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Presentation on theme: "TOWARDS A ‘PEACE-FUL’ DEMOCRACY The de Borda Institute"— Presentation transcript:

1 TOWARDS A ‘PEACE-FUL’ DEMOCRACY The de Borda Institute

2 DECISION-MAKING Questions POLITICSclosed, majority votes win-or-lose MEDIATION open, multi-optional win-win

3 CLOSED QUESTIONS SEMI-OPEN QUESTIONS OPEN QUESTIONS ↑ All Prefs DECISION-MAKING Borda BC / MBC C AV = alternative vote BC = Borda Count IRV = instant run-off MBC = modified Borda count STV = single transferable vote Condorcet (Copeland) O Some Approval voting U prefsSerial voting Sweden* AV = IRV = STV N 1 st prefs only Weighted majority SA Consociational NI, Belgium 2-round voting Norway** T Simple majority UK Twin Majority Switzerland Plurality New Zealand * a series of majority votes ** a plurality and then a majority vote 1 of 2 options 1 of all options 1 or some of all options 1or some or all of all options 1 st preference onlyPreferential BINARYMULTI-OPTIONAL VOTERS’ CHOICE → →



6 IRAQ Sanctions Inspections Diplomacy Threats

7 RESOLUTION 1441 Article 13. The Security Council “recalls…that the Council has repeatedly warned Iraq that it will face serious consequences as a result of its continued violations of its obligations.”

8 THE BALLOT PAPER OPTIONPreference AUK/US ………………… BFrance/Germany ………………….. CIreland ……………. DSyria ……………… E …………………….

9 VOTING AND VIOLENCE YEARPLACEEVENTRESULT 1902RUSSIAMAJORITY VOTE (bolshevik = member of majority)BOLSHEVISM (majoritarianism) 1933GERMANYMAJORITY VOTE (Hitler’s Enabling Act)NAZIS ‘59-‘61CHINACCP MAJORITY DECISIONSFAMINE 1973N. IRELANDBORDER POLL (Protestants vote ‘yes’; Catholics boycott) MORE ‘TROUBLES’ 1990YUGOSLAVIAELECTIONS (sectarian headcounts) 1991CROATIA1 st REFERENDUM (Orthodox ‘yes’ Catholics abstain) 2 nd ” (Catholics ‘yes’, Orthodox abstain) WAR 1992BOSNIAREFERENDUM (Muslims + Catholics ‘yes’; Orthodox build barricades) WAR 1994RWANDAThreat of majority rule. “Rubanda Nyamwinshi” (= “we are the majority”) GENOCIDE 1999E. TIMORREFERENDUM (Catholics ‘yes’)VIOLENCE 2002UN - IRAQMAJORITY VOTE (Resolution 1441)WAR 2006S. OSSETIAREFERENDUM (Ossetians ‘yes’; Georgians abstain)WAR 2008KENYAELECTIONSVIOLENCE 2010CÔTE D'IVOIREELECTIONSVIOLENCE ?KASHMIRReferendum (as per1947 UN resolution) … ???

10 CLOSED QUESTIONS SEMI-OPEN QUESTIONS OPEN QUESTIONS ↑ All Prefs DECISION-MAKING Borda BC / MBC C AV = alternative vote BC = Borda Count IRV = instant run-off MBC = modified Borda count STV = single transferable vote Condorcet (Copeland) O Some Approval voting U prefsSerial voting Sweden* AV = IRV = STV N 1 st prefs only Weighted majority SA Consociational NI, Belgium 2-round voting Norway** T Simple majority UK Twin Majority Switzerland Plurality New Zealand * a series of majority votes ** a first- round plurality and then a majority vote 1 of 2 options 1 of all options 1 or some of all options 1or some or all of all options 1 st preference onlyPreferential BINARYMULTI-OPTIONAL VOTERS’ CHOICE → →

11 CLOSEDSEMI-CLOSED OPEN → THRESHOLD HIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOW ↑COUNT ↑COUNT All prefs E L E C T O R A L S Y S T E M S QBS + top-up AMS = additional member system AV = (STV) = alternative vote FPP = first-past-the-post MBC = modified Borda count MMP = multi-member proportional QBS BC/MBC Condorcet lots some prefs few QBS =quota Borda system S(N)TV = single (non-) transferable vote PR-List Swiss PR-STV Ireland N Ireland Approval Voting AV Australia PR-List Belgium 2-round France Bosnia ’90 Mixed FPP + PR Croatia ’92-’95 MMP – Germany, NZ 1 st prefs FPP UK Kenya PR-list closed Israel, Iraq Bosnia ’96 Kosovo* AMS FPP Lebanon SNTV Afghani PR-list Holland Bosnia ’00 * with set- aside. 1 party only1 candidate of 1 party 1 or some candidates of 1 or some parties 1, some or all candidates of any or all parties V O T E R S ' C H O I C E →

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