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They Called Her Molly Pitcher. A. well-known; famous B. run away; back away C. follows a set tradition; proper D. poured out quickly and forcefully.

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Presentation on theme: "They Called Her Molly Pitcher. A. well-known; famous B. run away; back away C. follows a set tradition; proper D. poured out quickly and forcefully."— Presentation transcript:

1 They Called Her Molly Pitcher

2 A. well-known; famous B. run away; back away C. follows a set tradition; proper D. poured out quickly and forcefully

3 A. well-known; famous B. run away; back away C. follows a set tradition; proper D. poured out quickly and forcefully

4 A. dove in suddenly; dunked B. shining; sparkling C. enemies D. plan to reach a goal

5 A. shining; reflecting light B. sudden change C. set tradition; proper D. dove in suddenly; dunked

6 A. well-known; famous B. poured out quickly C. enemies D. wonderful; impressive

7 A. shining; reflecting light B. sudden change C. set tradition; proper D. dove in suddenly; dunked

8 A. poured out quickly and forcefully B. run away; back away C. enemies D. wonderful; impressive

9 A. shining; reflecting light B. sudden change C. set tradition; proper D. dove in suddenly; dunked

10 A. well-known; famous B. poured out quickly C. wonderful; beautiful; impressive D. enemies

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