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The Great War World War I 1914-1918.

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1 The Great War World War I

2 Brewing a War Rise of Nationalism – One’s deep devotion to one’s nation. Rise of Imperialism, many nations competing for colonies in Asia and Africa. Can create intense competition between nations, with each seeking to overpower the other. Europe’s Great Powers during this time are Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and France.

3 Nationalistic rivalries also grew out of territorial disputes.
France lost territory to Germany during the Franco-Prussian War (1870) Austria-Hungary and Russia both tried to dominate in the Balkans, an area of intense nationalism of Serbs, Bulgarians, Romanians and others who wanted their independence.

4 Otto Von Bismarck German Chancellor
Led the nation to a victory over France in the Franco- Prussian War in 1870 Germany won French territory, which increased tensions between the two nations.

5 Bismarck saw France as the greatest threat to peace after the war he wanted to isolate France.
As long as France had no allies, they were no danger to Germany. In 1879, Bismarck formed the Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary. Three years later, Italy joined thus creating the Triple Alliance and also a separate pact with Russia.


7 Kasier Wilhelm II Emperor of Germany in 1888
Forced Bismarck to resign because he did not want to share his power with anyone. Wilhelm II lets Germany’s treaty with Russia lapse and Russia forms an alliance with France.

8 Bismarck's fear of France gaining an ally had come true.
War with France and Russia would force Germany to a two-front war on both the eastern and western borders. Kaiser was jealous of the naval power Great Britain and started a tremendous shipbuilding program to make Germany’s navy equal to Britain's. This only pushed Britain to build an even larger navy.

9 Triple Entente 1904, Britain formed an alliance, also called an Entente, with France and Russia. This did not bind Britain to fight with France or Russia, but ensured that they would not fight against each other.


11 Crisis in the Balkans History of nationalist uprisings and ethnic clashes, the Balkans were known as the “powder keg” of Europe. Decline of the Ottoman Empire in the region. Many Balkan groups were breaking away from the Turkish rulers. New nations formed, Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia


13 Nationalism was a powerful force in these countries with each group wanting to expand their borders.
Serbia was big on nationalism. Russia supported the Slavic nation Austria feared an uprising from its small Serb population. In 1908, Austria “annexed” Bosnia-Herzegovina

14 The Shot that rings through Europe
June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Sophie were shot and killed in Sarajevo, Bosnia by Gavrilo Princip. 19 year old member of the Black Hand. Black Hand was a secret society committed to ridding Bosnia of Austrian rule.

15 Questions Should you always support a friend, no matter what he or she does? What might be the risks of refusing to help an ally? What might be the consequences of a war involving all of Europe?

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