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What do we do? The power of imagining the future.

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3 What do we do? The power of imagining the future




7 A missional re-engagement with society

8 A re-imagination of what church is (and could become)

9 A re-orientation towards whole life discipleship.




13 ‘apostolic creativity of quantum leap proportions.’ leap proportions.’ Gerald Arbuckle, Refounding the Church

14 ‘not just about the church, but how the gospel engages the generation of men and women who no longer see the Christian life as having any reference for their lives.’ Alan Roxburgh, Missional Map Making

15 Keep in the slipstream of God

16 ‘Mission is often described as if it were a planned extension of an old building. But it fact it has usually been more like an unexpected explosion.’ John V Taylor

17 ‘how did the Spirit lead them to respond creatively & continually in new and surprising situations as they preached the gospel.’ Stephen Bevans & Roger Schroeder, Prophetic Dialogue

18 Think without a banister

19 ‘we require radically different and as yet unimagined ways to relate the Good News to the pastoral challenges of the world.’ Gerald Arbuckle, Refounding the Church

20 ‘ letting your imagination soar and then engineering it down to earth.’

21 “We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein

22 Think of an idea/project/plant etc you are working on. Picture how you see the end result and then describe how it would be look it was filmed by Spielberg.

23 ‘Our truest life is when we are in our dreams awake.’

24 School of ideas 1.Forget everything you know 2.Remember everything you know 3.Re-arrange everything you know

25 1.What is our core identity? 2.How is our environment changing ? 3.What is the Spirit up to ?

26 ‘Traveller, there is no road, the road is made by walking.’

27 Know how to see

28 ‘ To look at something as though we have never seen it before requires great courage.’ Henri Matisse

29 ‘ Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, “ The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God has come near, repent, and believe in the good news.’ Mark 1 v14-15 Mark 1 v14-15


31 “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust

32 Sing the old lyrics with a new tune

33 ‘ If you want to preserve tradition don’t wear your grandfathers hat, have grandchildren.’ Pablo Picasso

34 ‘ Imagination must be formed and understood from the inside of its experience and confession of faith and not by borrowing from external sources.’ Walter Bruggemann, Prophetic Imagination

35 ‘not leaving the tradition but driving to it’s heart’


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