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Emerging Terrorist Environments

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1 Third Edition Understanding Terrorism Challenges, Perspectives, and Issues

2 Emerging Terrorist Environments
Chapter 9 Emerging Terrorist Environments Gender-Selective Political Violence & Criminal Dissident Terrorism

3 Gender-Selected and Criminal Dissident Terrorism

4 Gender-Selected Victims of Terrorist Violence
Gender-Selective Terrorism Against Men During conflict and unrest. Elimination of potential fighters. Cases: Armenian genocide. Anfal campaign. Rwandan genocide. Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

5 Gender-Selected Victims of Terrorist Violence (continued)
Cultural Repression and Violence Against Women Women as second-class citizens. Case: Status of women in Saudi Arabia. Case: Repression under the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Violent cultural repression of women. Case: Honor killings. Case: Female infanticide. Case: Female genital mutilation (FGM). Case: “Cleansing” sexual relations.

6 Gender-Selected Victims of Terrorist Violence (continued)
Terrorism Against Women State terrorism against women. Campaigns of conquest during wartime. Perceived threat from an indigenous ethnic group. Case: Rape of Nanking and “comfort women.” Dissident terrorism against women. By insurgents or paramilitaries. Case: Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Case: Sierra Leone during the 1990’s.

7 Gender-Selected Victims of Terrorist Violence (continued)
Responding to Gender-Selective Terrorism No collective response until late 20th century. 1998 decision by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. 2001 “Foca” decision by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

8 Criminal Dissident Terrorism
The Criminal and Political Terrorism Nexus Transnational organized crime and criminal cartels. Common characteristics: Secretive. Antisocial. Underground. Smuggling and “special-order” goods. Selling to the highest bidder. Threat scenario: Weapons of mass destruction.

9 Criminal Dissident Terrorism (continued)
Traditional Criminal Enterprises Motivated by sheer profit. Politically passive when left alone. Politically violent when challenged by governments. Cases: Chinese Triads. Japanese Yakuza. American La Cosa Nostra. Russian Mafia. Italian Mafia.

10 Criminal Dissident Terrorism (continued)
The Logic of Narco-Terrorism “The use of drug trafficking to advance the objectives of certain governments and terrorist organizations.” Drug-related violence. Latin American narcotrafficantes.

11 Regional Cases of Criminal Terrorism
Asia Golden Crescent Golden Triangle. Europe Italian and Russian organized crime. The “Balkan Route.” Latin America Drug cartels. Cases: Colombia. Mexico. Peru.

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