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 *Born in 1954 and raised in former Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia,today known as Bosnia andHerzegovina, a country in Southeastern Europe,

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2  *Born in 1954 and raised in former Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia,today known as Bosnia andHerzegovina, a country in Southeastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula.Socialist Federative Republic of YugoslaviaSoutheastern EuropeBalkan Peninsula  Current population is estimated 4 million people, my country is very known for its beautiful landscapes, rivers, mountains whose flora and fauna remain untouched.

3 * Based on my personal and work experiences, ‘’Motivation’’ is a key to a successful life in its every aspect, which I will honorably and honestly try to represent to You today MOTIVATION-DEDICATION-SACRIFICE *I will display my personal photographs with the senior officials of People’s Republic of China, Chairman, Minister of Foreign Affairs and others.


5 2002 Jiang Ze Min Chairman of China










15 *Maximum engagement and learning in school; *Respect of moral virtues, family, educational and patriotic values; *Patience, as key feature; Life must be understood and taken seriously. I have always told my children “Work hard and give Your best, success will follow”

16 言必信,行必果。 Keep what you say and carry out what you do………………Confucius 知人交友 Appreciate Others and Make Friends…………Confucius 无为而治 Letting Nature Take Its Own Course…Lao Zi 己所不欲,勿施于人。 What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others……….Confucius

17  In order to act as serious perspective person, You must learn history, geography, art, music, literature  Life has taught me a very important lesson “ONE NEVER STOPS LEARNING”  Personal example during the period when I served as an Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina in P.R. of China;

18  Work place harmony  personal example  example of my assistant, Mr. Yu Liang, who has showed a great interest in receiving new knowledge and skills needed to work in foreign company;

19 getting knowledge of management and business, - Management can help people work towards a common goal together, as well as help things run more efficiently Abroad employment opportunities in various companies;

20  Organization of private life leads to stability  Stability leads to Good Habits  Good Habits and right goals lead to a satisfying private life  Once You are satisfied with Your private life YOU WILL ACHIVE GREATNESS

21 *Professional enrichment is the key thing in person’s lifetime For any further questions I will be more than happy to answer them and exchange opinions Borislav Maric THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND ATTENTION

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