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The Leaf Projection Path View of Parse Trees: Exploring String Kernels for HPSG Parse Selection Kristina Toutanova, Penka Markova, Christopher Manning.

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Presentation on theme: "The Leaf Projection Path View of Parse Trees: Exploring String Kernels for HPSG Parse Selection Kristina Toutanova, Penka Markova, Christopher Manning."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Leaf Projection Path View of Parse Trees: Exploring String Kernels for HPSG Parse Selection Kristina Toutanova, Penka Markova, Christopher Manning Computer Science Department Stanford University

2 Motivation: the task “I would like to meet with you again on Monday” Input: a sentence Classify to one of the possible parses focus on discriminating among parses

3 Motivation: traditional representation of parse trees Features are pieces of local rule productions with grand-parenting When using plain context free rules most features make no reference to the input string – naive for a discriminative model! Lexicalization with the head word introduces more connection to the input meet to on

4 Motivation: traditional representation of parse trees All subtrees representation: features are (a restricted kind) of subtrees of the original tree must choose features or discount larger trees

5 General idea: representation Provides broader view of tree contexts Increases connection to the input string (words) Captures examples of non-head dependencies like in “more careful than his sister” (Bod 98) Trees are lists of leaf projection paths Non-head path is included in addition to the head path Each node is lexicalized with all words dominated by it Trees must be binarized

6 General idea: tree kernels Often only a kernel (a similarity measure) between trees is necessary for ML algorithms. Measure the similarity between trees by the similarity between projection paths of common words/pos tags in the trees.

7 General idea: tree kernels from string kernels Measures of similarity between sequences (strings) have been developed for many domains. use string kernels between projection paths and combine them into a tree kernel via a convolution this gives rise to interesting features and more global modeling of the syntactic environment of words S VP VP-NF VP VP-NF meet S VP VP-NF VP VP-NF meet SIM

8 Overview HPSG syntactic analyses representation Illustration of the leaf projection paths representation Comparison to traditional rule representation experimental results Tree kernels from string kernels on projection paths Experimental results

9 HPSG tree representation: derivation trees THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON_V2 plan HCOMP ON on that HPSG – Head Driven Phrase Structure Grammar; lexicalized unification based grammar ERG grammar of English Node labels are rule names such as head-complement and head- adjunct The inventory of rules is larger than in traditional HPSG grammars Full HPSG signs can be recovered from the derivation trees using the grammar We use annotated derivation trees as the main representation for disambiguation

10 HPSG tree representation: annotation of nodes THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON_V2 plan HCOMP ON on that Annotation with the value of Its values are a small set of part-of-speech tags : verb : prep*

11 HPSG tree representation: syntactic word classes The word classes are around 500 types in the HPSG type hierarchy. They show detailed syntactic information including e.g. subcategorization. p_regn_deictic_pro Our representation heavily uses word classes to backoff from words LET_V1US letus PLAN_ON_V2 plan ONTHAT_DEIX onthat v_sorb v_empty_prep _intrans n_pers_pro word types lexical item ids

12 Leaf projection paths representation THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON_V2 plan HCOMP ON on that : verb : prep* v_empty_prep_ intrans p_reg n_deictic_pro n_pers_pro v_sorb The tree is represented as a list of paths from the words to the top. The paths are keyed by words and corresponding word classes. The head and non-head paths are treated separately. LET_V1 verb HCOMP: verb IMPER: verb HCOMP: verb END let v_sorb START let v_sorb START END

13 Leaf projection paths representation THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON plan HCOMP ON on that : verb : prep* v_empty_pre p_ intrans p_reg n_deictic_pro n_pers_pro v_sor b The tree is represented as a list of paths from the words to the top. The paths are keyed by words and corresponding word classes. The head and non-head paths are treated separately. PLAN_ON: verb HCOMP: verb END plan v_empty_prep _intrans START plan v_empty_prep _intrans START HCOMP: verb IMPER: verb END

14 Leaf projection paths representation THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON plan HCOMP ON on that : verb : prep* v_empty_prep _ intrans p_reg n_deictic_pro n_pers_pro v_sorb Can recover local rules by annotation of nodes with sister and parent categories Now extract features from this representation for discriminative models

15 Overview HPSG syntactic analyses representation Illustration of the leaf projection paths representation Comparison to traditional rule representation experimental results Tree kernels from string kernels on projection paths Experimental Results

16 Machine learning task setup Given m training sentences Sentence s i has p i possible analyses and t i,1 is the correct analysis Learn a parameter vector and choose for a test sentence the tree t with the maximum score Linear Models e.g. (Collins 00)

17 Choosing the parameter vector Previous formulations (Collins 01, Shen and Joshi 03) We solve this problem using SVMLight for ranking For all models we extract all features from the kernel’s feature map and solve the problem with a linear kernel

18 The leaf projection paths view versus the context free rule view Goals: Compare context free rule models to projection path models Evaluate the usefulness of non-head paths Models Projection paths: Bi-gram model on projection paths (2PP) Bi-gram model on head projection paths only (2HeadPP) Context free rules: Joint rule model (J-Rule) Independent rule model (I-Rule)

19 The leaf projection paths view versus the context free rule view 2PP has as features bi-grams from the projection paths. Features of 2PP including the node HCOMP THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON_V2 plan HCOMP ON on that : verb : prep* v_empty_prep_ intrans p_reg n_deictic_pro n_pers_pro v_sorb : verb plan (head path) [v_empty_prep_intrans,PLAN_ON_V2,HCOMP,head] [v_empty_prep_intrans,HCOMP,END,head]

20 The leaf projection paths view versus the context free rule view 2PP has as features bi-grams from the projection paths. Features of 2PP including the node HCOMP THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON_V2 plan HCOMP ON on that : verb : prep* v_empty_prep_ intrans p_reg n_deictic_pro n_pers_pro v_sorb : verb plan (head path) [v_empty_prep_intrans,PLAN_ON_V2,HCOMP,head] [v_empty_prep_intrans,HCOMP,END,head]

21 The leaf projection paths view versus the context free rule view 2PP has as features bi-grams from the projection paths. Features of 2PP including the node HCOMP THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON_V2 plan HCOMP ON on that : verb : prep* v_empty_prep_ intrans p_reg n_deictic_pro n_pers_pro v_sorb : verb on (non-head path) [p_reg,START,HCOMP,non-head] [p_reg,HCOMP,HCOMP,non-head]

22 The leaf projection paths view versus the context free rule view 2PP has as features bi-grams from the projection paths. Features of 2PP including the node HCOMP THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON_V2 plan HCOMP ON on that : verb : prep* v_empty_prep_ intrans p_reg n_deictic_pro n_pers_pro v_sorb : verb on (non-head path) [p_reg,START,HCOMP,non-head] [p_reg,HCOMP,HCOMP,non-head]

23 The leaf projection paths view versus the context free rule view 2PP has as features bi-grams from the projection paths. Features of 2PP including the node HCOMP THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON_V2 plan HCOMP ON on that : verb : prep* v_empty_prep_ intrans p_reg n_deictic_pro n_pers_pro v_sorb : verb that (non-head path) [n_deictic_pro,HCOMP,HCOMP,non-head]

24 The leaf projection paths view versus the context free rule view 2PP has as features bi-grams from the projection paths. Features of 2PP including the node HCOMP THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON_V2 plan HCOMP ON on that : verb : prep* v_empty_prep_ intrans p_reg n_deictic_pro n_pers_pro v_sorb : verb that (non-head path) [n_deictic_pro,HCOMP,HCOMP,non-head]

25 The leaf projection paths view versus the context free rule view I-Rule has as features edges of the tree, annotated with the word class of the child and head vs. non-head information Features of I-Rule including the node HCOMP THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON_V2 plan HCOMP ON on that : verb : prep* v_empty_prep_ intrans p_reg n_deictic_pro n_pers_pro v_sorb [v_empty_prep_intrans,PLAN_ON_V2,HCOMP,head]

26 The leaf projection paths view versus the context free rule view I-Rule has as features edges of the tree, annotated with the word class of the child and head vs. non-head information Features of I-Rule including the node HCOMP [p_reg,HCOMP,HCOMP,non-head] THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON_V2 plan HCOMP ON on that : verb : prep* v_empty_prep_ intrans p_reg n_deictic_pro n_pers_pro v_sorb

27 The leaf projection paths view versus the context free rule view I-Rule has as features edges of the tree, annotated with the word class of the child and head vs. non-head information Features of I-Rule including the node HCOMP [v_empty_prep_intrans,HCOMP,HCOMP,non-head] THAT_DEIX IMPER HCOMP LET_V1US let us PLAN_ON_V2 plan HCOMP ON on that : verb : prep* v_empty_prep_ intrans p_reg n_deictic_pro n_pers_pro v_sorb

28 Comparison results Redwoods corpus 3829 ambiguous sentences; average number of words 7.8 average ambiguity 10.8 10-fold cross-validation ; report exact match accuracy Non-head paths are useful (13% relative error reduction from head only) The bi-gram model on projection paths performs better than a very similar local rule based model

29 Overview HPSG syntactic analyses representation Illustration of the leaf projection paths representation Comparison to traditional rule representation experimental results Tree kernels from string kernels on projection paths Experimental Results

30 String kernels on projection paths We looked at a bi-gram model on projection paths (2PP). This is a special case of a string kernel (n- gram kernel). We could use more general string kernels on projection paths --- existing ones, that handle non-contiguous substrings or more complex matching of nodes. It is straightforward to combine them into tree kernels.

31 Formal representation of parse trees key 1 =let (head) X 1 =“START LET_V1:verb HCOMP:verb HCOMP:verb IMPER:verb END” key 2 =v_sorb(head) X 2 = X 1 key 3 =let (non-head) X 3 =“START END” key 4 =v_sorb(non-head) X 4 = X 3 LET_V1 verb HCOMP: verb IMPER: verb HCOMP: verb END let v_sorb START let v_sorb START END t

32 Tree kernels using string kernels on projection paths t’ t

33 String kernels overview Define string kernels by their feature map from strings to vectors indexed by feature indices Example: 1-gram kernel LET_V1 HCOMP IMPER HCOMP END START

34 Repetition kernel General idea: Improve on the 1-gram kernel by better handling repeated symbols. He eats chocolate from Belgium with fingers. head path of eats when high attachment – (NP PP PP NP) Rather than the feature for PP having twice as much weight, there should be a separate feature indicating that there are two PPs. The feature space is indexed by strings Two discount factors for gaps and for letters PP NP

35 The Repetition kernel versus 1-gram and 2-gram 1-gram 44,278 features Repetition 52,994 features 2-gram 104,331 features Repetition achieves 7.8% error reduction from 1-gram

36 Other string kernels So far: 1-gram,2-gram, repetition Next: allow general discontinuous n-grams restricted subsequence kernel Also: allow partial matching wildcard kernel allowing a wild-card character in the n-gram features; the wildcard matches any character Lodhi et al. 02; Leslie and Kuang 03

37 Restricted subsequence kernel Has parameters k – maximum size of the feature n-gram; g – maximum span in the string; λ 1 - gap penalty and λ 2 - letter - penalty λ 2 when k=2,g=5, λ 1 =.5, λ 2 =1 LET_V1 HCOMP IMPER HCOMP END START

38 Varying the string kernels on word class keyed paths 1-gram (13K) 81.43 2-gram (37K) 82.70 subseq (2,3,.50,2) (81K) 83.22 subseq (2,3,.25,2) (81K) 83.48 subseq (2,4,. 5,2) (102K) 83.29 subseq (3,5,.25,2)(416K) 83.06

39 Varying the string kernels on word class keyed paths 1-gram (13K) 81.43 2-gram (37K) 82.70 subseq (2,3,.50,2) (81K) 83.22 subseq (2,3,.25,2) (81K) 83.48 subseq (2,4,.50,2) (102K) 83.29 subseq (3,5,.25,2) (416K) 83.06 Increasing the amount of discontinuity or adding larger n-gram did not help

40 Adding word keyed paths Best previous result from a single classifier 82.7 (mostly local rule based). Relative error reduction is 13% Fixed the kernel for word keyed paths to 2-gram+repetition

41 Other models and model combination Many features are available in the HPSG signs. A single model is likely to over-fit when given too many features. To better use the additional information, train several classifiers and combine them by voting Best previous result from voting classifiers is 84.23% (Osborne & Balbridge 04)

42 Conclusions and future work Summary We presented a new representation of parse trees leading to a tree kernel It allows the modeling of more global tree contexts as well as greater lexicalization We demonstrated gains from applying existing string kernels on projection paths and new kernels useful for the domain (Repetition kernel) The major gains were due to the representation Future Work Other sequence kernels better suited for the task Feature selection: which words / word classes deserve better modeling of their leaf paths Other corpora

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