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Comparison between Venice and Singapore

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1 Comparison between Venice and Singapore

2 Similarities (superficial)
Early settlers were immigrants p. 88 -Venice: early settlers were refugees from Roman cities in the main land. -Singapore: early settlers were immigrants from China, India, SEA, seeking a better life. Scarcity of land (both are city states) similar urban planning? P.88-89 -Venice: buildings built close to one another. Each islet had their own market place and church -Singapore: residential estates have all amenities: Market, places of worship, schools, etc. Strategic geographical location: Sits at the crossroads of West-East route, hence led to rise as trading port. -Venice was strategically located at the northern tip of the Adriatic Sea. Is a natural harbour as the lagoon shelters ships from storms. Led to Venice’s rise as a trading port p -Singapore as strategically located along the Straits of Malacca and South China Sea.

3 Similarities Social -Cosmopolitan City-states (foreign talent + immigration) p. 98 -Multi-racial Small population - Enterprising, Skilled Political -Strong navy (deterrence) -Diplomacy: Have to mediate between West and East. P -Good leadership. Pragmatic leaders who came up with practical policies. P.93 -Existence of checks and balance to keep the government accountable. P. 96 -A Stake for everyone, opportunities for all: Citizens (Citizen Army)→ Mercenaries Economic -Anticipate change and staying relevant. Venice progressed with the ages. -Trading hub -Primary: Salt -Secondary: Manufacture: glass, candles, scented soap, galleys p 103 -Tertiary: Financial hub (Banking etc. p. 104

4 Differences At least Venice had salt!
Singapore has a meritocracy. Venice operating through a balloting system – the best person MAY NOT get the job.

5 The Pope’s mercenary army – Swiss guards

6 Singapore’s mercenary army
Gurkhas from Nepal

7 Categories 1) Pol, Ec, Social (Causes + consequences)
2) Short term vs. long term (causes + consequences) 3) Internal vs. External (causes + consequences)

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