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Published byLucinda Ryan Modified over 9 years ago
經文:路 13:1-9 The Obituary
查經者的信念 聖經都是神所默示的,於教訓、督責、使人歸正、 教導人學義都是有益的,叫屬神的人得以完全,預 備行各樣的善事。 (提摩太後書 3:16-17 )
路加福音的金句 1) 路 19:10 :人子來,為要尋找、拯救失喪的人。 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. (NIV) 2) 路 9:23 :耶穌又對眾人說,若有人要跟從我, 就當捨己,天天背起他的十字架,來跟從我。 Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (NIV)
經文觀察,路 13:1-9 觀察題: What: 有人告訴耶穌什麼熱門新聞? What: 耶穌告訴眾人什麼熱門新聞? What: 兩件新聞裏的人有什麼同樣的後果? Why: 按照眾人的看法,新聞裏的人為什麼會死? How: 耶穌如何回答眾人? When: 在耶穌的比喻,主人等無花果樹結果子等了幾年?
歷史背景 The presence of evil in our world is always disturbing. Tragedy surrounds us on every side. In the ancient world, people assumed that a tragic event was a product of sin. They assumed that tragedy reflected God’s judgment for sins committed. This was the interpretation of Job’s friends in the Book of Job. Jesus took the popular assumptions and turned them into an opportunity for personal reflection.
News Flash: Political Atrocity 讀經:路 13:1-3 How did the Galileans die in a particularly tragic manner? Luke did not tell us why those Galileans were punished. But Jesus’ words revealed what many people thought about those Galileans. In people’s minds, did the Galileans deserve what happened to them? To whom was Jesus speaking? How did Jesus compare his listeners to those who died in the recent atrocity? Why?
News Flash 2: Natural Disaster 讀經:路 13:4-5 Jesus cites a second event. Rather than a political tragedy, this is a natural disaster. It would be common for the people during Jesus’ time to assume that natural disaster was God’s divine judgment of those who were “more guilty.” To whom was Jesus speaking? Measured against God’s standard, who is more guilty of sin? ( 羅 3:23 ) According to Jesus, what is the consequence of sin? ( 羅 6:23 )
悔改或滅亡 “Why does God allow suffering in the world?” Often the problem of suffering is posed as an abstract question to deflect a personal confrontation with our own sins and our own need for God. Jesus avoids letting the question get abstract; he keeps people considering their own sinful state. When you share the gospel, do you explain the sin and the gospel in abstract terms? How do you explain sin and one’s own need to repent in a personal or real-life way?
誰更有罪? In the two events, Jesus is stressing that it is more important to deal with one’s own sin and mortality than to compare yourself with other people. Rather than trying to figure out where you stand compared to other people (I am a good person compared to other people I know), Jesus twice calls on each person to consider where he stands before God and to repent. Do you think you are a sinner? How bad of a sinner? What is the heart’s response to realizing one’s own sinfulness? What is the action that must be taken in response to a convicted heart? ( 徒 2:37-38 )
Time to Repent, Time to Respond 讀經,路 13:6-9 After telling his listeners that they must all repent or perish, Jesus uses the parable of the fruit tree to illustrate the patience and kindness of God. In the parable, did the fruit tree decide where it was planted? Was it planted in rocky soil or fertile soil? Was it cared for? Was it given time to bear fruit? How long should a person wait for a fruit tree to bear fruit? Is 3 years long enough? Is 4 years long enough?
Time to Repent, Time to Respond Many of you came to the U.S. to pursue an education or a better job opportunity. God was not part of your decision to come to the U.S. But here you are, going to church and to fellowship. For some of you, this is the first time you have heard of God. For some of you, this is where you experienced God and have come to believe in Him. All of you did not plan on meeting God. God came to you. Like the fruit tree in the vineyard, you can experience fullness of God’s love through the warmth of fellowship, the joy of music, the love of Christians, and the knowledge of God through Sunday School and pastor’s preaching.
Time to Repent, Time to Respond The owner of the vineyard waited 3 to 4 years for his fruit tree to respond to all the nurturing. A fruit tree responds by what it does best: bear fruit. A person responds to God’s love with the decision to repent and follow God. How long will you be in Los Angeles? 3 years, 4 years for your degree? During this time, God chose to meet you, to tell you about His grace. How do you respond? If you have already responded to God by repentance and acceptance of Jesus as your Lord and Savior, share about your conversion testimony in 2-3 minutes.
如何得救 How to be saved A. Admit 承認:以謙卑的心,向神承認自己乃是一個罪人。 「因為世人都犯了罪,虧缺了神的榮耀。」(羅 3:23 ) B. Believe 相信:相信耶穌並他釘十字架,使你因信耶穌 而被神稱義。「就是神的義,因信耶穌基督加給一切相 信的人,並沒有分別。」(羅 3:22 ) C. Confess 宣告:藉著祈禱來宣告你的信心,將耶穌接到 心中,使他成為你的救主與生命之主。「你若口裡認耶 穌為主,心裡信神叫他從死裡復活,就必得救。」(羅 馬書 10:9 )
信主之後 After you’ve received Jesus as Lord 信主之後所當做的四件事情: 1. 接受浸禮,歸入基督的名下。 2. 將主日分別為聖,敬拜神。 3. 研讀聖經,靈命得著餵養。 4. 過團契生活,彼此相愛。
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