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Why Kill all those “Innocent People”? What’s it got to do with us? Is this our God of love?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Kill all those “Innocent People”? What’s it got to do with us? Is this our God of love?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Kill all those “Innocent People”? What’s it got to do with us? Is this our God of love?

2 Joshua 3:10 “This is how you will know that the living God is among you and that he will certainly drive out before you the Canaanites, Hittites, Hivites, Perizzites, Girgashites, Amorites and Jebusites.” Seven nations whose lands the Lord promised to give to the children of Israel when they came out of Egypt



5 Noah ShemHamJapheth Noah Shem Arpachshad Shelah Eber Ham Cana’an Sidon Heth Japheth Gomer Ashkenaz (Armenia)

6 Noah Japheth Gomer Ashkenaz Riphath Togarmah MagogMadaiJavan Elishah Tarshish Kittim Dodanim Tubal Shem ElamAsshur Arphaxad Salah Eber Peleg Reu Serug Terah Abram Joktan Ham Cush Nimrod Mizraim Canaan Sidon Heth Jebusite Amorite Girgashite Hivite

7  They were real people who really lived  They were not exactly “innocent”  They were destroyed by Israel  They no longer exist (apologetics)  We know very little about them …  … but we can still learn lots from them!


9  Hittites: descendants of Heth/Cheth, 2 nd son of Canaan. See Gen 10:15; 23:1-19  Famous Hittites: 1. King Tidal (Gen 14:1) = Tudhaliya 2. Ephron the Hittite – burial cave (Gen 23) 3. “Ahimelech the Hittite,” 1 Sam 26:6. 4. Uriah the Hittite, one of “the thirty” of David's body-guard. 2 Sam 23:39;  Lived in Hebron but came from north – recorded in ancient Syria & Turkey


11  Girgashites: lived in Canaan around Sea of Galilee before arrival of children of Israel. Gen 10:16; 15:21; Deut 7:1 Cf. Matt 8:28  May be related to Phoenicians who lived on the coast of Lebanon  Amorites : portrayed by the Egyptians as a tall and handsome people. Depicted with white skins, blue eyes, and reddish hair

12  Canaanites: =“traders”. Lived along coast and Jordan during Joshua’s time.  Collective term? All inhabitants of Canaan regardless of racial origin. Josh 5:1 refers to coastal peoples  Perizzites: = “rustic” - occupied woods and mountains? Known by Abraham - linked with Canaanites in Gen 13:7  No mention outside of Bible

13  Hivites : Another of Canaan’s children. Appear 25 times in Bible. Lived in the northern confines of western Palestine  Egyptian monument descriptions: yellow skins & Mongoloid eyes  Jebusites : lived in uplands of Canaan near Jerusalem (a Jebusite city in Josh 15:8, 63), though king of Jerusalem also referred to as an Amorite king (Josh 10:5)

14 NameMeaning of name HittitesSons of terror GirgashitesClay dwellers AmoritesMountain people; renowned CanaanitesLowlands people PerizzitesBelonging to a village HivitesLiving JebusitesThreshers

15 Heth Terror Emotions Subliminal fears Phobias DeceitDepression FearGuilt Human effort

16 Faith TruthAuthority Perfect love Honesty God’s Word Joy RighteousnessForgivenessBlessing

17 Canaan Earthly Analytical Lack of spirituality Natural SensualSelfish Fear of Man Guilt Human effort

18 Faith Spirit Authority Perfect love Eternity in heart Selflessness RighteousnessForgivenessBlessing

19 CanaanLoftyDomineering Fame- seekers Self- exaltation OppressionSelfish DictatorsBulliesRulers

20 Humiliated Addictions Perversion Canaanites Villagers No vision Low esteem Perizzites Living Hedonism Earthly Hivites Threshers Legalism Suppression Jebusites

21 Instead of …Apply … Self-centeredness (Jealously, rivalry) SACRIFICE Deception (vain imaginations, idolatry) TRUTH Control (Manipulation)SPIRIT FILLING Rejection (insecurity)ACCEPTANCE Unforgiveness (resentment, bitterness) FORGIVENESS Perversions of God- intended roles SUBMISSION Confusion (disorder)GODLY WISDOM

22  Gen 15:16 – “sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure.” Patience! II Pet 3:9  Amorites: common name = all Canaanites  Fertility cult: Ba’al, god of storms & fertility ~ main goddess: Astarte (Easter)  Human sacrifice ~ esp. of children Jer 19:4  Destroying Canaanite religion was more important that destroying Canaanite people.  Spiritual intimacy ~ idolatry ~ adultery

23  Cosmic battle: God / Yahweh Canaanite idols Eye for

24  Often just an excuse for rejecting God  2 examples often used: Flood & Sodom  120 years to repent + rescue boat + Noah  How many children around???  Sodom & Gomorrah – by-words  How many righteous were there? ( Gen. 18:32 )  How many children from homosexuality?

25  All families of the earth to be blessed (Gen 12:3)  God concerned with sin, not ethnicity  Godly anger (through prophets) at Israel  Opposed to Israel’s sin as well as enemies’  War a necessary but temporary solution  Conventional warfare rhetoric  Why 7 times round Jericho? Repent??????

26  The LORD will be more than glad to destroy you and wipe you out. You will be torn out of the land you're about to enter and take possession of. Deut 28:63  Expulsion not annihilation  Cf. Jdg 1:28-29; I Kgs 9:16; Ezr 9:1  “Women and children”? ¡Todo el mundo!

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