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Institute of Marine Sciences ISMAR-CNR Venice, Italy National Research Council Institute of Marine Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Institute of Marine Sciences ISMAR-CNR Venice, Italy National Research Council Institute of Marine Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institute of Marine Sciences ISMAR-CNR Venice, Italy National Research Council Institute of Marine Sciences

2 ISMAR was evaluated as the excellence institute of the Earth and Environment Department of CNR Pubblic Research Institute Headquarter in Venice and 6 regional branches About 210 people About 60 people in training (PhD, postdoctoral) 150 ISI pubblications in 2010 National Research Council Institute of Marine Sciences

3 ISMAR activities Physical and Chemical Oceanography (Venezia, Ancona, Bologna, Trieste, La Spezia) Geology e Geophysics (Bologna, Venezia) Coastal Systems And Human Impacts (All branches) Climate and Paleoclimate (Bologna,Venezia, Trieste, La Spezia) Ecosystems and Biogeochemistry (Ancona, Venezia, Lesina) Fisheries and Aquaculture (Ancona, Lesina) Technology (Genova, Ancona, Bologna, La Spezia) National Research Council Institute of Marine Sciences

4 OBSERVATIONAL SITES Buoys, platforms and other fixed sites Repeated hydrological transects Repeated hydrological transects Observational site of Trieste Moorings National Research Council Institute of Marine Sciences

5 Natural processes (geological, oceanographic, biological), dispersion of sediments and pollutants, ecosystems, productivity of the seas, natural hazards. Mechanisms / effects of global change (heating and ocean circulation, acidification, rising of the sea levels, coastal erosion, hydrodynamic processes in polar regions) Human impacts (current and pre-industrial pollution, impacts on the coasts and in the deep sea, alien species) ISMAR's mission is to increase the knowledge of natural processes and help solve society's problems: National Research Council Institute of Marine Sciences

6 Geological mapping and historical evolution of the coastal area (and human impacts) Study of the impact of oceanographic processes on the seabed (costs, continental shelf and deep sea) Pollution of the bottom and water column (from the lagoons to the ocean) Definition of the geological risk factors: identification of structures (3D seismic Geomorphology), fluids emissions Oceanographic forecasting models (waves, tides, currents) Observing sites, long time series Some challenges in the coming years … National Research Council Institute of Marine Sciences

7 The ISMAR-Venice Modeling Group At the ISMAR-CNR, Institute of Marine Science, in Venice, different disciplines connected with the Sea and Lagoon Studies are developed. Biologists, chemists, environmental scientists and physicists are working jointly to characterize the natural behavior of the Venice Lagoon area. The modeling group works on the numerical modeling of many aspects of the Venice lagoon and the Adriatic Sea.

8 Modeling Research Fields of ISMAR-Venice §Hydrodynamic circulation and water levels §Salinity/Temperature modeling §Wave modeling §Sediment transport §Ecological processes and water quality §Exchanges through the inlets §Integrated modeling (coastal zone management)

9 SHYFEM Hydrodynamic model §finite elements §primitive equations §semi-implicit time stepping scheme §z or sigma coordinates in the vertical §description of tidal marshes

10 Bed model Bed model Hydrodynamic model model Transport and Transport and diffusion model diffusion model Wind Wave Wind Wave model Sediment transport Sediment transport model MODEL FRAMEWORK SHYFEM Model Shallow water HYdrodynamic Finite Element Model

11 The Venice Lagoon SHYFEM Model Shallow water HYdrodynamic Finite Element Model SHYFEM (Shallow water HYdrodynamic Finite Element Model) has been created and developed at the ISMAR-CNR, Institute of Marine Science, in Venice, Italy. Many of its applications are focused on lagoon dynamics, mostly in the Mediterranean Sea, but its characteristics allow applications even in marginal seas as in the Adriatic Sea, with a direct two-way coupling to the smaller basins (Taranto Sea, Alimini Lakes etc.).

12 The Alimini Lake SHYFEM (Shallow water HYdrodynamic Finite Element Model) has been created and developed at the ISMAR-CNR, Institute of Marine Science, in Venice, Italy. Many of its applications are focused on lagoon dynamics, mostly in the Mediterranean Sea, but its characteristics allow applications even in marginal seas as in the Adriatic Sea, with a direct two-way coupling to the smaller basins (Taranto Sea, Alimini Lakes etc.). SHYFEM Model Shallow water HYdrodynamic Finite Element Model

13 The Taranto Sea SHYFEM (Shallow water HYdrodynamic Finite Element Model) has been created and developed at the ISMAR-CNR, Institute of Marine Science, in Venice, Italy. Many of its applications are focused on lagoon dynamics, mostly in the Mediterranean Sea, but its characteristics allow applications even in marginal seas as in the Adriatic Sea, with a direct two-way coupling to the smaller basins (Taranto Sea, Alimini Lakes etc.). SHYFEM Model Shallow water HYdrodynamic Finite Element Model

14 Applications in Italy Marano-Grado Lagoon Venice Lagoon Sea of Taranto Orbetello Lagoon Cabras Lagoon Lagoons of Lesina and Varano Ganzirri and Faro Lagoons Alimini Lake Lagoons of the Po Delta

15 Applications in Europe Curonian Lagoon, Lithuania Mellieha Bay, Malta Nador Lagoon, Morocco Roskilde Fjord, Denmark Venice Lagoon Kotor Bay Cabras Lagoon Danube Delta Mar Menor, Spain

16 Applications out of Europe Tam Giang – Cau Hai Lagoon, Vietnam Dalyan Lagoon, Turkey Nador Lagoon, Morocco Hakata Bay, Japan

17 Practical details: lunch §Lunch can be consumed at the canteen of the Arsenale. The canteen closes at 14:00. §The cost of a meal is 15 Euro. Please ask for a receipt if you need it. §You can take a first dish, second dish, side dish, bread. Drinks are included. You get them inside the canteen, close to the tables.

18 Practical details: canteen

19 Practical details: dinner §The dinner is in a nice typical Venetian trattoria. We will meet at the restaurant at 21:00. §If you are unsure how to get there I can meet you at 20:45 on top of the Rialto bridge. §Address: Trattoria Alla Madonna Calle della Madonna, San Polo, 594 Tel. + 39.041.5223824

20 Practical details: dinner

21 Practical details: Acqua Alta


23 I wish you a good conference



26 Development of the hydrodynamic model §Umgiesser, G. and A. Bergamasco 1993. A Staggered Grid Finite Element Model of the Venice Lagoon. In: Finite Elements in Fluids, Proceedings of the VIII International Conference, 20-23 September 1993, Barcelona. K. Morgan, E. Offiate, J. Periaux, J. Peraire and O. C. Zienkiewicz (eds). Pineridge Press, Barcelona. 659-668. §Umgiesser, G. and A. Bergamasco 1995. Outline of a Primitive Equation Finite Element Model. Rapporti e Studi, Istituto Veneto S.L.A., Venezia, Vol. XII, 291-320. §Umgiesser, G., D. Melaku Canu, A. Cucco and C. Solidoro 2004. A finite element model for the Venice Lagoon. Development, set up, calibration and validation. Journal of Marine Systems, Vol. 51, 123-145. §Roland, A., A. Cucco, C. Ferrarin, T.-W. Hsu, J.-M. Liau, S.-H. Ou, G. Umgiesser and U. Zanke 2009. On the development and verification of a 2-D coupled wave-current model on unstructured meshes. Journal of Marine Systems, Vol. ?, 1-34. (Available online)

27 Circulation §Umgiesser, G. 1997. Modelling the Venice Lagoon. International Journal of Salt Lake Research, Vol. 6, 175-199. §Umgiesser, G. 2000. Modeling Residual Currents in the Venice Lagoon. In: Interactions between Estuaries, Coastal Seas and Shelf Seas. T. Yanagi (ed). Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB), Tokyo. 107-124. §Solidoro, C., D. Melaku Canu, A. Cucco and G. Umgiesser 2004. A partition of the Venice Lagoon based on physical properties and analysis of general circulation. Journal of Marine Systems, Vol. 51, 147-160. §Ferrarin, C. and G. Umgiesser 2005. Hydrodynamic modeling of a coastal lagoon: The Cabras lagoon in Sardinia, Italy. Ecological Modelling, Vol. 188, 340-357. §Bellafiore, D., G. Umgiesser and A. Cucco 2008. Modeling the water exchanges between the Venice Lagoon and the Adriatic Sea. Ocean Dynamics, Vol. 58 (5), 397-413.

28 Water Quality §Umgiesser, G., D. Melaku Canu, C. Solidoro and R. Ambrose 2003. A finite element ecological model: a first application to the Venice Lagoon. Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 18/2, 131-145. §Melaku Canu, D., G. Umgiesser and C. Solidoro 2001. Short-term simulations under winter conditions in the lagoon of Venice: a contribution to the environmental impact assessment of temporary closure of the inlets. Ecological Modelling, Vol. 138/1-3, 215-230. §Melaku Canu, D., C. Solidoro and G. Umgiesser 2003. Modelling the responses of the Lagoon of Venice ecosystem to variations in physical forcings. Ecological Modelling, Vol. 170, 265-289. (see also Erratum, Ecological Modelling 2004, Vol. 175, 197-216.) §Scroccaro, I., A. Cucco, P. Osti and G. Umgiesser 2005. Numerical Simulations of the Bacterial Pollution Along the Coast of the Venice Province (Nothern Adriatic). In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean (ICCCM'05). F. Veloso Gomes, F. Taveira Pinto, L. das Neves, A. Sena and O. Ferreira (eds). 211-218.

29 Relevant Time Scales §Cucco, A. and G. Umgiesser 2006. Modeling the Venice Lagoon residence time. Ecological Modelling, Vol. 193, 34-51. §Cucco, A., A. Perilli, G. De Falco, M. Ghezzo and G. Umgiesser 2006. Water Circulation and Transport Time Scales in the Gulf of Oristano. Chemistry and Ecology, Vol. 22 (Suppl. 1), S307-S331. §Umgiesser, G., J. Chao, M. Bajo, I. Scroccaro and A. Cucco 2005. Residence Time Modelling in the Nador Lagoon, Morocco. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean (ICCCM'05). F. Veloso Gomes, F. Taveira Pinto, L. das Neves, A. Sena and O. Ferreira (eds). 389-397. §Cucco, A., G. Umgiesser, C. Ferrarin, A. Perilli, D. Melaku Canu and C. Solidoro 2009. Eulerian and Lagrangian Transport Time Scales of a tidal active coastal basin. Ecological Modelling, Vol. 220 (7), 913-922.

30 Sediments §Umgiesser, G., M. Sclavo, S. Carniel and A. Bergamasco 2004. Exploring the bottom stress variability in the Venice Lagoon. Journal of Marine Systems, Vol. 51, 161-178. §Rolinski, S. and G. Umgiesser 2005. Modelling short-term dynamics of suspended particulate matter in Venice Lagoon, Italy. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 63, 561-576. §Umgiesser, G., F. De Pascalis, C. Ferrarin and C. L. Amos 2006. A model of sand transport in Treporti channel: northern Venice lagoon. Ocean Dynamics, Vol. 56, 339-351. §Ferrarin, C., G. Umgiesser, A. Cucco, T.-W. Hsu, A. Roland and C. L. Amos 2008. Development and validation of a finite element morphological model for shallow water basins. Coastal Engineering, Vol. 55, 716-731. §Neumeier, U., C. Ferrarin, C. L. Amos, G. Umgiesser and M. Z. Li 2008. Sedtrans05: An improved sediment-transport model for continental shelves and coastal waters with a new algorithm for cohesive sediments. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 34, 1223-1242.

31 Other Lagoons §Scroccaro, I., R. Matarrese and G. Umgiesser 2004. Application of a finite element model to the Taranto Sea. Chemistry and Ecology, Vol. 20 (Suppl. 1), S205-S224. §Ferrarin, C. and G. Umgiesser 2005. Hydrodynamic modeling of a coastal lagoon: The Cabras lagoon in Sardinia, Italy. Ecological Modelling, Vol. 188, 340-357. §Umgiesser, G., J. Chao, M. Bajo, I. Scroccaro and A. Cucco 2005. Residence Time Modelling in the Nador Lagoon, Morocco. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean (ICCCM'05). F. Veloso Gomes, F. Taveira Pinto, L. das Neves, A. Sena and O. Ferreira (eds). 389-397. §Tescari, S., G. Umgiesser, C. Ferrarin and A. Stanica 2006. Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta. In: Coastal Zones and Deltas, Proceedings of Euro-EcoGeoCentre-Romania, Tusnad, Romania. Geo-Eco-Marina 12/2006, Bucaresti-Constanta. 5-16. §Ferrarin, C., A. Razinkovas, S. Gulbinskas, G. Umgiesser and L. Bliudziute 2008. Hydraulic regime-based zonation scheme of the Curonian Lagoon. Hydrobiologia, Vol. 611, 133-146.

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