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Wicked The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West By. Katie Spradlin.

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1 Wicked The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West By. Katie Spradlin


3 Background Gregory Maguire creates a fantasy world so rich and vivid that we will never look at Oz the same way again. Wicked is about a land where animals talk and strive to be treated like first-class citizens, Munchkinlanders seek the comfort of middle-class stability, and the Tin Man becomes a victim of domestic violence. And then there is the little green-skinned girl named Elphaba, who will grow up to become the infamous Wicked Witch of the West, a smart, prickly, and misunderstood creature who challenges all our preconceived notions about the nature of good and evil.

4 Background The story starts with the beginning of Elphaba's life. We learn where she comes from, her family, her lifestyle, her struggles, and where she got that hideous green skin. We follow her story to the college days where she is forced to live with the high class, over the top, obsessed with popularity, girl named Galinda, later known as Glinda (The Good Witch). Glinda is always looking to impress. She flaunts her beauty and popularity, and is always a constant gossip. She picks on Elphaba and treats her as nothing. Elphaba is quiet, she hardly associates with people. She's extremely smart, and is always trying to help. She's selfless at heart, but because of her skin she has to hide who she is.

5 Background In the Emerald City, the Wizard rules. One of his major plans is to rid the city of all the Animals, those that can talk and have human characteristics. Glinda and Elphaba's biology teacher happens to be a Goat. Elphaba studies under him to try to stop the Wizard. When he is murdered, Elphaba and Glinda are asked to be a part of the Wizard's plans and become witches. Elphaba disagrees with the Wizard and runs away. She becomes a part of the secret force to stop the tyrant Wizard. She is proclaimed Wicked, because she does not want to conform with the Wizard. Elphaba believes in equal rights for all, and will stop at nothing until the Wizard is stopped.

6 About the Author Gregory Maguire received a Ph.D. In English and American Literature from Tufts University He is a founder and codirector of Children's Literature New England, Incorporated, a non-profit educational charity established in 1987

7 Appeal What is the difference between good and evil? Logos: This challenges the audience to think about the reasoning behind determining the difference between good and evil and what defines it. Pathos: This image makes the audience question their own actions. It may provoke a terrified feeling when they rethink some actions and realize they may have been worse than they thought.

8 audience The audience is anyone interested in reading the book. Some may have seen the play or heard the music and is interested in the whole story. People who loved the Wizard of Oz could also want to read this book to learn more about the story.

9 Focus Lips: The lips are red, which contrasts with the green skin and makes them stand out more. Why do you think the lips red? Eye: The good witch's eye is green, which contrasts with her pale skin. It's the most detailed. It makes you wonder what all she has seen and what she could be thinking. Green symbolizes envy, which suggests that she may be jealous of Elphaba

10 Technique Study the picture again. What colors are used? What stands out the most? “That's why I call myself a witch now: the Wicked Witch of the West, if you want the full glory of it. As long as people are going to call you a lunatic anyway, why not get the benefit of it? It liberates you from convention.”

11 Composition Color: There are three main colors used in the image black, green, and white. Why do you think these are the main colors used? Black: symbolizes power, mystery, fear, evil, unhappiness, and sadness Green: envy, misfortune, and generosity White: simplicity, peace, good, and humility Red: energy, passion, love, desire, and aggression Balance: The wicked witch takes up more space, showing that she is dominate. The good witch takes less space, showing that she has less of an impact.

12 Detail Omission: The wicked witch's eyes are covered by her hat. Since we can not see her eyes, you do not get a glimpse into what she could be thinking or her character. Maybe she is hiding from something. The good witch's mouth is omitted. It looks as if the witch is telling a secret or maybe gossip. It makes you wonder what she is saying and how important it is.

13 Font The font is written in green, which contrasts with the black and white background. This allows you to focus on the font and see it more clearly. The I is dotted with a symbol of a witch, which allows you to know that the witch is being called “Wicked”. The title is the largest, which makes it more emphasized and important.

14 Juxtaposition The good and bad witch are juxtaposed. By putting them side by side you see how different they are and what they represent. The story sets a twist, where the good and wicked witch have their roles almost reversed. Elphaba wants to help, but her actions in trying to save cause her to be “Wicked”. Glinda never uses her popularity for good, only for selfish reasons. In today's society, we would want to claim Elphaba as being good, and Glinda as bad. But because Elphaba is so different, we choose Glinda because she fits better. Putting them next to each other emphasizes the twist.

15 Bibliography Copyright 1995 by Gergory Maguire Cover designed by Joel Avirom and Jason Snyder Picture : witch-of-the-west.html witch-of-the-west.html Other resources: Color Symbolism: Official Wicked Website: About the Author:

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