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Horizonte 2012-13 School Improvement Grant Year 2.

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1 Horizonte 2012-13 School Improvement Grant Year 2

2 Implementation  Math and English Coaches  curriculum  pre/post assessments  monthly PD  school wide daily practice  instructors  Reading Specialist  Additional Counselor  Data Coordinator  SPED co-teaching

3 Horizonte Learning Communities Goals for 2012-13  Science program development  Curriculum aligned and mapped, equipment purchased  CTE/Art program development  Lesson plans tied to state standards in academic areas, advisory curriculum developed  Cross-curricular connections  Develop model for 2-teacher sites next year, integrate on-line resources to meet curricular needs

4 HLC Goals for 2012-13 (contd.)  Improving attendance  Develop improvement plan, incentives, marketing approach, curriculum for advisory  Parent involvement  Plan family/parent activities throughout the year, develop family resource center  Student recognition  Recognize student achievement in academic growth, attendance, honor roll, behavior improvement, etc.

5 Horizonte 2012-13 Demographics

6 Demographics (2-26-13)  Total enrolled = 826  Male = 449 (54%) Female = 377 (46%)  Grade level count GradeStudentsPercentage 76<1% 8233% 9637% 1017121% 1127233% 1229135%

7 Enrollment History

8 Demographics (2-26-13)

9  705 students (87%) eligible for free or reduced lunch  288 students (36%) have UALPA classification  125 students (16%) classified Special Education.  New students every week

10 Student visits to Social Worker

11 Growth in 2011-12 Graduation and Enrollment 20112012 Increase Graduates13519041% Early Grads316197% Enrollment Sept 1 44855424%

12 Formative Assessments 5 sessions Language Arts, Math and Reading: Pre/post assessments developed to track individual student growth each session Growth Goal: Minimum 60% of students show growth each session

13 Horizonte Language Arts curriculum  2011-2012 school year9.10 students  Session 1 Night narrative essay  Session 2 Antigone argument essay  Session 3 Memoirs of a Boy Soldier explanatory/informative essay  Session 4 The Pearl research paper  Session 5 The Merchant of Venice/Taming of the Shrew explan/informative essay

14 Horizonte Language Arts curriculum  2011-2012 school year11.12 students  Session 1 The Color of Water narrative essay  Session 2 Of Mice and Men argument essay  Session 3 Tuesdays with Morrie explanatory/informative essay  Session 4 Lord of the Flies research paper  Session 5 MacBeth explan/informative essay

15 Horizonte Language Arts curriculum  2012-2013 school year9.10 students  Session 1 Unwind explan/informative essay  Session 2 Romeo and Juliet explanative/informative essay  Session 3 Speak narrative essay  Session 4 The Rock and the River research paper  Session 5 I Am Nujood, Age 10 & Divorced argument essay

16 Horizonte Language Arts curriculum  2012-2013 school year11.12 students  Session 1 The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks explanatory/informative essay  Session 2 Hamlet explan/informative essay  Session 3 The Great Gatsby narrative essay  Session 4 Warriors Don’t Cry research paper  Session 5 The Alchemist argument essay

17 Language Arts Pre testsPost testsBoth scores GrowthPercent 40446632119160% Session 1

18 Math Pre-testPost-testBoth Scores GrowthPercent 40339329920469% Session 1

19 Reading Pre-testPost-testBoth Scores GrowthPercent 25536312610684% Session 1

20 Language Arts Pre-testPost-testBoth Scores GrowthPercent 42646433720160% Session 2

21 Math Pre-testPost-testBoth Scores GrowthPercent 38438127020476% Session 2

22 Reading Pre-testPost-testBoth Scores GrowthPercent 2882691709154% Session 2 n=170

23 Horizonte 2011-12 CRT Results

24 CRT Growth in 2011-12 Student Proficiency Test20112012 Students tested ProficientStudents tested Proficient Increase in # students tested Language Arts 279 112 (40%) 505 244 (48%) 81% Math341 15 (4%) 587 61 (10%) 72%

25 CRT Growth in Language Arts (all students) 48% had scaled score gains

26 CRT Growth in Language Arts (students enrolled 90+ days) 53% had scaled score gains

27 CRT Growth in Math (all students) 51% had scaled score gains

28 CRT Growth in Math (students enrolled 90+ days) 60% had scaled score gains

29 CRT growth model at Horizonte  Most students are enrolled less than a full academic year, many lack a previous CRT score for comparison and many do not take the CRTs in the normal test sequence. Consequently there are very few students that meet the criteria needed for the SLCSD growth model.  CRT growth at Horizonte is measured by the change in scaled score from one year to the next in the same content area.

30 Horizonte growth model applied to other district high schools  Using same growth model for students enrolled less than a full academic year and grouped in ethnic/income cohorts, growth results at Horizonte were similar if not better than other schools.



33 Goals for 2012-13  Formative growth goals will increase from a minimum of 55% students showing growth to 60%.  CRT growth goals will also increase from a minimum of 30% students showing growth to at least 53%.

34 Beyond Testing… School Climate Goals

35  Increase parent involvement  Improve attendance  Recognize students for improvement

36 Highlights  Summer academies Summer Writing Academy Hiking the Wasatch Mountains Monument Valley Humanitarian Trip

37 Highlights  PD for coaches with Dr. Javius  Visit from Jason Snyder, US Dept of Education, and NEA officials  DeVry Foundation Grant for $5,000 that will be used for student recognition and incentives

38 Highlights  SLTA support:  KEYS survey administration  “Take One” National Board Certification  Professional development funds  Humanitarian Law Conference scholarships  Innovative Practices MOU

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