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Budapest, May eHealthweek 2011Budapest, May eHealthweek 2011 Catherine E Chronaki Affiliate Director, HL7 Board of Directors International Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Budapest, May eHealthweek 2011Budapest, May eHealthweek 2011 Catherine E Chronaki Affiliate Director, HL7 Board of Directors International Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budapest, May 10 @ eHealthweek 2011Budapest, May 10 @ eHealthweek 2011 Catherine E Chronaki Affiliate Director, HL7 Board of Directors International Council co-Chair FORTH-Institute of Computer Science, Crete, Greece HL7 N EVER S LEEPS : Snapshots for around the Globe

2 2 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Leads HIT Standards development since 1987 HL7 grows exponentially - demand outstrips capacity, HL7 v3, HL7 CDA, 40+ WGs, 50+standards products in use HL7 is supported by over 35 Affiliated NfP orgs beyond USA and members in over 50 countries HL7 becomes International, USA is represented in the International Council Partnerships are created to enlarge the scope and enhance implementation HL7 International Foundation in Europe 1987199720042009 2011 and beyond

3 3 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Collaborates closely with standards developing & profiling organizations Joint Initiative Council: ISO, HL7, CEN, CDISC, LOINC, GS1 Avoid replication of work Cultivate Consistency ISO: Joint Working Group, CEN, CDISC: BRIDG, IHTSDO: Vocabulary binding, LOINC: More vocabulary binding Decision Support Collaboratives: Clinical Interoperability Council (Bridging the Chasm) Clinical Interoperability Interchange Collaborative (CIIC) Quality Measurement Colloquia, Public Health Reporting, Pharma processes And others…IHE, Continua, OpenEHR, NCI 3 1987199720042009 2011 and beyond

4 4 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, HL7 standards are voted in ISO EHR functional model CDA R2 HL7 v2.5 RIM, data types 4 1987199720042009 2010 and beyond

5 5 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, What is an HL7 affiliate? HL7 Affiliates are Independent non-profit membership organizations Operate and provide local insight in a certain country or territory Reflect the specific needs in the development, awareness, and adoption of HL7 standards of their territory Represent the interests of their HIT stakeholders in interoperability and standards Collaborate with local Government agencies, eHealth programs, Standards Developing Orgs, Consortia, Fora Need Initial 5 Petitioners from 4+ HIT Stakeholders Academia, health care, government agencies, consultants, industry, etc. 5

6 6 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, What are typical Activities of an Affiliate? Sign agreement with HL7 international with key activities: Localization of HL7 standards, Training, Certification,.. HL7 affiliates form a vibrant community attracting the interest of implementors and early adopters through IHIC (its implementation focused conference) International Council Meetings (incl. HL7 around the world), Sunday prior to WGMs Affiliate chairs are members of the HL7 international council

7 7 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, History of the International Council 7

8 8 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, HL7 focus on Education: eLearning, tutorials, free webinars A very successful initiative from HL7 Argentina 14 weeks: 1w intro,1w vocab, 1w UML/XML, 4w HL7 V2.x, 4w HL7 V3, 3w CDA 50-60 pages for week, 5-10 hours study for assignments 14 tutors worldwide (Canada, US, Argentina, Uruguay, China, Italy, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Romania, Singapore) In Spanish: 2010 : 2 eds ~120 students; 2011 : 1ed: 45 students from Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, Spain, Argentina. In English: 200+ students, 14 from scholarships granted by HL7 International/Argentina, 1000+ students in waiting list. For more information: 8

9 9 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Affiliates by Continent Europe Active: Austria, Germany, France, UK, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Netherlands, Romania, Chech Republic, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Russia, Turkey, Luxemburg, Spain, Switzerland Inactive or terminated: Ireland, Poland, Burgaria, Denmark Americas Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Canada Asia Active: Japan, China, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong Inactive or terminated: Malaysia Oceania Active: Australia, New Zealand

10 10 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Snapshots from the globe: Europe -1 Finland: earchive, ePrescription Project (CDA, V3) goes to production: implementation guide engagement: voting, quality assurance for the use of HL7 Standards CDA France: DMP ready for deployment - medication record/pharmacy network (71%/ +10% increase) Greece: Digital Health WG between athens medical society, young doctors association, HL7 Hellas Germany: Translation of epSOS terms, news in German for HL7ers

11 11 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Snapshots from the globe: Europe -2 HL7 Luxemburg (2010) HL7 The Netherlands New EHR WG 200+ organizational members HL7 University HL7 UK UK Conference HL7 Austria Model collaboration with IHE/Prorec Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia (around the block)

12 12 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Snapshots from the globe: Europe : HL7 Foundation HL7 International foundation established in Brussels in June 2010 focusing on European activities Engagement in European activities epSOS for cross-border ePrescription and patient summaries  Collaboration with IHE & the consortium eHGI: eHealth governance initiative  Contract signature pending Semantic HealthNet: participation in network of excellence  In negotiations

13 13 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Snapshots from the globe: Americas USA: USA: ARRA/HITECH funding IHE/HL7 CDA implementation guides consolidation project Canada: Standards Collaborative Mexico: HL7 mandaated as official government standards Argentina: eLearning Course marches on (Argentina, US, India, Singapore, Romania) CDA projects Brazil: CDA referral project HL7 WG Meeting in May 2010

14 14 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, USA: CDA Consolidation Project Collaborate with IHE and the US Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) Bring into single, master implementation guide Port to new tooling supporting structured templates Update per new US domain requirements for Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records Reconcile HL7/IHE/HITSP for CCD/Summaries Consolidate: Update for Meaningful Use Consolidate Health Story Guides Header  US Realm Header template  Guide-specific Sections  Section codes, cardinality harmonized with IHE/HITSP  Entry requirements (September) Future Option: Add International domain Determine interest, value, support

15 15 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Snapshots around the globe: Asia-1 India 3rd Edition of eLearning Course in India Japan HL7 Standards recognized by Govt. 594HIS: HL7 v2.5 messages and CDA for referral endorsed by the ministry of Health in Japan that provides incentives to vendors HL7 Pakistan new baby of the family! Taiwan National Infrastructure for exchange of EHR: Progress towards achievement of adoption objectives (EMR: 20% hospitals (75%) 10% primary care (100%), 7% hospital exchange

16 16 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Snapshots around the globe: Asia-2 China The huge numbers Educational activities Hong Kong Bridging private and public health sector through EHRs Singapore Struggling with v2 Korea HL7/IHE collaboration

17 17 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Snapshots around the globe: Oceania New Zealand: p2gp project marches on… Australia: organized the 1 st HL7 WGM outside North America in Jan 2011 Renamed standards and Education Meeting

18 18 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, Questions I hope to have answered in this talk.. What are HL7 affiliates? What is the HL7 affiliates role in eHealth standards development & adoption? Where are key HL7 project successes in Europe? Asia? Americas? Oceania? Africa? What is the HL7 International Foundation in Europe?

19 19 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, 2nd European HL7 Affiliates Meeting Monday May 10, 11-1pm, SYMA Center, Room: Innsburg Welcome: Catherine Chronaki, Affiliate Director European eHealth Governance Initiative, Clemens Martin Auer, Coordinator, MoH Austria (tbc) SemanticHealthnet: a new NoE for scaling up semantic interoperability across Europe, Dipak Kalra, University College London, EuroREC HL7 Clinical Genomics Worldwide Experiments - Call for Expanding European Participation, Amnon Shabo, HL7 Clinical Genomics WG, HL7 International Localization in the ePSOS project, Alex Berler, HL7 Hellas HL7 Luxemburg: Introduction of the newest HL7 Affiliate, Rene Kribbes, co-Chair HL7 Luxemburg Round table Discussion: European Office of HL7: Engagement of Affiliates in European Level Activities, Chair: Robert Stegwee HL7 International Council co-Chair

20 20 HL7 NEVER SLEEPS: Snapshots from around the Globe Catherine Chronaki, HL7 International event @ eHealth week: May 10, 2011 20 Tuesday May 10, 16:45-18:30, Room: Oslo The Business Case for HL7: Charles Jaffe, CEO, HL7 International Trust in Interoperability, Robert Stegwee, Chair HL7 NL, CEN TC251 Integration of Clinical Research in an Hospital Information System: Investing in Secondary Use Pier-Yves Lastic, Chair CDISC European Coordination Committee Collaborative Use of Standards for x-border ePrescription and Patient Summaries, Fredrik Linden, epSOS Coordinator HL7 never sleeps: snapshots around the globe, C Chronaki

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