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TINI/CORBA ORB Checkpoint Presentation Walter Leung Michael Wortley.

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Presentation on theme: "TINI/CORBA ORB Checkpoint Presentation Walter Leung Michael Wortley."— Presentation transcript:

1 TINI/CORBA ORB Checkpoint Presentation Walter Leung Michael Wortley

2 The TINI Board

3 “The Plan” in February 1.Build JacORB by March 2 2.Determine Necessary Components by March 5 3.Run through TINIConverter starting March 13 4.Move Converted classes to TINI 5.Voila!

4 Current Plan By April 16 –Get JCounter Client & Server programs running locally with JacORB –Use verbose JVM output to trim unnecessary classes –TINIConvertor

5 What is JCounter? JacORB Testing Program JacORB Performance Evaluator Client requests increment method Server exports increment method –Method increments variable sum –Returns sum to client

6 More about the Plan By April 24 –JacORB ported TINI By April 30 –Run JCount server on TINI, client on WinNT client on TINI, server on WinNT Compare performances Document Results –Deliver TINI to Polaris Team for test

7 Work to Date Embedded Systems background research CORBA background research Becoming Familiar with the TINI Development Environment –Installing and configuring proprietary TINIConvertor –Test Program Simple “Hello World” java program Compiled with TINI API TINIConvertor Run on TINI

8 Work to Date Working with JacORB –JacORB core built Approximately 1,000 Java source files Use Jakarta Ant to execute XML build file –Running HelloWorld Distributed CORBA Test Program Client program requests HelloWorld method from Server Server exports HelloWorld method –String HelloWorld()

9 Obstacles Encountered JacORB Compilation –Requires external programs: Jakarta Ant Sun Java XML parser JacORB Core Test –Requires understanding of CORBA –Demo programs time consuming

10 Obstacles Encountered Determining necessary JacORB classes –Reduces disk space requirement –Solution Ideas Use JavaFilter (from Sun embedded Java) –Problem: unable to obtain free version Ken’s idea –Problem: very time consuming Run and log JVM with verbose output –Most viable idea

11 Expected Deliverable JacORB successfully ported to TINI –Only necessary classes ported –Performance Program Serves as JacORB test program Evaluates the Performance of JacORB on an embedded system vs. non-embedded system –Deliver TINI Java ORB to Polaris team –STILL ON TARGET

12 What’s Changed Polaris Collaboration –Testing window time will be reduced for the Polaris Team. JacORB will probably be ready for testing at the end of the month. Should not be too much of an issue –Polaris will use Visibroker (another Java CORBA ORB) to develop with. –Since CORBA IDL is standard, porting to JacORB should not raise issues.

13 What’s Changed Jcounter demo added –Why? Useful for determining necessary classes Allows method of measuring performance –Better grasp of limits of the TINI board

14 Bottom Line Despite: – a few encountered obstacles –an extra performance program We’re on track and JacORB should be tested and ported to the TINI Board.

15 THANK YOU! Live Long and Prosper.

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