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Austro-Hungarian Empire Likda Morash, Kelly McKenna, Nam Ong, Abygael McInnis & Connor Young.

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1 Austro-Hungarian Empire Likda Morash, Kelly McKenna, Nam Ong, Abygael McInnis & Connor Young


3 The monarchy didn’t come into existence until 1867, however the empire started to come into play in 1804, and lasted until 1918. The monarchy didn’t come into existence until 1867, however the empire started to come into play in 1804, and lasted until 1918. 1804 = Francis II of the Holy Roman Empire  Francis I, emperor of Austria. 1804 = Francis II of the Holy Roman Empire  Francis I, emperor of Austria. Hofburg Imperial Palace, Hofburg Imperial Palace, Vienna was the place where the Habsburg dynasty ruled Austria Habsburgs = immense amount of political power in Western and Central Europe. Habsburgs = immense amount of political power in Western and Central Europe. Hungary was part of the Habsburg dynasty for 5 centuries Hungary was part of the Habsburg dynasty for 5 centuries Austrian Coat of Arms

4 Hungary was part of the Habsburg dynasty for 5 centuries. Hungary was part of the Habsburg dynasty for 5 centuries. Acquired their dynastic devices by fortunate marriage. Acquired their dynastic devices by fortunate marriage. Ferdinand Habsburg married Vladislav II’s daughter Anne. Ferdinand Habsburg married Vladislav II’s daughter Anne. Ferdinands sister married Vladislav’s son, Louis II Ferdinands sister married Vladislav’s son, Louis II Louis II died at battle, making Ferdinand next to the throne. Louis II died at battle, making Ferdinand next to the throne. Habsburgs = most powerful political house in Central Europe from 1526 to 1918 Habsburgs = most powerful political house in Central Europe from 1526 to 1918 Hungarian Flag


6 The Ausgleich of 1867 was signed on February 8 1867 The Ausgleich of 1867 was signed on February 8 1867 The purpose of the Ausgleich, which is German for compromise, was to give Hungary equal status with Austria. The purpose of the Ausgleich, which is German for compromise, was to give Hungary equal status with Austria. The king of Hungary would be the same man as the emperor of Austria The king of Hungary would be the same man as the emperor of Austria Both countries were judged equally Both countries were judged equally After years, the Hungarians began to want self- government After years, the Hungarians began to want self- government The Austrian- Hungarian empire lasted fifty years The Austrian- Hungarian empire lasted fifty years

7 The Civil Ensign; Austro-Hungarian “Flag”


9 One head figure – Francis Joseph I (Emperor of Austria / King of Hungary) One head figure – Francis Joseph I (Emperor of Austria / King of Hungary) Both Austria and Hungary have their own individual constitution and parliament (“Reichsrat” for Austria and “Diet” for Hungary). Both Austria and Hungary have their own individual constitution and parliament (“Reichsrat” for Austria and “Diet” for Hungary). There was no intervening in other’s affairs. There was no intervening in other’s affairs. Delegates met alternatively in Vienna and Budapest. Delegates met alternatively in Vienna and Budapest. The empire had common ministries for Finance, Foreign Affair and Military. Both Austrians and Hungarians were appointed for positions. The empire had common ministries for Finance, Foreign Affair and Military. Both Austrians and Hungarians were appointed for positions.

10 Francis Joseph


12 Once Napoleon fell in 1814-15, Austria became in control of the German states (East). Once Napoleon fell in 1814-15, Austria became in control of the German states (East). In 1866 the Austro-Prussian war saw the expulsion of Austrians from the German Confederation In 1866 the Austro-Prussian war saw the expulsion of Austrians from the German Confederation Francis Joseph had to bring together his “heterogeneous empire” (Middle of Europe) Francis Joseph had to bring together his “heterogeneous empire” (Middle of Europe) When the union was made between the two empires it was NOT by choice. When the union was made between the two empires it was NOT by choice. There was no chance of Austro-Hungarian Empire uniting at all with Italy or Germany, so it looked to the West (Balkans) There was no chance of Austro-Hungarian Empire uniting at all with Italy or Germany, so it looked to the West (Balkans)


14 Empire tried to pursue Bosnia and Herzegovina while they were under the rule of the Ottoman Empire- RISKY BUSINESS! Empire tried to pursue Bosnia and Herzegovina while they were under the rule of the Ottoman Empire- RISKY BUSINESS! 1878- Austro-Hungarian Empire was granted occupation to the Bosnia-Herzegovina territory by the Treaty of Berlin 1878- Austro-Hungarian Empire was granted occupation to the Bosnia-Herzegovina territory by the Treaty of Berlin 1879- For protection from the Russians, a German- Austro-Hungarian alliance was created 1879- For protection from the Russians, a German- Austro-Hungarian alliance was created Bosnian Crisis Bosnian Crisis Austro-Hungarian Empire falls at end of WW1 Austro-Hungarian Empire falls at end of WW1


16 Began 1908 when Austro-Hungry began the annexation of Bosnia which eventually led to international complications and had the entire continent of Europe on the brink of war.Began 1908 when Austro-Hungry began the annexation of Bosnia which eventually led to international complications and had the entire continent of Europe on the brink of war. The idea of the annexation was acquire to acquire Bosnia in a formal way by occupation.The idea of the annexation was acquire to acquire Bosnia in a formal way by occupation. The annexation of Bosnia began because due to the treaty of Berlin it allowed the dual monarchy to control Bosnia and Herzegovina.The annexation of Bosnia began because due to the treaty of Berlin it allowed the dual monarchy to control Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia a nearby country of Bosnia and Herzegovina was upset by this act because it desperately wanted access to the Adriatic but wouldn’t be allowed by Austro Hungry.Serbia a nearby country of Bosnia and Herzegovina was upset by this act because it desperately wanted access to the Adriatic but wouldn’t be allowed by Austro Hungry. The Serbs protested the agreement because it damaged their economy.The Serbs protested the agreement because it damaged their economy. Austro-Hungry shut these protests down quickly.Austro-Hungry shut these protests down quickly.


18 Russia supported an international conference to consider the matter of the Berlin Treaty.Russia supported an international conference to consider the matter of the Berlin Treaty. Austro-Hungry did not want an international conference it agreed to it as long as its program was pre decided and agreed upon.Austro-Hungry did not want an international conference it agreed to it as long as its program was pre decided and agreed upon. Russia input a program but Austro-Hungry said that benefits for Serbia should be economic only.Russia input a program but Austro-Hungry said that benefits for Serbia should be economic only. Later a settlement was reached in 1909 in which ended the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Later a settlement was reached in 1909 in which ended the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The crisis was ended with an Austro-Hungarian victory over Serbia and a German and Austro-Hungarian victory over Russia.The crisis was ended with an Austro-Hungarian victory over Serbia and a German and Austro-Hungarian victory over Russia.

19 BIBLIOGRAPHY World monarchies and dynasties. 1st ed. 2005. World monarchies and dynasties. 1st ed. 2005. World Monarchies and Dynasties. 2nd ed. 2005 World Monarchies and Dynasties. 2nd ed. 2005 Sowards, Steven. "Lecture 4: Hungary and the limits of Habsburg authority." Twenty-Five Lectures on Modern Balkan History. 23 April 2004. 21 Sep 2008. Sowards, Steven. "Lecture 4: Hungary and the limits of Habsburg authority." Twenty-Five Lectures on Modern Balkan History. 23 April 2004. 21 Sep 2008. "Austria-Hungary." Britannica. 15th ed. 2003. "Austria-Hungary." Britannica. 15th ed. 2003. "Austria-Hungary." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 20 Sep. 2008. "Austria-Hungary." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 20 Sep. 2008. "Austria-Hungary," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2008 © 1997-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. "Austria-Hungary," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2008 © 1997-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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