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Transnational Conference: South East Europe Programme WATERMODE project outline 1 st Call project Republic of Slovenia Ministry of the Environment and.

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Presentation on theme: "Transnational Conference: South East Europe Programme WATERMODE project outline 1 st Call project Republic of Slovenia Ministry of the Environment and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transnational Conference: South East Europe Programme WATERMODE project outline 1 st Call project Republic of Slovenia Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 20 th of April 2011, Ljubljana 1

2 2 BACKGROUND Problem addressed:  lack of integration of the waterborne transport modes in the logistics chain of South-Eastern Europe;  lack of coordination of the transnational and local strategies for the valorization of the sea and inland waterways port infrastructures. The SEE Region uniqueness :  the SEE area is crossed by relevant freight traffic flows, originated and directed in-and outside it;  this traffic is mainly supported by road infrastructures not planned for these level of flows.

3 During the last 5 years Intra EU trade flows to/from New Member states (EU 12) have been steadily increasing supported mainly by road infrastructures. 3 THE EASTWARD SHIFT OF THE EU ECONOMY BARYCENTER

4 PARTNERSHIP 4 IT Venice PA (LP) Veneto Region Ancona PA Levante PA AT FGM-AMOR SLO Port of Koper HU Pannon Business Network BG Exec. Ag. Maritime Admin. RO Costantza PA GR BIC Attika Alexandroupolis PA SER AlmaMons Devel. Agency Novi Sad University MNE Port of Bar ALB Durazzo PA TOT. BUDGET € 3.193.500,00

5 5 CENSUS LOGISTICS MULTIMODAL FACILITIES Mapping the area, valorizing water-ground multimodal transport potential ENVIROMENTAL IMPACT /COMPETITIVENESS OF MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT Increasing competitiveness of the alternatives to road transport SAFETY FOR COMPETITIVENESS IN MULTIMODALITY Defining and promoting common training instruments - COM (2007)616 STRUCTURE AND OBJECTIVES IMPROVEMENT OF WATERBORNE MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT WP3 NETWORK ON MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT Better coordination between policy makers and stakeholders WP4 WP5 WP6

6 6 PROJECT RESULTS 1.Definition of performance indicators and mapping of multimodal logistics facilities. 206 LF mapped + 13 Country Reports. 2.Definition of common training tools for safety training in logistics. MoU signed in Novi Sad, November 2010 – Observer ILO. 3.Comparison of the internal and external costs between the multimodal and road transport on predefined routes. Constanta-Wien; Port Said–Venice/Koper-Wien; Port Said- Piraeus-Burgas; Bari-Bar/Durres-Burgas). 4.Set up a permanent Network (MULTILOG) to promote multimodal transport in the SEE area. MoU signed in Venice, March 2011.

7 7 MOU ON SAFETY NOVI SAD, NOVEMBER 2010 Within the logistics sector qualified personnel is lacking. Common platform identifies minimum standards required in training courses on work safety that are recommended as good practice in the Countries of the signatory partners: o duration, o content, o training methods o 11 Training Modules (i.e. generic port operator, ship-to-shore crane operator, stivadores, lasher). WATERMODE has been invited at “Development ILO guidelines on Training in port sector”, Geneva, 12-13 /01/2011.

8 8

9 9 Phase One → the expenses will be met by the WATERMODE project (budget of individual partners). Network Coordinator “ad interim”, lasting 6 months. Technical Committee. Watermode partners Phase Two → the expenses will be funded either by the partners and/or by existing or future EU projects. Network Coordinator “ad interim”. Executive Committee composed by 3 members. Watermode partners + New members MOU “MULTILOG” VENICE, MARCH 2011

10 10 During the implementation of WATERMODE project: o Linking the main ports to hinterland terminals and freight villages of SEE to the TEN-T core network; o Linking the Balkan Regions to the TEN-T core network; o Unifying the regulatory framework that gives incentives to services that develop multimodal transport and safety; o Standardizing shipping costs; o Standardizing ICT systems (common SEE platform ), TEN-T Review Process PHASE ONE: OBJECTIVES

11 11 1) Principle of multimodality: all priority nodes and links of the Core Network should be multimodal. 2) Methodology for Multimodal platform: constitutes the main platform of a NUTS 2 region; transhipment volume exceeds 1 % of the total national volume; connected to three out five TEN-T modal network components (land transport modes, air and sea). Commission Staff working document: “The new TEN-T Policy Planning and implementation issues” – SEC (2011) 19.01.2011 TEN-T CONCEPT : MULTIMODAL PLATFORMS

12 12 Strengthen the collaboration and the partnership at transnational level by using the tools of the European Territorial Cooperation and EU transport programmes, to stabilize the Network and promote joint actions to improve the attractiveness of multimodal transport solutions in the area: PHASE TWO OPPORTUNITIES New Members Next SEE Calls

13 13 1.Promotion and development of the WATERMODE Network: transnational platform for the competitiveness of the SEE area. 4 th CALL: PROJECT IDEAS FOR WATERMODE 2 2.Involvement of the relevant National and Regional Authorities: definition of common priorities to increase the coordination of strategies and polices for the transport infrastructures planning. 3.Involvement of the transport and logistics operators: promote the relationships between the economic and transport sector.

14 14 Thank you for your attention! Mr. James Orlandi Head of Projects Research and Development Unit, Venice PA Ms. Mara Pitaccolo WATERMODE Project Manager, Venice PA

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