Generalized vertical s-coordinate Generalized vertical s-coordinate Horizontal curvilinear coordinates Horizontal curvilinear coordinates High order, low dispersion numerics High order, low dispersion numerics Embedded domains: AGRIF Embedded domains: AGRIF Open boundary conditions Open boundary conditions Boundary layers parameterizations Boundary layers parameterizations Parallelization: OMP, MPI Parallelization: OMP, MPI Domain partitionning Domain partitionning Optimized for vector computers Optimized for vector computers Fortran 95 Fortran 95 UNIX/Linux UNIX/Linux C preprocessor C preprocessor NetCDF library, used for all I/O NetCDF library, used for all I/O

6 Numerics: Motivation Kantha and Clayson (2000) after Durran (1991)

7 Numerics: Strategy High order accurate methods: Sanderson (1998): optimal choice (lower cost for a given accuracy) for general ocean circulation models is 3RD OR 4TH ORDER accurate methods With special care to: Numerical dispersion Pressure gradient Mode splitting Combination of methods

8 Numerics in ROMS (Shchepetkin & McWilliams, 1998, 2003, 2004)  Horizontal (“C”) and vertical staggered grids  Time stepping –Split-explicit barotropic and baroclinic modes with 2-way time filter –Predictor-corrector Leapfrog-Adams-Molton 3rd order scheme with feed-back between momentum & tracer equations –Non-uniform density in barotropic mode –Conservative & constancy preserving advection for tracers.  Advection –3rd order upstream biased (QUICK)  Vertical terms –parabolic spline reconstruction for horiz. pressure gradient and advection terms (equivalent 8th order) –Implicite Crank-Nicholson scheme for vertical mixing terms

9 POG - 0.25 deg ROMS – 0.25 deg Numerics: Perfomances C. Blanc

10 ROMS_AGRIF Each domain has its own input/output files Grid’s locations specified in Works in OPENMP/MPI Forcings, initial conditions generated with an interactive matlab tool: « nesting gui » 2 20 45 34 59 3 3 3 30 55 70 89 3 3 2 0 1 10 30 20 40 5 3 5 0 The same model (executable) runs on grids with different space/time resolutions

11 Nymphea

12 Implementation  Compilation –Software required: Fortran95, Unix, C preprocessor, NetCDF library –Compilation interface in ROMS which defines machine dependent options (Tru64 UNIX)  Parallelisation –OpenMP: 1 knot of 4 processors –MPI: for process studies (S. Le Gentil); needs work for realistic applications  Applications –Realistic: coastal regions of West Africa (Morocco and Senegal), Iroise sea,Bay of Brest –Process studies at high resolution

13 W. Africa 25 km C. Vert C. Blanc Sahara 5 km Mercator Levitus Clipper ROMS_AGRIF for West AFRICA 242*252*32 points dt=720s

14 PERFORMANCES: COST CONFIGURATION 2 Embedded grids with refinement coef=5 Size (child grid): 242*252*32 points with dt=720s Duration of simulation: 10 model years Processors: 1 knot of 4 processors Alpha EV68 (1GHz) Parallelization with OpenMP Partitionning: 4*8 Cost: c = 6. 10 -6 CPU seconds / grid point / time step ( Total run time = 15 days) Comparisons: PC Xeon 2.8Ghz: c=1.10 -5 SGI/CRAY Origin2000: c=8.10 -5 Earth Simulator (NEC SX): c=5. 10 -7

15 PERFORMANCES: SCALABILITY Nymphea: 95 % for 1-4 proc. SGI/CRAY-Origin2000: 95% with saturation above 128 proc. Earth Simulator: 95-60% for 1-512 proc. OMP opt. part. OMP (1 sub/proc) MPI (1 sub/proc)

16 Partitioning Senegal ideal case on Nymphea (P. Estrade) Domain: 150*500*40 with dt=480s Partitioning 1*1 : Cost = 7.5 10 -6 Partitioning 1*64 : Cost = 6. 10 -6 (units= CPU s/ grid point/ time step) 25 % gain due to optimal cache use Domain: 159*171*20 with dt=480s New Caledonia region on PC (J. Lefêvre) 100 % gain due to optimal cache use NSUB_X NSUB_E

17 CONCLUSION  ROMS is well optimized (code and methods) and adapted to Nymphea which allows to perform large runs in a reasonable time without excessive queuing time  The model is ready for faster, more numerous processors (provided AGRIF is fully tested with MPI)  More storage would be welcome

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