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Mediation in Macedonia: What Businesses Need to Know Supported by government of Kingdom of the Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "Mediation in Macedonia: What Businesses Need to Know Supported by government of Kingdom of the Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mediation in Macedonia: What Businesses Need to Know Supported by government of Kingdom of the Netherlands

2 Legal uncertainty in contract enforcement is a significant obstacle to –Foreign investment –Economic development Large backlog of cases in the courts Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia - 1 million cases in each In Serbia and Montenegro the backlog increases 10% a year On average in the region – it takes 460 days to enforce a contract, including over 34 procedures* *World bank ’ s Doing Business Report 2008. WHY Alternative Dispute Resolution?

3 What is Mediation? Mediation is an extra-court procedure for dispute resolution based on the freely expressed will of the parties, assisted by a third neutral party – a mediator – who does not have a right to impose a solution to the dispute.

4 Principles of Mediation Voluntary Impartiality Confidentiality Equality Efficiency

5 Mediation Procedure Many questions... How does it begin? Who participates? How many mediator? How does it go (flow)? How long does it last? The outcome … Agreement Enforcement document


7  An order is not the same as cash  Sales can often not be completed until money is collected  Receivables occur when selling goods on credit  Question: why would a company sell goods on credit?  Answer: to grow faster and/or to gain an advantage over the competition RECEIVABLES

8 PROBLEMS To survive, the company takes short-term loans At the same time, the company is crediting other companies Good buyers lose confidence Suppliers are not willing to credit the company anymore

9 CONSEQUENCES Costs of obtaining loan of 100.000 MKD (at an interest rate of 14%) Delayed paymentAmount in MKDAmount in % 10 days3890.4 60 days2.3332.3 90 days3.5003.5 120 days4.6674.7 360 days14.00014.0

10 What we need to make up for a loss of 100.000 MKD Net profitReceivablesVolume of sales needed 20%100.000500.000 10%100.0001.000.000 5%100.0002.000.000 2%100.0005.000.000 CONSEQUENCES

11 POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Court procedure Mediation

12 COURT PROCEDURE 1. Initiating court procedure – first instance  Preparation hearing  Main hearing  Questioning witnesses  Expertise  Final remarks 4-6 MONTHS 2. Initiating second instance procedure - appealing 3. Enforcement agents 1-2 MONTHS TOTAL DURATION: 6-10 MONTHS

13 FIRST INSTANCE Receivables up to 100,000 MKD 3,000,000 MKD Court fees 2,50060,000 Decision 2,50060,000 Lawyer to file claim 3,900 Lawyer per hearing 4,680 Minimum 5 hearings 23,400 Expert’s opinion 12,000 Total: 48,980 MKD163,980 MKD % of receivable 48.98%5.47%

14 Receivables up to 3.000.000 MKD Court fees and taxes 120.000 MKD Fee for verdict 120.000 MKD Preparing appeal - lawyer 3.900 MKD Total: 243.900 MKD SECOND INSTANCE

15 Receivables up to 3.000.000 MKD Administration 20.000 MKD Reward 50.000 MKD Total: 70.000 MKD HOW MUCH ARE THE TOTAL COSTS? WHAT ABOUT THE LOST TIME? WHAT ABOUT LOST OPPORTUNITIES? Enforcement Agent

16 MEDIATION Costs for mediator 20 Euro / hour Average 100 Euro6.100 den Notary / Court seal 1.000 den 1-2 MONTHS

17 SUMMARY Court procedureMediation First instance163.980 MKD 0 Second Instance243.900 MKD 0 Enforcement agent70.000 MKD 0 Mediation07.100 MKD TOTAL477.880 MKD 7.100 MKD Duration6-10 monthsUp to 2 months Receivable up to 3.000.000 MKD

18 First results –Mediation initiatives 42 –Accepted mediations 21 (50 %) –Completed mediations 15 (71 %) –Pending mediations 30 Pilot mediation Project - Skopje 2 Court –For current cases –Before opening court procedure OPPORTUNITIES

19 Invitation to Mediation Informational Material Return (confirmation) letter Pre-addressed Return envelope Skopje – 2 Pilot Project 4000 commercial cases (1996 - 2007)

20 NEXT STEP IS YOURS! COMPLETE THE PUZZLE NEXT STEP IS YOURS! COMPLETE THE PUZZLE Marina Perunovska Alternative Dispute Resolution - Mediation International Finance Corporation

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