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Hello students of Blacklick Valley! Thank you for looking at my page over all of my friends’ pages! (Or maybe this computer just sent you to my page instead.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello students of Blacklick Valley! Thank you for looking at my page over all of my friends’ pages! (Or maybe this computer just sent you to my page instead."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello students of Blacklick Valley! Thank you for looking at my page over all of my friends’ pages! (Or maybe this computer just sent you to my page instead of where you really wanted to go!) P.S. Never look at Brandon Garver’s page! Just kidding! Danielle Lesso

2 My Best Friends My friend’s nameWhy I like them Meggy Sue ThomasShe puts up with me! Brandon GarverHe’s entertaining! Vikki-Vik DunchuckShe accepts my craziness! Audrey MottinShe’s daring! (see AUDREY ) Jami KishShe’s super awesome! Carley SmithShe’s energetic and fun! Kasey HornShe is funny and nice! Olivia McClainShe eats like a mouse! Victor MandaHe’s mean but funny! Joe GongloffHe’s a funny show off!

3 Keyboarding Here’s a picture that I made of my friend Brandon! Do you like it? I think it looks just like him! Except I couldn’t get the right amount of hair! I started calling Meggy Sue “Meggy Sue” when we were in softball together. Now, everyone does, too. Couldn’t they find they’re own thing to call her!?!?! Just kidding! Check out Megan’s power point! Oh, and don’t mind what I said on the first page. Look at Brandon’s too. It’s pretty cool!

4 On Thursday, October 5 th, the junior high girls’ basketball team won against Portage. We decided to have a fuzzy scarf day. In keyboarding on Friday, Brandon stole my scarf and tied Meggy Sue to a chair. We were done typing in class for the day, so we just let her there for a little while. Pretty soon, though, she tried to escape the scarf. Of course, we didn’t let her! I started pulling it tighter—too tight—and it took a while to untie the knot, finally freeing Meggy Sue. Once again, I was bored, so I tied Brandon to his chair. He, unlike Megan, still wanted to work on his Power Point for this class. But, I turned his monitor off, making him sit in his chair with his arms and back tied to the computer chair. Pretty soon, he tried to turn his monitor back on, a task he found very difficult, because his arms could only reach about ten inches in front of him. So, the GENIUS that he is figures out a solution: Steal Meggy Sue’s paper and fold it up so it won’t crumple. Then, he picked it up and pushed the monitor power button. Way to ruin our fun, Brandon!

5 My Favorite… SPORTBasketball SCHOOL SUBJECTMath TEACHERMr. Cook FOODSomething sweet WAY TO SPEND TIME Street ball! BOOKWind in the Door TV SHOWIron Chef America That show is AWESOME! They make ice cream out of EVERYTHING on that show!

6 Street Ball Team Home Skillet Biscuits Our street ball team started out when I went down to the 5 th grade girls’ basketball practice. While we were there, Jami, Liv, Carley, Joe, Jami’s mom, and I decided to have some fun... PLAYING STREET BALL :THE HOME SKILLET BISCUITS: Joe Nazarak * Joe Gongloff Carley Smith * Nate Smith And… ME OF COURSE!

7 I hope you enjoyed viewing my Power Point Project! Also check out Brandon Garver’s (you’ll use up almost ½ of your life, but it’ll be worth it!) and Meggy Sue Thomas’s! And when you make one of these, remember this: Don’t make it too long! *Cough* Brandon Garver *Cough * Cough*

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