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Food crisis in Mozambique Food prices are rising relatively faster than general prices 2007 A sudden rise in prices occurred (September) Begin of food.

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2 Food crisis in Mozambique Food prices are rising relatively faster than general prices 2007 A sudden rise in prices occurred (September) Begin of food crisis

3 Government response 2007 – Aprouval of the Green Revolution strategy 2008 - Aprouval of the “2008- 2011 Action Plan for Food Production”

4 Government response AIM – Sustainable increase of agricultural production at national level – Food auto-suficiency Through an intervention in all the segments of the value chain

5 Government response Objective of the Action Plan – To eliminate the deficit of the main food products in 3 eyars – To decrease the dependency on imports

6 The Green Revolution Strategy Identified the 43 districts with higher agricultural potential Identified the main food and cash crops in Mozambique

7 The Green Revolution Strategy Aproache based on – the potencial of the different agroecological zones identified – crosscutting issues more relevant for an increase of production and productivity


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