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GRIP-IT Governance of Regionally Integrated Projects using Innovative Tools. Structural funds implementation in an integrated approach International Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "GRIP-IT Governance of Regionally Integrated Projects using Innovative Tools. Structural funds implementation in an integrated approach International Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRIP-IT Governance of Regionally Integrated Projects using Innovative Tools. Structural funds implementation in an integrated approach International Seminar – Monfalcone, 4° May 2007 “The role of territory in enterprises’ internationalisation process: building European local authorities’ new capacity” Ugo Poli – Informest Vice -President

2 Extending the territory where companies are working Internationalization versus delocalization General organization of the SMEs (sectors, cluster, net companies) extends the net of labour division on the trans- national basis The best result is obtained by reproducing abroad an efficient environment similar to the original one The companies ask for institutional support (Source: Fondazione Nord Est 2003)

3 Three Veneto examples Treviso in Judet of Timis (Rumania) Venice in Brcko Canton (Bosnia Herzegovina) Vicenza in Samarin Town (Slovakia) The learned lessons 1.Criteria of private-public partnership for internationalization 2.Entrepreneurial cluster target in the expanding phases 3.Support of institutional authorities and transnational co- operation agreements on institutional basis 4.Credit system presence at local level

4 The programme “Mercati Aperti – Open Markets” financed by the Single Programming Document Objective 2 of Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region Activities: “implementation of strategies, initiatives and territorial development projects for the internationalization of enterprises and the local economic bodies of the beneficiary areas with the aim of co-operating with the future European regions on a local or regional basis” Regional Conference Udine, 8th December 2004 Workshop Gorizia, 25th February 2005 Conference proceedings in

5 Building the private-public partnership (1) To know local companies: needs and potential To organise consultation forum and project sharing To understand the opportunity of the trading growth (export) and the production capacity (investments) of companies

6 Building the private-public partnership (2) To verify the added-value of an inter-municipality approach in the fields of: –marketing, –productive potential, –transnational institutional significance, –access to the national and European financing To organize the public administration to efficiently manage international relationships (offices, personnel, procedures, information, budget)

7 Identify the suitable transnational dimension through a SWOT analysis All the productive systems need not to remain isolated The local market is not enough: vision shared by municipality, territory and companies Building external relationship on the basis of the current relationship: which are the strength? Create a database of the external relationships already existing at the local level Further development of relations based on strengths identified When the strength can become weaknesses

8 The pivotal role of human relations in transnational economic relationship Directly verify the Local Production System attraction and competitiveness with reference to foreign potential in the fields of:: –Logistic location/ accessibility, –Professional culture, –Certainty of the law –Country risk versus costs competitiveness –Internal growth rate –Other competitive advantages of the territory (environment, research centres, universities, special economic zones, aid system, etc.)

9 Using the expertise: High-skilled technical assistance Use system resources to assess markets and identify opportunities by: –One-stop-shop for the internationalization (SPRINT office) –Informest – Service and Documentation Centre for International Economic Co-operation –Chambers of Commerce –Euro Info Centre Network Use the resources dedicated to internationalization in the Municipalities foreseen by the Single Programming Document Object 2 – Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

10 Building the transnational partnership among the local production systems (1) To choose the legal status of the promoter body and to start the activities To collect enterprises’ acceptance and their financing commitment To formalize the relationship among the partners by: –Local authorities twinning; –Consortium on private-public-partnership; –Transnational agreement among the partner-organizations

11 Building the transnational partnership among the local production systems (2) to design the development project in co-operation with foreign partners and define the objectives of the common interest to arrange the conditions for the implementation of the transnational development programme to verify the national and foreign financing funds for supporting the development programme to transfer best practices among the partners with reference to the programme (capacity building) to support personnel exchange for short internships

12 Creating an environment suitable for the enterprises in the system/territory of the foreign partner (1) to guarantee the parity between Italy and foreign countries to obtain advantages dedicated to larger investors thanks to the critical mass obtained by gathering member SMEs to negotiate credit conditions for enterprises participating in the programme to assure preferential ways for production settlement (unified negotiation under FDI conditions)

13 Creating an environment suitable for the enterprises in the system/territory of the foreign partner (2) to negotiate the measures for the permanent vocational training, including courses of Italian language to create a local one-stop-shop for administrative interface with the local system to build a network of local high-skilled experts, specialized in the relationship with Italian enterprises to negotiate with the local partner tutorship support measures for your own enterprises to support the programme with other programmes regarding the social and cultural exchanges

14 The lessons learned from Mercati Aperti programme the de-localization logic distorts trade data and takes visibility from the enterprises foreign investments the local administrator fear the impoverishment of the their territories due to departure of local companies transnational extension of the local production systems within a barrier-free market will strengthen SMEs competitiveness for SMEs information and institutional support is as important as the financial one.

15 INFORMEST Centro di Servizi e Documentazione per la Cooperazione Economica Internazionale 34170 Gorizia – Via Cadorna 36 Tel. +39/0481597411 – Fax +39/0481537204

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