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Making Strategy  War is an extension of politics by other means. - Carl von Clausewitz - Carl von Clausewitz.

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2 Making Strategy

3  War is an extension of politics by other means. - Carl von Clausewitz - Carl von Clausewitz

4 Samples of Behavior  List, in order, the five steps of the strategy process  State how a nation determines its national objectives  ID external factors that influence the strategy process  Describe the terms “Shape,” “ Respond,” and “Prepare Now” in reference to the National Military Strategy

5 Making Strategy  National Objectives  Grand Strategy  Military Strategy  Operational Strategy  Battlefield Strategy  Influences on the Strategy Process

6 National Objectives  The fundamental aims, goals, or purposes of a nation, toward which a policy is directed and efforts & resources are applied.

7 National Objectives An extension of a state’s national interests  Vital – broad, overriding importance to the survival, safety and vitality of our nation not willing to compromise  State is not willing to compromise on willing to go to war to protect  State is generally willing to go to war to protect

8 National Objectives  Major (important) interests - t hese effect our National well-being  Halt flow of Haitian refugees  NATO Operations in Bosnia/Kosovo  Assistance in East Timor

9 National Objectives  Peripheral (humanitarian and other) - our nation may act because our values demand it  Response to disasters  Human rights violations  De-mining  Environmental protection

10 National Objectives  Interests are often intertwined Vietnam? Iraq? Bosnia? Kosovo?


12 Grand Strategy  Development & use of ALL National power instruments and the coordination of these instruments

13  Instruments of National power  Political  Military  Economic  Information Grand Strategy

14  President Greatest influence on international relations Greatest influence on international relations  Congress Primary check on the President Primary check on the President  National media  Interest groups Public opinion Public opinion Grand Strategy Players


16 Military Strategy  The art and science of coordinating the development, deployment, and employment of military forces to achieve national security objectives.  “SECDEF Report to President and Congress”  National Military Strategy National Military Strategy National Military Strategy

17  Enhance our security with effective diplomacy and with military forces that are ready to fight and win  Bolster America's economic prosperity  Promote democracy and human rights abroad. National Military Strategy* * National Military Strategy 1997 (CJCS)

18  Assure our allies and friends  Dissuade future military competition  Deter threats against U.S. interests, allies, and friends  Decisively defeat any adversary if deterrence fails National Military Strategy* * National Security Strategy 2002

19  Force management risk  Operational risk  Future challenges risk  Institutional risk National Military Strategy SECDEF Annual Report to the President/Congress 2002


21  The art and science of planning, orchestrating, and directing military campaigns within a theater of operations to achieve National security objectives. Operational Strategy

22 Operational Strategy What does it do?  Links the National level concerns of military strategy with battlefield concerns of tactics  Levels of operational strategy  Combined campaigns  Joint campaigns  Component campaigns

23 Operational Strategy  Orchestration of all military efforts in the theater  Goal is to win the theater war  Achieve the military objective  Military objective contributes to the achievement of a political objective

24 Operational Strategy  Campaigns must be appropriate to the situation: Vietnam  Linebacker II - 11 day bombing campaign in Dec 1972 had a specific politico-military objective  Many victories but to little avail  Contrast American Revolution  Few victories but won independence


26  The art and science of employing forces on the battlefield to achieve National security objectives. Battlefield Strategy (Tactics)

27  Very dynamic level of operations  Virtually impossible to talk about in general terms nuclear war operations other than war conventional war space war information war amphibious assaults desert war the list goes on...... the list goes on......


29 Influences on the Process  Who makes the decisions  Domestic politics  International politics  Fog, friction, chance  Doctrine  The driving force behind our operational and battlefield strategy  Media  Reverse Flow Feedback System

30 National objectives drive the processNational objectives drive the process An extension of vital National interests An extension of vital National interests Grand Strategy incorporates and/or coordinates all the instruments of National powerGrand Strategy incorporates and/or coordinates all the instruments of National power Military Strategy supports National objectivesMilitary Strategy supports National objectives Must support higher strategy Must support higher strategy Operational and Battlefield Strategy must be flexibleOperational and Battlefield Strategy must be flexible Several influences on the strategy processSeveral influences on the strategy process Points to Remember...

31  Chances are you are going to meet people who do not understand their day-to-day mission  Making the connection between day- to-day operations and national objectives is tough, but essential

32  Make sure your people understand how their day-to-day mission relates to National Objectives.  Questions?

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