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Vocabulary Lesson 16 by Shawn Khodadad. Pique (pek) v. To cause resentment; to provoke Syn: Irritate Ant: Assuage.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Lesson 16 by Shawn Khodadad. Pique (pek) v. To cause resentment; to provoke Syn: Irritate Ant: Assuage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Lesson 16 by Shawn Khodadad

2 Pique (pek) v. To cause resentment; to provoke Syn: Irritate Ant: Assuage

3 Pique (pek) v. To cause resentment; to provoke Syn: Irritate Ant: Assuage Uncle Billy piqued at the man he just fired by giving him a face.

4 Linguistics (ling gwis’ tiks) n. The Scientific study of the structure, sounds, and meaning of language.

5 Linguistics (ling gwis’ tiks) n. The Scientific study of the structure, sounds, and meaning of language. The students sat down quietly as they began their lesson on linguistics.

6 Plebeian (pli be en) N.- A commonor; one from a lower class Adj.- common or vulgar N.- Syn: peon, peasant Ant: liege Adj.- Syn: base;lowly Ant: refined;

7 Plebeian N.- A commonor; one from a lower class Nobles and officials treated the plebeians like their nobody.

8 Adj.- common or vulgar That sign is very plebeian to be seen in America.

9 Precocious (pri ko shes) adj. Showing early development, especially mental. Syn: Advanced

10 Precocious (pri ko shes) adj. Showing early development, especially mental. Syn: Advanced Julian is already showing precocious improvements in the brain.

11 Predatory (pred e tor e) adj. Inclinded to prey on others Syn: pillaging; despoiling Ant: nurturing

12 Predatory (pred e tor e) adj. Inclinded to prey on others The white tiger is one of the most predatory animals in the jungle.

13 Prowess (prow is) n. Superior skill or ablity. Syn: strenght; dominance; power Ant: weakness

14 Prowess (prow is) n. Superior skill or ablity. Syn: strenght; dominance; power Ant: weakness Superman is known for his prowess's.

15 Pugnacious (pug na shes) adj. Eager and ready to fight; quarrelsome. Syn: Combative; Belligerent Ant: placid; pacific

16 Pugnacious (pug na shes) adj. Eager and ready to fight; quarrelsome. Mohamed Ali is known for his pugnacious attitude towards any rivals.

17 Purloin (per loin) v. To steal Syn: burglarize Last night, the two men in masks purloined the shop on 21 st and Lewis St.

18 Pusillanimous (pyoo se lan e mes) adj. Cowardly, Fearful Syn: Fainthearted; timid Ant : Brave, bold

19 Pusillanimous Cowardly, Fearful Syn: Fainthearted; timid Ant : Brave, bold When it comes to war, many pusillanimous countries rather not get involved ever since the creation of nukes.

20 Quell (kwell) v. To put an end to; to allay or quiet Syn : Calm Ant : foment; incite The police finally decided to quell the Mexico City gangs.

21 Quixotic (kwik sot ik) adj. Very idealistic; impractical; caught up in romantic notions. Ant: Realistic; practical As the former president of the United States, George Bush had a quixotic notion that he could finish where his father left off in Iraq.

22 Rabble (rab el) adj. A disorderly crowd, a mob Syn: riffraff There was over 200,000 people in a rabble at Coachella 2009.

23 Rabid (rab id) adj. Raging, fanatical Syn: uncontrollable ; fervid Ant: placid After seeing that burger from Carl’s Jr. on TV, Chris was rabid for one.

24 Raconteur (rak on tyur) n. a person skilled at telling stories. I think my grandma is a great raconteur, since she’s been through a lot in the past.

25 Vindictive (vin dik tiv) adj. Seeking revenge: bearing a grudge Syn: vengeful Ant: forgiving America has a vindictive urge to get back at the terrorists responsible for 9/11


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