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Cooperation with International Organizations
Presented by: Ratela Asllani, M.A PhD Candidate Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Contents NATO’s Partnership NATO’s Partners NATO & International Organizations Conclusion Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
1. NATO’s Partnership NATO’s Strategic Concept identifies “cooperative security” as one of NATO’s three essential core tasks. NATO works with partners from Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Mediterranean rim, the Gulf region and individual countries from across the globe. NATO’s partners also comprise other international organizations, including the UN and the EU, as well as other actors such as the International Committee of the Red Cross. Partners cooperate with NATO in a very broad range of security-related areas and, when taking part in a NATO cooperation programme, can participate in over 1,000 activities offered in the Partnership Cooperation Menu. Partners contribute in many ways to shaping discussions and debates in the Alliance. Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
1. NATO’s Partnership A cooperative Approach A comprehensive Approach Ratela Asllani, December 2014
1.1 A cooperative Approach to Security
Partnership, dialogue, consultation & cooperation Political consultations on security developments, as appropriate, including regional issues, in particular with a view to preventing crises and contributing to their management; Cooperation in NATO-led operations and missions; Interoperability, so that partners can support the Alliance in achieving its tactical, operational and strategic objectives; Defense reform, capability- and capacity-building, education and training; Counter-terrorism; Counter-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery; Emerging security challenges, including those related to cyber defense, energy security and maritime security, including counter-piracy; Civil emergency planning. Ratela Asllani, December 2014
1.2 A Comprehensive Approach to Crisis
Planning and conduct of operations Lessons learned, training, education and exercises Enhancing cooperation with external actors Public messaging Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
2. NATO’s Partners Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) (NATO+ countries) NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue (NATO + 7 Mediterranean countries) Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) (NATO+ 4 Gulf Cooperation Council) Partners Across the Globe (countries with mutual interests) International Organizations Ratela Asllani, December 2014
3. NATO & International Organizations
United Nations Organizations European Union Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
3.1 NATO & UN Ratela Asllani, December 2014
3.1 NATO & UN (Legal Aspect)
The Charter of the United Nations, signed in San Francisco on 26 June 1945, establishes the overall responsibility of the UN Security Council for international peace and security. NATO’s North Atlantic Treaty signed four years later, on 4 April 1949, makes clear that the UN Charter is the framework within which the Alliance operates. In the Treaty, Allies reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter and commit themselves to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Commit themselves to the principle of collective defense, in line with Article 51 of the UN Charter which establishes the inherent right of individual or collective defense of all UN member countries. Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
3.1 NATO & UN Share a commitment to maintaining international peace and security. Cooperation since the early 1990s. NATO’s 2010 Strategic Concept commits the Alliance to prevent crises, manage conflicts and stabilize post-conflict situations, including by working more closely with NATO’s international partners, most importantly the UN and the European Union. The complexity of today’s security challenges has required a broader dialogue between NATO and the UN. In 2010, following the signing of the 2008 UN-NATO declaration on cooperation, NATO reinforced its liaison arrangements by establishing the post of NATO Civilian Liaison Officer to the United Nations, in addition to that of a Military Liaison Officer, established in This enhanced cooperation is an integral part of NATO’s contribution to a Comprehensive Approach to crisis management and operations. Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
3.1 NATO & UN Framework for Cooperation In September 2008, established a framework for expanded consultation and cooperation. Cooperation on issues of common interest, including in communication & information-sharing; capacity-building, training & exercises; lessons learned, planning & support for contingencies; & operational coordination & support. Cooperation on practical basis, taking into account each organization's specific mandate, expertise, procedures & capabilities. Regular exchanges & dialogue at senior & working levels on political & operational issues. NATO’s Secretary General reports regularly to the UN Secretary-General on progress in UN-mandated NATO-led operations & on other key decisions of the North Atlantic Council in the area of crisis management & in the fight against terrorism. In recent years, staff-level meetings and high-level visits have become more frequent. The UN is frequently invited to attend NATO ministerial meetings & summits, The NATO Secretary General participates in the UN General Assembly, Staff level meetings take place on an annual basis between the Secretariats of NATO & the UN. NATO contributes to the work of a number of UN committees and bodies Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
3.1 NATO & UN Key areas of cooperation: Counter-terrorism (UNSCR 1373, 2001) Non-proliferation (UNSCR 1540, 2004) Women, peace and security (UNSCR 1325, in August 2012, the NATO Secretary General appointed a NATO Special Representative ) Protecting children in armed conflict (UNSCR 1612, appointment of a NATO Focal Point for Children and Armed Conflict ). Small arms and light weapons: NATO also contributes to the UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in All its Aspects, adopted in July 2001 by nearly 150 countries, including all NATO member states. Disaster relief: Through the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC), NATO coordinates consequence-management efforts with UN and other bodies and shares information on disaster assistance. Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
3.1 NATO & UN Evaluation of cooperation in field: Bringing peace to the former Yugoslavia Afghanistan Iraq Supporting African Union missions Deterring piracy Libya Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
3.2 NATO & EU Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
3.2 NATO & EU Strategic Partnership: Sharing strategic interests. Cooperate on issues of common interest. Working side by side in crisis management, capability development & political consultations. The EU is a unique & essential partner for NATO. Both share a majority of members (22), who share common values. Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
NATO & EU Framework for Cooperation: NATO-EU Declaration on ESDP The “Berlin Plus” arrangements Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
NATO & EU Cooperation in Field : The Western Balkans FYROM Bosnia-Herzegovina Kosovo Cooperation in other regions Afghanistan Darfur, Sudan Piracy (EUNAVFOR Atalanta) Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
NATO & EU Areas of Cooperation: Political consultation Capabilities Terrorism and WMD proliferation New areas of cooperation Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
3.2 NATO & EU Participation: The organizations have 22 member countries in common. Albania, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Turkey, and the United States, which are members of NATO but not of the EU, participate in all NATO-EU meetings. Austria, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, and since 2008, Malta, which are members of the EU and of NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme, participate in all NATO-EU meetings. However, Cyprus which is not a PfP member & does not have a security agreement with NATO on the exchange of classified documents, cannot participate in official NATO-EU meetings. This is a consequence of decisions taken by NATO in December Informal meetings including Cyprus take place occasionally at different levels. Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
3.3 NATO & OSCE Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
3.3 NATO & OSCE Work together to build security & promote stability in the Euro-Atlantic area Cooperate at both the political & the operational level in areas such as conflict prevention and resolution, post-conflict rehabilitation, crisis management, as well as in addressing new security challenges At the political level, consult each other on thematic and regional security issues of common interest such as border security & disarmament. At the operational level, cooperation in conflict prevention, crisis management & post-conflict rehabilitation has been particularly active in the Western Balkans. Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
NATO & OSCE Complement each other’s efforts on the ground. NATO initiatives to support defense reform, including arms control, mine clearance & the destruction of stockpiles of arms & munitions, dovetail with OSCE efforts aimed at preventing conflict and restoring stability after conflict. Close cooperation in the development of an international “Comprehensive Approach” to crisis management, which requires the effective application of both military and civilian means. At the Lisbon Summit in 2010, the Allies decided to enhance NATO’s contribution to a comprehensive approach to crisis management as part of the international community’s effort and to improve NATO’s ability to deliver stabilization & reconstruction effects. Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
NATO & OSCE At recent summits, the Allies have reiterated the importance of the OSCE’s role in regional security & as a forum for dialogue on issues relevant to Euro-Atlantic security. Encompassing the political/ military, economic/ environmental & human dimensions, the OSCE plays an important role in promoting security and cooperation. The Allies aim to further enhance NATO’s cooperation with the OSCE. Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
NATO & OSCE Political Dialogue Regularly exchange views & information on key security-related issues such as border security, disarmament, arms control (in particular, controlling the spread of small arms and light weapons), energy security & terrorism, environmental issues (Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC)¹ ), Political relations governed today by the "Platform for Co-operative Security", which was launched by the OSCE in 1999 at the NATO Istanbul Summit. Via the Platform, OSCE in order to restore democracy, prosperity and stability in Europe and beyond. Since the Platform was adopted, experts from both NATO and the OSCE have met regularly to discuss operational and political issues of common interest in the areas of conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict reconstruction operations. December 2003, the OSCE’s "Strategy to Address Threats to Security and Stability in the 21st Century" Dialogue also takes place at a higher political level. The NATO Secretary General is occasionally invited to speak at the OSCE Annual Security Review Conference. The OSCE Secretary General addressed the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) Ambassadors meeting (2007 & 2008). NATO regularly participates in the annual meetings of the OSCE Ministerial Council, as an observer. The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office is also invited to some of the meetings held at NATO Headquarters in Brussels. The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme is associated with the ENVSEC, which brings together NATO, the OSCE, the Regional Environmental Center, the United Nations (UN) Development Programme, the UN Economic Commission for Europe and the UN Environment Programme. Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
NATO & OSCE Cooperation in Western Balkan Bosnia and Herzegovina NATO and the OSCE developed a joint action programme NATO assisted the OSCE in its work in the area of arms control & confidence & security-building measures in the country. NATO has, inter alia, contributed to the proper conduct of elections under OSCE auspices. Kosovo ( ), the OSCE mounted a Kosovo Verification Mission to monitor compliance on the ground with the Holbrooke-Milosevic cease-fire agreement. NATO conducted a parallel aerial surveillance mission. UNSCR 1244 in June 1999, a new OSCE Mission in Kosovo was established as part of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia A NATO Task Force provided additional security for international monitors in early Today, the NATO Liaison Office in Skopje continues to exchange information with the OSCE Mission to Skopje. Border security in May 2003, five Western Balkans countries endorsed a Common Platform developed by the European Union, NATO, the OSCE and the then Stability Pact for South-East Europe aimed at enhancing border security in the region. Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Conclusion New threats led to cooperation with International Organizations Common values & interests led to consultation & cooperation Organizations tried to minimize their overlapping issues & complement each other Building peace & security to the world Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Ratela Asllani, December 2014
Thank you!!! Questions!!!! Ratela Asllani, December 2014
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