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Civil War in Yugoslavia. Bosnia Background – Yugoslavia was formed at Versailles in 1919. Under control of Marshall Tito after WWII until the early 1980s.

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1 Civil War in Yugoslavia

2 Bosnia Background – Yugoslavia was formed at Versailles in 1919. Under control of Marshall Tito after WWII until the early 1980s. Croats/Slovenes = Catholic; Serbs = Eastern Othodox; Bosnians = Muslim Cause: 1990 President Slobodan Milosevic sought a Serbian-dominated Yugoslavia – Established tighter control over previously autonomous regions Croatia & Slovenia declare independence and fought Serbia successfully. Bosnia-Herzegovina declared independence in March 1992 – Bosnian Serbs refused to live in a Muslim-dominated state and rebelled with the aid of Serbia – Bosnian city of Sarajevo was attacked. – Ethnic cleansing – Elimination of Muslims by Bosnian Serbs Dayton Agreements – Agreed to divide Bosnia between Serbs and Muslims

3 Kosovo Kosovo Crisis – Milosevic attempted to ethnically cleanse Kosovo of Albanians – NATO bombed Serbia in order to stop cleansing – Milosevic was removed from power and arrested for war crimes. Died in prison in 2006. Slobodan Milosevic

4 What are similarities and differences in the tension in S.E. Europe in the periods 1900- 1914 and the 1980s-1990s? – (See pages 898-901)

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