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A History of World Societies Ninth Edition CHAPTER 14 Europe in the Middle Ages, 800–1450 Copyright © 2011 by Bedford/St. Martin’s John P. McKay ● Bennett.

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Presentation on theme: "A History of World Societies Ninth Edition CHAPTER 14 Europe in the Middle Ages, 800–1450 Copyright © 2011 by Bedford/St. Martin’s John P. McKay ● Bennett."— Presentation transcript:

1 A History of World Societies Ninth Edition CHAPTER 14 Europe in the Middle Ages, 800–1450 Copyright © 2011 by Bedford/St. Martin’s John P. McKay ● Bennett D. Hill ● John Buckler Patricia Buckley Ebrey ● Roger B. Beck Clare Haru Crowston ● Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks

2 I. Political Developments A.Invasions and Migrations 1. Viking assaults 2. Magyars 3. Muslims


4 I. Political Developments B.Feudalism and Manorialism 1. Vassals and fiefs 2. Charles Martel 3. Feudalism 4. Manorialism 5. Serfs

5 I. Political Developments C.The Restoration of Order 1. William the Conqueror 2. Henry II 3. Philip II 4. Otto I 5. Frederick Barbarossa


7 I. Political Developments D.Law and Justice 1. Common law 2. Magna Carta

8 II. The Christian Church A.Papal Reforms 1. The Lateran Council 2. Pope Gregory VII 3. Protests B.Monastic Life 1. Ecclesiastical careers 2. Prayer 3. Dominicans and Franciscans


10 II. The Christian Church C.Popular Religion 1. Center of community life 2. Symbolism 3. Holy days and saints’ days 4. Relics D.The Expansion of Christianity 1. European expansion 2. Reconquista


12 III. The Crusades A.Background and Motives 1. Reunion 2. Muslim conquests B.The Course of the Crusades 1. Crusader states 2. Saladin and Jerusalem 3. The Byzantine Empire


14 III. The Crusades C.Consequences of the Crusades 1. Jewish-Christian relations 2. Restrictions 3. Christian-Muslim relations

15 IV. The Life of the People A.The Life and Work of Peasants 1. “Those who work” 2. Agricultural villages 3. Gender roles B.The Life and Work of Nobles 1. Privileges 2. Military obligations 3. Chivalry

16 IV. The Life of the People C.Towns, Cities, and the Growth of Commercial Interests 1. Characteristics 2. Craft guilds 3. Sanitation D.The Expansion of Trade and the Commercial Revolution 1. Venice 2. Hanseatic League


18 V. Learning and Culture A.Universities and Scholasticism 1. University of Bologna 2. Salerno 3. Scholastics 4. The degree B.Cathedrals and a New Architectural Style 1. Gothic 2. Community functions


20 V. Learning and Culture C.Troubadour Poetry 1. Poems and songs 2. Lyric verses 3. Cultural mix

21 VI. Crises of the Later Middle Ages A.The Great Famine and the Black Death 1. The “little ice age” 2. Bubonic plague 3. Causes and effects


23 VI. Crises of the Later Middle Ages B.The Hundred Years’ War 1. England and France 2. Joan of Arc 3. Results


25 VI. Crises of the Later Middle Ages C.Challenges to the Church 1. Electoral debate 2. The Great Schism


27 VI. Crises of the Later Middle Ages D.Peasant and Urban Revolts 1. Wages 2. Taxes 3. Discontent and violence

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